Can you get fired for picking up a prostitute?

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
You mean the Itty bitty stickers that you can't even read from the ground?
None in Chema.
Yeah I guess it’s more of a big deal in SANTX where we have 18 wheelers full of illegals all the time. It seems like every time I do a run down the border someone is getting arrested.


Well-Known Member
A center manager from my building when I was in package had three DWI’s. Was getting a ride in every day from a package car driver. Kept his job. Actually last I heard he was promoted a step or two.


Well-Known Member
A labor relations manager was arrested for it. Will he keep his job?
On the clock....whatever that means for mgt.

Like at work you at lunch? Hourlies have un-professional conduct and that covers a broad range.

Are the rules different for mgt vs. hourly? I don't know. Just about any misdemeanor for hourlies is "ok".....excluding cardinal sins and such. I've met some real scumbags in mgt(hourly as well).

The MVDC asks for moving violations only.....never had anyone ask me if I was arrested in the last year.

I know of a guy that was arrested for violence and until it was complete....he was working....the whole time. Eventually no billed.

This kinda goes along the lines of punching out and getting laid(wherever that might be....). I always wondered why a guy got fired for punching out for lunch and going in some customers has happened and they never came back to work.

We have folks arrested for DWI/DUI etc. there a difference with solicitation?

BYG Jacob

Active Member
A labor relations manager was arrested for it. Will he keep his job?


Well-Known Member
As long as you don’t go over your 70 minutes of break/lunch you will be fine. If you do go over your 70 minutes, you will have no problem finding a 2nd career.


Well-Known Member
If you pick up a prostitute, make sure to grab opposite corners and check for shifting contents. Follow this procedure and there shouldn’t be any problems.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Can you get fired for picking up a prostitute?​

Talk about your Drivers Helper! Heavy load?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Can you get fired for picking up a prostitute?​

The driver got fired and his wife says it was unlawful discharge!