Pineapple King
I'm sure he is. It was just meant as a joke to a retired manager.He sounds like a man who cares about his children. If more kids followed UPS safe driving methods, less kids would die in car accidents.
I'm sure he is. It was just meant as a joke to a retired manager.He sounds like a man who cares about his children. If more kids followed UPS safe driving methods, less kids would die in car accidents.
Wanna bet?No one under 25 has changed a cd in a car for the last 5 years.
Not in 407, not negative towards the LouKy members and I have what they call a smartphone. You can go on the internet with them. You wouldn't be a good investigator you missed on all 3 points.So stonefish, all your red X's tells me you're in 407.
Looking at the times you post, I'm guessing you wear a tie on one side of the fence or other bcuz no pkg car or feeder driver could post like that.
Plus your allegiance to Hoffa and dislike of Fred narrows it down some.
What's in all this for you? Just curious?
It's obvious that you say you support LouKy but your past posting is totally negative toward them. Wanna fess up?
In big boys time out?Something's going on with stonefish. I can see that he's posting, but I can't see his post.
And for some unknown reason, he's putting X's on every post I make in" union issues".
There's something fishy about him.
Actually UPS is enhancing our buses somewhat. Currently most of the shuttles that run have no air or heat. When a shuttle comes, they are usually 3 buses that are hooked together. There are so many people at Worldport that this is necessary to get the most amount of people to their work area in a "timely" manner, but even so they fill up to the brim(people have to stand as well) fast and you'll find yourself waiting awhile for the next bus, whenever it decides to get there.
What UPS is planning on doing is getting rid of the old shuttles and running 9 new single buses(without two more attached) that have heat and air. They plan to do this in stages so I think all 9 are supposed to be on property by July of this year(Some are already being run). This is good and bad. Good that the buses are better quality, but bad because now you can fit less people on the bus. UPS does NOT run these back to back( ie, bringing two at a time)like they should be doing if they go through with ditching the 3 in one shuttle bus. Less people you can fit on just one bus equals more waiting time, only exacerbating the wasted unpaid time you go through to get to work. Combine this with a parking lot move, the potential for problems is high.
Does all the management ride the sardine can express too or just the galley slaves?If you read what was put out, the plan is to run more total units than what is currently being run to compensate for the difference between the single piece and multi piece units. Two of the new units equal a three piece unit. When all is said an done the amount of shuttles being run will be increased significantly. The new units just began arriving this week.
I haven't spent a lot of time on the this site lately, because my "other" job's computer doesn't handle the new format well, but I had to reply to this. I disagree with 9 out of 10 things that Upstate says, but he is 100% correct on this. A lot of people that are not in unions and do not have a family history of unions only see how they are portrayed in public by media, politicians, and groups like Alec. Stereotypes (however true or untrue) run the world today, and ours is not good. The stereotype is Union leaders are crooked, Union workers are lazy, Unions drive companies out of business with their unreasonable demands, it doesn't matter how hard someone works because the person that has been there 20 years and doesn't do anything all day long because he cannot be fired due to the Union will get the "promotion", etc. I have had other carrier's drivers ask me why UPS pcd's work so hard when the UPS Freight drivers are all lazy and don't do anything. I have been told that Unions ruin good companys and force them out of business with their greediness (like Hostess). These people don't pay as much attention to how the decisions by management affect those same companies (like Hostess). And my personal favorite, "if I can't have it, why should you get it". You know, if Occupy Wallstreet or whatever it was called was smart, the leaders could have used the unionized companies that exist today as an example of what is possible, and maybe the publics perception would be different. eg "UPS Parcel employess make the highest wages and have the best benefits in their sector, while UPS Parcel is the most profitable company in their sector. It is possible to actually pay your employees more than minimum wage." meh, US blue colored workers are screwed in the current political/corporate enviroment, and the public doesn't see what unionizing could potentially do for them. Most of the public my age and under don't know any better as the war against unions has been going for a long time at this point, and they can't be bothered to do actual research other than watching television. Their all mindless sheep, I tell you!!! I don't see public perception changing anytime soon, either.People are hesitant to join unions due to their reputation, deserved or not.
Not biting on smoke. Getting two different stories from past posts.Not in 407, not negative towards the LouKy members and I have what they call a smartphone. You can go on the internet with them. You wouldn't be a good investigator you missed on all 3 points.
Not biting on smoke. Getting two different stories from past posts.
Evidence isn't lacking but it doesn't change my life either way. Nice bluff.
It's only been about twenty years of the shuttle shuffle. And they're just now delivering a solution. Not before the first vote mind you.So L89 is getting heated/cooled shuttles, more shuttles, and as long as they arrive 20 minutes prior to start they get paid from start, regardless of when a shuttle arrives or not.
I don't see the issue.
Stonefish, you are wrong when you post any pro I.B.T. propaganda. : )
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I would love to get paid for riding around in a shuttle. Hell I'd show up 20 minutes early every day just for that.So L89 is getting heated/cooled shuttles, more shuttles, and as long as they arrive 20 minutes prior to start they get paid from start, regardless of when a shuttle arrives or not.
I don't see the issue.
Especially an Amish shuttle.I would love to get paid for riding around in a shuttle. Hell I'd show up 20 minutes early every day just for that.
Might as well be. Back stabbing @$$%#&&Fred Z is not TDU. Let's get that straight right now.