Can UPS fire you for a Confederate flag?


Resident Suit
Suppose another hourly came to you with issues concerning the flag. Let's say you blew him/her off. Suppose that the same hourly came back to you with a petition signed by other hourlies asking that the flag be removed from the parking lot. What would you do?
The union can't even get people to vote on contracts, but people are going to sign a petition?


Well-Known Member
Rainbows offend you? Feeling a little insecure?
Your now taking the whole situation out of perspective. I never said rainbows offend me. I said rainbow flags offend me, not because their rainbow colored, but because they stand for something in which I don't believe. No I am not feeling insecure. Run on with yourself.


Well-Known Member
This is the stupidest thread I've read yet. I've had mine on my vehicle and nobody has said a word, if the queers can fly their flag I have a right to fly the flag I want. This Is America. You can fly your rainbow flag but please STFU if I raise the flag I want.


deep down inside I really do not care
I'm sure they don't. But there are other workers in the parking lot. One might feel "offended" and report it. Then they will go in the parking lot.

I am not driving the General Lee.
Why not? If I had the General Lee,I'd drive it. Imagine jumping over stuff,climb out the window,drop their package,climb back in the car and jump their minivan on the way out!

And don't forget Daisy Duke!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why not? If I had the General Lee,I'd drive it. Imagine jumping over stuff,climb out the window,drop their package,climb back in the car and jump their minivan on the way out!

And don't forget Daisy Duke!!!!!!
This got me thinking. Back in the summer Bubba Watson promised to paint over that rebel flag on his General Lee. Havent heard a peep about it since....


Staff member
They can either tell you to take it off or don't bring that car on to their lot. Seen it happen with both bumper stickers and also with a confederate flag sticker on a lunch box. You'll get away with it as long as no one complains, but if someone goes to HR about it you'll get told.