Canada lifts black voices


Well-Known Member
So because it's already happened you're defending it from happening further?

You're damn right I am. Never been vaxxed or tested. You're welcome.
republican states more likely to die from covid btw

im pro science and pro people having faith in the sense of fighting corporations and govt even if they are relatively powerless alone


Well-Known Member
Movies are entertainment not to be taken seriously. The Bible has stories that instruct and teach morality.

I wonder why you watch movies but don't read the Bible. Less entertaining?
i know about the bible without having to read it. movies are stories and the bible is partly fake stories and theres lessons to be learned in both

the bible is very old. something like matrix is more current.
republican states more likely to die from covid btw

im pro science and pro people having faith in the sense of fighting corporations and govt even if they are relatively powerless alone
"Republican states are more likely to die from COVID"

"It's science"

You've accepted the politicization of science. I didn't know the virus had a party bias.


Well-Known Member
"Republican states are more likely to die from COVID"

"It's science"

You've accepted the politicization of science. I didn't know the virus had a party bias.
the virus preys on stupidity, so if you dont social distance and dont get vaccinated and vote for a party which is more corrupt than the other, more people per capita will die from covid


Well-Known Member
Nothing worse than seeing an angry old political religion believer in his late years still waiting for his savior, and that goes for both right and left.