Can you actually be forced to wear a mask in the building indefinitely?


I'm a star
Study from less than a month ago, not peer reviewed, based off incomplete/inaccurate data (no antibody testing done to see “real” infection rate, US has done much more tests and is more “liberal” in counting a death as a covid death)
No controls (no country has done widespread testing with absolutely no measures to slow spread) and the data they use for germany ignores 5 of their biggest cities.

That is how the anti vaccine crowd got started. One useless study suggesting a link between vaccines and autism.

Try to poke a hole in every study you read. Even if you agree with it. Most of them have glaring problems but occasionally you find one with only minor issues/uncontrolled variables, then other studies come out to see how impactful those variables were.

This wan't a study. They throw that term around pretty loosely. It's a statistical analysis with a made up control group and no accounting for any confounding variables not associated with positive response to wearing masks. The question they set out to answer wasn't "what is the effect of masking on the spread of Covid?" It was "does masking help slow the spread of covid?" Started out with an obvious bias. Regardless, they were very certain of their hypothetical conclusion.


Well-Known Member
They said at pcm monday making it mandatory. Last night at the start of the sort 75% had mask on but by the end only 10% i would say. Management hardly anyone of them had mask on so looks like theyre not going to do this enforcement even though the company is saying we need to do it.


Well-Known Member

"Stay focused on coronavirus safety practices; masks now required for U.S. operations
For the safety of UPSers, their friends, family and customers – face coverings are now required in all U.S. -based facilities. And, of course, strongly encouraged everywhere."


  • PCM.pdf
    45.6 KB · Views: 177

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat

"Stay focused on coronavirus safety practices; masks now required for U.S. operations
For the safety of UPSers, their friends, family and customers – face coverings are now required in all U.S. -based facilities. And, of course, strongly encouraged everywhere."
What's the most gangsta bandana?

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Actually I found something @sailfish and I can use with pride

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
U mad? 1444760127024.gif


Well-Known Member
If you think the entire world agrees with you, why does the government have to threaten huge fines and potentially taking business licenses away to get compliance?

The only places that would actually enforce this without a government mandate was costco, and I think whole foods. Maybe trader joes or some other hippie/vegan place.

Best way to see which side is right, is take away the mandate. We would see from mask count who really thinks its serious.

And you know less than 10% of people would wear masks without the threat of job loss/fines. You know no one cares.


Well-Known Member
I'm a sorter in the hub during the day in northern NJ. I find it almost impossible to be doing a physical job sweating etc. wearing a mask especially with hot weather coming. Most of the people I see just wear them around their necks but my 21 Year old sup has a hard on for me and harasses me to put it on every 10 minutes. Today the building manager threatened to fire me if I don't wear it despite the fact it almost none of his supervisors do it. He also says he expects this to be the policy until there's a vaccine for coronavirus which is likely to be never. He also says he expects this to be the policy until there's a vaccine for coronavirus which is likely to be never. Is there anything that I can do or is it really wear a mask or not work


  • OSHA3990 (1).pdf
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Staff member
If you think the entire world agrees with you, why does the government have to threaten huge fines and potentially taking business licenses away to get compliance?

The only places that would actually enforce this without a government mandate was costco, and I think whole foods. Maybe trader joes or some other hippie/vegan place.

Best way to see which side is right, is take away the mandate. We would see from mask count who really thinks its serious.

And you know less than 10% of people would wear masks without the threat of job loss/fines. You know no one cares.
I would point to what the NBA did immediately and every other professional sport thereafter when presented with the reality of a pandemic. I would point to the rapid decision for those who could afford not to go to work or could work from home quickly did so.
So to use your yardstick, the money stays home and those who serve the money swim in a hotbed of virus. And yes. Everybody knows it.


Well-Known Member
I would point to what the NBA did immediately and every other professional sport thereafter when presented with the reality of a pandemic. I would point to the rapid decision for those who could afford not to go to work or could work from home quickly did so.
So to use your yardstick, the money stays home and those who serve the money swim in a hotbed of virus. And yes. Everybody knows it.

At the beginning of the rona hype the NBA shut down after a couple of players tested positive. Back then they thought rona was a deadly virus with no cure in sight. With the info they had at the time I wont hold that against them. But if they did it today that would be pretty stupid.

The other professional sports were deemed nonessential and forced to close.

Are you implying that pro sports would not be going on right now without the government shutdown? Then have the government stop threatening people, they will stay closed all by themselves. Right?


Staff member
At the beginning of the rona hype the NBA shut down after a couple of players tested positive. Back then they thought rona was a deadly virus with no cure in sight. With the info they had at the time I wont hold that against them. But if they did it today that would be pretty stupid.

The other professional sports were deemed nonessential and forced to close.

Are you implying that pro sports would not be going on right now without the government shutdown? Then have the government stop threatening people, they will stay closed all by themselves. Right?
I’m implying let’s see where the NFL goes in the next 3 weeks.


I'm a star
it's disgraceful.2020 the year common sense went out the window

Common sense is now being dictated because the means of communication of culture and values, which used to be organic and shift with what happened naturally, have been hijacked by people with agendas that do not include people having liberty.

This is why there is so much attention on the United States throughout the world. This is why we should have made better choices about which international conflicts we have involved ourselves in, and the means and methods by which we have involved ourselves.

What is unfolding in the US right now is a direct translation of what has been going on in the world. We have cultivated a reputation as being the "police" on the world stage. Clearly this is bound to ruffle feathers. We have made ourselves the biggest target of all the evil, powerful people in the world, and any others who fear us simply for our might.

They aren't powerful enough to face us in an open military conflict, or they are trying to goad us into starting one. In the meantime they are using their resources to make as many people hate the US as possible. They are creating internal turmoil that has us depleting resources to make us more vulnerable. They are, in a sense, trying to defund the "world police".

Our representatives have been too weak, clueless, or corrupt to mount any sort of meaningful defense against these people. Call it crazy conspiracy theory if you want. I don't think it is unreasonable to state for a fact that the US has enemies. I don't think it is unreasonable to state that these enemies want the US destroyed. I don't think it is unreasonable to assume these enemies would use psychological warfare to create division within the United States. Nothing crazy about that.

People don't want to deal with conflict and turmoil. These changes in the US are not organic, they have been orchestrated.

Case in point:



I'm a star
Over 100 degrees in my hub today. Still mask nazis


File a grievance under Article 18 Section 1 of NMA

"Under no circumstances will an employee be required or assigned to engage in any activity involving dangerous conditions of work or danger to a person or property or in violation of a government reg- ulation relating to safety of person or equipment"

The CDC, OSHA and many state agencies acknowledge that certain jobs make wearing masks unfeasible, particularly for heat and strenuous exertions. They allow for having a safety professional determine alternative options to mask wearing.

As always, UPS is doing things for appearances only, in this case with a depraved indifference to the health and safety of their employees. Your local also needs to be grieving the change in work conditions without negotiating, and filing a demand to negotiate.


Well-Known Member
Over 100 degrees in my hub today. Still mask nazis


Well yeah, it's easy for them to get on your case about it when they don't have to do any work.
Just stand around staring at people waiting for someone to take their mask off so they can scream at them.
Really great company, stellar management.


I'm a star
“Socialists must explain to the masses that they have no other road of salvation except the revolutionary overthrow of their government. And that advantage must be taken of these governments’ embarrassments in the present war precisely for this purpose.”

—Vladimir Lenin 1915

They have already revealed their strategies. All you have to do is read.