Can you actually be forced to wear a mask in the building indefinitely?


Well-Known Member
The Korean KF-AD mask sounds like the best product on the market. It's designed to prevent droplet spread, light weight and breathable.

So was my building manager blowing smoke or could I actually be terminated on the spot for not wearing a mask which is dangerous doing physical manual labor no doubt about it


Well-Known Member
Fauci has gone on record in support of cloth face mask's. He admitted to not suggesting their use due to wide spread shortages earlier. Anyway America is probably not the best place to get best practices. Korea and Germany both have done a great job with robust testing, contact tracing and face coverings.

We need to teach people how to look at studies critically. This study has alot of problems. It just looks at raw data for after face mask wearing became mandatory in ONE city (Jena) and then the subsequent drop in new infections there, compared to all other cities. The only controls were looking at other cities that hadn't implemented face masks yet. No data on where those cities were in their peak, and they ignored the biggest cities; Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, and Heinsberg. So we don't know how much of the drop came from face masks or from more frequent hand washing, social distancing, sunlight having an effect on transmission rates, where those cities were in the timeline of the spread, if there were other cities that had introduced masks that also had a similar drop, or any other of the many variables.

Politicians are changing their positions due to political pressure. Its an election year. Look at doctors who aren't politicians, they are maintaining that the masks aren't helpful. Michael Osterholm literally wrote the book on respiratory virus pandemic policy. He said it then and hes saying it now, cloth masks just aren't helpful. There is a reason n95 masks are a thing.

Would you walk into a covid ward if every patient there had their t-shirt over their face? Its painfully obvious that its not effective. Although I probably would walk into there just to get it over with and get antibodies since Im in the very low risk category.


Well-Known Member
We need to teach people how to look at studies critically. This study has alot of problems. It just looks at raw data for after face mask wearing became mandatory in ONE city (Jena) and then the subsequent drop in new infections there, compared to all other cities. The only controls were looking at other cities that hadn't implemented face masks yet. No data on where those cities were in their peak, and they ignored the biggest cities; Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, and Heinsberg. So we don't know how much of the drop came from face masks or from more frequent hand washing, social distancing, sunlight having an effect on transmission rates, where those cities were in the timeline of the spread, if there were other cities that had introduced masks that also had a similar drop, or any other of the many variables.

Politicians are changing their positions due to political pressure. Its an election year. Look at doctors who aren't politicians, they are maintaining that the masks aren't helpful. Michael Osterholm literally wrote the book on respiratory virus pandemic policy. He said it then and hes saying it now, cloth masks just aren't helpful. There is a reason n95 masks are a thing.

Would you walk into a covid ward if every patient there had their t-shirt over their face? Its painfully obvious that its not effective. Although I probably would walk into there just to get it over with and get antibodies since Im in the very low risk category.


Well-Known Member

“Never before in my 45-year career have I seen such a far-reaching public recommendation issued by any governmental agency without a single source of data or information to support it,” Osterholm said in response to the CDC’s lack of evidence on the effectiveness of cloth masks. “This is an extremely worrisome precedent of implementing policies not based on science-based data or why they were issued without such data.”

Osterholm criticized the “increasing number of poorly conducted and inadequately reviewed studies getting published in rapid succession.” Remarking on the evidence that we do have regarding cloth masks, Osterholm found it to be “limited and indirect.”


Well-Known Member
"The challenges has been is this idea that surfaces play a major role in transmission, you know, we've looked very carefully at the data dating back for decades and research about these kinds of respiratory transmitted infections and clearly the surface is playing a very very little role in all in transmission of those and so I think we've gone way overboard relative to the disinfection and so forth and we've made people feel very nervous about But just you know opening a package that type of thing and I think that's been unfortunate. I mean, this is really all about are breathing. Someone else's are where the virus is present is much much much less about environmental contamination. So, you know, I would not tell people not to wash your hands but I do know a lot of the diseases were hand washing is very very important, but I would also say no one needs to be frightened of their physical environment with this virus is the air they're breathing."

Michael Osterholm


Well-Known Member
"I don't go out much. When I do go out I wear my mask, I limit my time in the public setting, it's a hard thing, you know,"

Michael Osterholm


Well-Known Member
i wear a mask all day. when I step out the package car, it goes over my nose. it goes under my nose/mouth while driving or walking away from the delivery. not so hard. slow down if you can't breath.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Don't care about non-white countries


Well-Known Member
I'm wearing my n95 still. It's hot and difficult to breath. Don't necessarily think it will prevent the virus which I also think is more garbage by the day due to the okaying of protest but figure I've inhaled enough dirt and other mess in that building over years. No one else in the building is wearing one consistently.


Well-Known Member
We dont have accurate death counts here in the US. We overcount like crazy. In WA they had 5 gunshot victims on the death count. If something as hilariously obvious as a gunshot victim (let alone 5) can get on the death count, its safe to say that alot of less obvious non covid deaths ended up there as well.

We also put infected patients into nursing homes, the highest risk category population. Also the large amount of unnecessary venting killed alot of people who likely would have lived. Much of our "real" death count are negligent homicides and medical malpractice deaths.

There is a reason no one is arguing about hand washing, its because there is a large body of data, GOOD data, showing increased hand washing lowers infection rates by over 70%.


Well-Known Member
We dont have accurate death counts here in the US. We overcount like crazy. In WA they had 5 gunshot victims on the death count. If something as hilariously obvious as a gunshot victim (let alone 5) can get on the death count, its safe to say that alot of less obvious non covid deaths ended up there as well.

We also put infected patients into nursing homes, the highest risk category population. Also the large amount of unnecessary venting killed alot of people who likely would have lived. Much of our "real" death count are negligent homicides and medical malpractice deaths.

There is a reason no one is arguing about hand washing, its because there is a large body of data, GOOD data, showing increased hand washing lowers infection rates by over 70%.
Handwashing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16%... CDC


Well-Known Member

"There is no doubt that even as states open up, the United States is still grappling with a large epidemic on a course to increase beginning in late August and intensifying in September,” said IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray. “People need to know that wearing masks can reduce transmission of the virus by as much as 50 percent, and those who refuse are putting their lives, their families, their friends, and their communities at risk.”


Inordinately Right

IHME Covid-19 model shouldn't guide U.S. policies, critics say - STATNEWS

“That the IHME model keeps changing is evidence of its lack of reliability as a predictive tool,” said epidemiologist Ruth Etzioni of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, who has served on a search committee for IHME. “That it is being used for policy decisions and its results interpreted wrongly is a travesty unfolding before our eyes.”
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