I'm a star
Study from less than a month ago, not peer reviewed, based off incomplete/inaccurate data (no antibody testing done to see “real” infection rate, US has done much more tests and is more “liberal” in counting a death as a covid death)
No controls (no country has done widespread testing with absolutely no measures to slow spread) and the data they use for germany ignores 5 of their biggest cities.
That is how the anti vaccine crowd got started. One useless study suggesting a link between vaccines and autism.
Try to poke a hole in every study you read. Even if you agree with it. Most of them have glaring problems but occasionally you find one with only minor issues/uncontrolled variables, then other studies come out to see how impactful those variables were.
This wan't a study. They throw that term around pretty loosely. It's a statistical analysis with a made up control group and no accounting for any confounding variables not associated with positive response to wearing masks. The question they set out to answer wasn't "what is the effect of masking on the spread of Covid?" It was "does masking help slow the spread of covid?" Started out with an obvious bias. Regardless, they were very certain of their hypothetical conclusion.