Can you actually be forced to wear a mask in the building indefinitely?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Handwashing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16%... CDC
You have to stop taking quotes from politicians like they are gospel. Also scientists, they are borderline retarded 90% of the time. Scientists doing bogus studies with poor/no controls and useless methods is causing the "replication crisis".

Basically 90%~ of all scientific studies/experiments can't be reproduced. And if you read how these studies are done it doesn't take a college degree to see why. Obvious outside factors are never controlled or accounted for. That's why you always see news articles about how "X may increase your risk of cancer according to new study" or "Is X causing Y? A new study from insertuselesscollege suggests it might".

If you hear something on facebook, and they use any statistic, check pubmed. Find the study they quoted, and read the details. Some of it will be hard for a layperson to understand but its not hard for anyone to poke holes in 90% of them. Thats why I only post studies that I've personally read and can't find anything wrong with.


I'm a star
You have to stop taking quotes from politicians like they are gospel. Also scientists, they are borderline retarded 90% of the time. Scientists doing bogus studies with poor/no controls and useless methods is causing the "replication crisis".

Basically 90%~ of all scientific studies/experiments can't be reproduced. And if you read how these studies are done it doesn't take a college degree to see why. Obvious outside factors are never controlled or accounted for. That's why you always see news articles about how "X may increase your risk of cancer according to new study" or "Is X causing Y? A new study from insertuselesscollege suggests it might".

If you hear something on facebook, and they use any statistic, check pubmed. Find the study they quoted, and read the details. Some of it will be hard for a layperson to understand but its not hard for anyone to poke holes in 90% of them. Thats why I only post studies that I've personally read and can't find anything wrong with.

I've been getting a lot of info from NIH, but they have a lot of garbage on there too. The problem is the average person isn't going to put in the effort, or have the ability or time, to read or understand technical reports. So they go along with the crowd. The "experts" are either afraid of the crowd and giving them what they want so as not to be cancelled, purposefully misleading them, or some combination of the two.

My advice on facemask wear is, if being forced to wear one, make them provide it, and demand to see the literature on their proper use.


Well-Known Member
The answer is simple: Yes. It's their building, you are their employee, and you must abide by their policies. You don't get to tell UPS how to operate.


Inordinately Right
it's in the air.
No it's not.
Take a deep breath.


I'm a star

"There is no doubt that even as states open up, the United States is still grappling with a large epidemic on a course to increase beginning in late August and intensifying in September,” said IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray. “People need to know that wearing masks can reduce transmission of the virus by as much as 50 percent, and those who refuse are putting their lives, their families, their friends, and their communities at risk.”

These mask stats are all made up. I just saw a graphic that said that the chance of spreading covid between two masked people is 1.5%. But, the same graphic shows that the chance of spreading it between two unmasked people is 70%. And between a masked sick person and an unmasked healthy person is 5%. According to that, the greatest return on investment is only sick people wearing masks. Healthy people increasing their risk by 3.5% by not wearing a mask doesn't exactly justify everybody wearing one. The graphic also did not stipulate an amount of contact between two people. Since contact tracing has shown that it doesn't pass through casual contact, and very rarely do asymptomatic people pass it, requiring anyone who isn't showing symptoms to wear a mask is completely unsupported by the evidence.


Well-Known Member
The answer is simple: Yes. It's their building, you are their employee, and you must abide by their policies. You don't get to tell UPS how to operate.
There have been several articles of people passing out while driving because they were wearing a mask. If wearing a mask makes you lightheaded, tell your supervisor.

They really wont want to risk a possible expensive injury claim/accident vs a completely unenforceable mandate based on politics and/or superstition

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
sure, wearing masks for covid is serious but ya'll still laughing when people complain about welding in the building with workers nearby to breath in the fumes.
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I'm a star
Remember in the beginning they said masks don't work then they said they do....

It wasn't just the beginning. The recommendation for mask wear has always been just for the sick, and that was never enforced in the US. We know to cover our coughs and sneezes. Last year people would have looked at you funny for wearing a mask.

The change in recommendation came first, then it was followed by a bunch of hastily thrown together, poorly conducted studies aimed specifically at supporting the new recommendations. That's not how science works.


Well-Known Member
Remember in the beginning they said masks don't work then they said they do....
Thats because they put out a stream of garbage studies because trump refuses to wear a mask. And they want to beat him/his supporters over the head with it. The rest of us are collateral damage, which they justify because trump is "literally hitler".


Retired 23 years
Thats because they put out a stream of garbage studies because trump refuses to wear a mask. And they want to beat him/his supporters over the head with it. The rest of us are collateral damage, which they justify because trump is "literally hitler".

If that were true about 6 million of you would have been sent to the showers------for a starter. Saying he is "literally hitler" is kind of streaching it a tad.


I'm a star
If that were true about 6 million of you would have been sent to the showers------for a starter. Saying he is "literally hitler" is kind of streaching it a tad.

The quotes around literally hitler indicate that those aren't his words. He is saying that is what the left says to justify its actions.


The Scapegoat With Attitude
....late as hell. Where is it stated that we are required to wear a mask while working inside? Yo get ya shop steward and come at them. They tried that crap with me and I have asthma. I just stared them down and they left me alone. I don't put up with harrassment man


Well-Known Member
Today they brought the hammer down and said you either have to wear a mask or sign a waiver stating that you voluntarily are choosing not to wear one for medical reasons.


The Scapegoat With Attitude
Its funny to hear the excuses of not wearing a mask. If you can whine and complain, you’ve got enough breath to wear a mask.
Most my supervisors don't even wear one. I throw it on if I'm around others but where I am I have more than 6 ft before I'm near another worker.
They just now started providing masks. My cloth one fell n got the ground and I was like NOPE, gimmie a medical one but they couldnt find them?