Canada lifts black voices


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member

I like how he name drops artur pawlowski
i like how they talk about loss of freedoms bc of jan 6...they dont mention jan 6 but thats why.

i dont like how they say other religions are wrong.

i wish they would talk about how canadians only get 2-3 weeks paid vacation a year


Well-Known Member
this is pennywise's :censored2: authority. i like the faith in it:

I say :censored2: authority
Silent majority
Raised by the system
Now it's time to rise against them
We're sick of your treason
Sick of your lies
:censored2: no, we won't listen
We're gonna open your eyes

Frustration, domination
Feel the rage of a new generation
We're living, we're dying
We're never ever gonna stop, stop trying
Stop trying
Stop trying
Stop trying

You know the time is right to take control
We got to take offense against the status quo
No way, not gonna stand for it today
Fight for your rights, it's time we had our say


Well-Known Member
this is pennywise's :censored2: authority. i like the faith in it:

I say :censored2: authority
Silent majority
Raised by the system
Now it's time to rise against them
We're sick of your treason
Sick of your lies
:censored2: no, we won't listen
We're gonna open your eyes

Frustration, domination
Feel the rage of a new generation
We're living, we're dying
We're never ever gonna stop, stop trying
Stop trying
Stop trying
Stop trying

You know the time is right to take control
We got to take offense against the status quo
No way, not gonna stand for it today
Fight for your rights, it's time we had our say
Gimme that cake
Got no time to make
I take, I don't hump
Earning dolluh is fo' chumps
i like how they talk about loss of freedoms bc of jan 6...they dont mention jan 6 but thats why.

i dont like how they say other religions are wrong.

i wish they would talk about how canadians only get 2-3 weeks paid vacation a year
But if one religion is right than the others have to be wrong right? No 2 truths can be true at the same time.
i dont believe in that sense

in another sense i do believe
For you to say that all religions are wrong and there is no afterlife is a religion itself that requires faith. No different than me saying I have faith in Jesus and that I will be with Him when I die. It's about where you put your faith.