Can you actually be forced to wear a mask in the building indefinitely?


I'm a star
"Monopolies, oligarchy, the striving for domination and not for freedom, the exploitation of an increasing number of small or weak nations by a handful of the richest or most powerful nations — all these have given birth to those distinctive characteristics of imperialism which compel us to define it as parasitic or decaying capitalism."

Lenin, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1914)


I'm a star
Sorry, I realize I'm getting a bit off topic, the issues are related though. Using the virus as an excuse to force people to do things against their will, even when the real science does not support those things, is an example of the type of behavior you can expect from communist/socialist governments. The quotes from Lenin are to help put the current state of affairs into context.
File a grievance under Article 18 Section 1 of NMA

"Under no circumstances will an employee be required or assigned to engage in any activity involving dangerous conditions of work or danger to a person or property or in violation of a government reg- ulation relating to safety of person or equipment"

The CDC, OSHA and many state agencies acknowledge that certain jobs make wearing masks unfeasible, particularly for heat and strenuous exertions. They allow for having a safety professional determine alternative options to mask wearing.

As always, UPS is doing things for appearances only, in this case with a depraved indifference to the health and safety of their employees. Your local also needs to be grieving the change in work conditions without negotiating, and filing a demand to negotiate.
its all so they can avoid a lawsuit. I'll be calling my local tomorrow no question


Well-Known Member
What is the threshold for deadly?

Diarrhea kills an estimated 2,000 children every day. Its the second leading cause of death for children under the age of 5. If you go outside with the runs, what should the penalty be?

Do you know if you are going to have diarrhea later today? Diarrhea causing rotavirus is contagious before you show symptoms, and for up to 2 weeks after symptoms subside.

Should we have locked down/restricted movement every time diarrhea cases spiked?


Staff member
What is the threshold for deadly?

Diarrhea kills an estimated 2,000 children every day. Its the second leading cause of death for children under the age of 5. If you go outside with the runs, what should the penalty be?

Do you know if you are going to have diarrhea later today? Diarrhea causing rotavirus is contagious before you show symptoms, and for up to 2 weeks after symptoms subside.

Should we have locked down/restricted movement every time diarrhea cases spiked?
Before the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in the United States in 2006, rotavirus was the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis in children <5 years of age in the United States.1–5 Although mortality due to rotavirus was uncommon, with an estimated 20 to 60 deaths annually.
The implementation of routine childhood immunization against rotavirus has rapidly and dramatically reduced the large health burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis in US children.

We're getting off topic here the point isn't whether masks are effective in general it's that we shouldn't be wearing them doing a physical job in 95° heat in a building with no air-conditioning


I'm a star
I would like to point out, though, that if so many people weren't in denial about the science behind masks' efficacy, or lack thereof, in slowing viral transmission, you wouldn't be forced to wear that mask at all.


Well-Known Member
I would like to point out, though, that if so many people weren't in denial about the science behind masks' efficacy, or lack thereof, in slowing viral transmission, you wouldn't be forced to wear that mask at all.
Yet multiple public health organizations support the use the face coverings. Experts in the field from around the world. The information just keeps supporting it. Why do you think you're smarter than these people?


Staff member
Yet multiple public health organizations support the use the face coverings. Experts in the field from around the world. The information just keeps supporting it. Why do you think you're smarter than these people?
Yeah, but he can find a house if the address is already printed on the box. Checkmate, Dr Fauci!


I'm a star
Yet multiple public health organizations support the use the face coverings. Experts in the field from around the world. The information just keeps supporting it. Why do you think you're smarter than these people?

Appeal to authority fallacy. Strawman argument. Politicized "experts" may have all sorts of reasons for recommending something, even if those recommendations go against what the actual experts in the respective fields recommend.

Let's look at the situation we find ourselves in. The CDC recommends face coverings as of three or so months ago, but didn't before. They changed their recommendation, even though the WHO didn't, without any new trials having been conducted. The new recommendations were based on a quick "review" of some available studies, and some lab tests that show that masks catch large droplets. The trials they reviewed had already been reviewed before, and the conclusions had been the same for decades, there is insufficient evidence to show that masks or face coverings slow the spread of viruses.

The lab tests of masks only re-established what was known before. Masks can catch large droplets, but they don't have an effect on the amount of infectious particles in an indoor environment. With that evidence the CDC proclaimed that face coverings might help, and recommended their use. That recommendation was turned into a mandate at the state level in many places, but even then there are exceptions. And in the case of UPS, it has gone a step further, in that masks are required no matter what, even in direct defiance of the exceptions mandated by OSHA.

To read a bunch of news releases that all have the same source and claim you are informed enough, because "experts", to tell people who have actually researched that matter, thought critically about it, and applied the information to real world situations is a farce that has gone into the realm of asinine. I don't think I am smarter than the experts. I do think I am better at picking which experts to listen to, and better at researching a topic, and forming my own opinions on it, than the people on here who think they can read a headline and be "informed".

But it's ok, I know many people are unable to transcend their collectivist thinking. The day is short, work is hard, thinking and research requires ability and effort that many people don't have to spare. Most people are probably better off letting others make their decisions for them.


Well-Known Member
Yet multiple public health organizations support the use the face coverings. Experts in the field from around the world. The information just keeps supporting it. Why do you think you're smarter than these people?
Which people? The ones who told us wearing cloth masks is pointless?
Like Fauci, Birx, Michael Osterholm, Jerome Adams, The CDC, WHO, 20+ years of studies and research? The fact that masks were mandated during the 1918 spanish flu with no effect?

What information supports it? Other than yhe hamster study from hong kong and the metadata study from germany, which are both so bad its laughable, there is no new information.

Check the poll numbers for governors who implemented the most restrictions, they all went up. I have never met a soul that likes Jay Inslee but somehow he got a 70%+ approval rating from the lockdown.


Well-Known Member
Our district manager just came down and spent the end if the day walking around the building with no mask despite it being required. If it's good enough for her it's good enough for me.


Well-Known Member
I go without a mask, and then I love putting it on for them when I'm told.


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