Yet multiple public health organizations support the use the face coverings. Experts in the field from around the world. The information just keeps supporting it. Why do you think you're smarter than these people?
Appeal to authority fallacy. Strawman argument. Politicized "experts" may have all sorts of reasons for recommending something, even if those recommendations go against what the actual experts in the respective fields recommend.
Let's look at the situation we find ourselves in. The CDC
recommends face coverings as of three or so months ago, but didn't before. They changed their recommendation, even though the WHO didn't, without any new trials having been conducted. The new recommendations were based on a quick "review" of some available studies, and some lab tests that show that masks catch large droplets. The trials they reviewed had already been reviewed before, and the conclusions had been the same for decades, there is insufficient evidence to show that masks or face coverings slow the spread of viruses.
The lab tests of masks only re-established what was known before. Masks can catch large droplets, but they don't have an effect on the amount of infectious particles in an indoor environment. With that evidence the CDC proclaimed that face coverings might help, and recommended their use. That recommendation was turned into a mandate at the state level in many places, but even then there are exceptions. And in the case of UPS, it has gone a step further, in that masks are required no matter what, even in direct defiance of the exceptions mandated by OSHA.
To read a bunch of news releases that all have the same source and claim you are informed enough, because "experts", to tell people who have actually researched that matter, thought critically about it, and applied the information to real world situations is a farce that has gone into the realm of asinine. I don't think I am smarter than the experts. I do think I am better at picking which experts to listen to, and better at researching a topic, and forming my own opinions on it, than the people on here who think they can read a headline and be "informed".
But it's ok, I know many people are unable to transcend their collectivist thinking. The day is short, work is hard, thinking and research requires ability and effort that many people don't have to spare. Most people are probably better off letting others make their decisions for them.