Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


I'm a star
Conservatives: “Cancel culture is destroying America.”
Also conservatives: “Boycott Nike and the NFL because Colin Kaepernick knelt for the anthem.”

False equivalence, boycott ≠ cancel culture.

Conservatives: “We support capitalism and free enterprise.“
Also conservatives: “Toy companies should not be allowed to make a gender neutral plastic potato.”

Strawman argument. Mr potato head has always been gender fluid, and no one said boo.


I'm a star
Liberals: we care about "social justice" issues.

Also liberals: It's ok that evil corporations use social justice issues to manufacture controversy in order to sell more of their environmentally unfriendly and unhealthy products. Also, do we hate cops now? Or are they heroes?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Liberals: we care about "social justice" issues.

Also liberals: It's ok that evil corporations use social justice issues to manufacture controversy in order to sell more of their environmentally unfriendly and unhealthy products. Also, do we hate cops now? Or are they heroes?
Perhaps you’re confused because you are using the bad faith characterization of liberal positions.


I'm a star
Perhaps you’re confused because you are using the bad faith characterization of liberal positions.

Is my use of "bad faith" characterizations causing my confusion? Or is it evidence of my confusion? Proper sentence structure is key to making yourself understood.

Besides turn about is fair play, and my characterizations are spot on, not bad faith, unlike the posts I was mimicking.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Is my use of "bad faith" characterizations causing my confusion? Or is it evidence of my confusion? Proper sentence structure is key to making yourself understood.

Besides turn about is fair play, and my characterizations are spot on, not bad faith, unlike the posts I was mimicking.
All of your posts are evidence of your confusion.


Well-Known Member
Is my use of "bad faith" characterizations causing my confusion? Or is it evidence of my confusion? Proper sentence structure is key to making yourself understood.

Besides turn about is fair play, and my characterizations are spot on, not bad faith, unlike the posts I was mimicking.
Saw a meme the other day about capital letters. Said they were the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse." If only some here would get that.


I'm a star
Saw a meme the other day about capital letters. Said they were the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse." If only some here would get that.

I don't really care about grammar that much, I just like pulling that stuff out when someone is being patronizing and/or unduly arrogant.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
no. I'm not bothered by people who commit random acts of stupidity.
I am bothered by the attacks on our free speech under the guise of racism.
Thats not a deflection thats a serious problem of McCarthy like proportions
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


I'm a star
The new motto of the Democratic Party:

"Sticks and stones will break your bones if you say words we don't like. And that's every word, because your very existence offends us. So we'll break you no matter what. But it's all good, because we decide who is evil, and it's ok to do whatever you want to evil people."


Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
Remember that on the day when suddenly, you're not woke, 'Enough'.
Or on the day when you have insufficient information to form an opinion, and are reminded that "silence is violence."
And all the bowing, scraping, boot-licking, groveling and virtue-signaling you can muster isn't enough to put the genie back in the bottle. Wait...isn't "genie" racist, or is it cultural appropriation, or maybe both? Better wise up. It's that lack of attention to detail that got you here in the first place.

Maybe it'll happen at work. When you knock on the door that's marked "Human Resources", remember to say as little as possible. Cuz anything you say can be twisted, taken out of context, and used against you.

Oops! Nevermind. Did you forget already that silence is violence? Jeez yer slow!

It sure is nice and cool in that office. The AC unit on the roof is sucking electricity and spewing ozone depleting pollutants. Hotter 'n Hell where you've been working, though. Sitting behind the desk is an eco-enviro-femi-lesbi-something-or another. You noticed a fancy, new, expensive EV in the parking lot this morning. You can see it now from the window where your sitting Your Inquisitor raises it's hand, pushes a key fob, and the EV lights flash. Behind your Inquisitor is a wall of accolades, awards, certificates, and diplomas. It's all there to remind you that it is better than you and everything you think or say is wrong and stupid. Much of it paid for with your tax dollars. The irony sinks in, but it doesn't. You need a sense of humor for that.

If you are of insufficient melanin AND the wrong gender, this is your last day at this job.


Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
what consequence is there in doctor seuss's books? How did we survive those hurtful words for sixty years?

what consequence is there in having a mr. and mrs. potato head?

how does that balance against a nazistic mentallity where only one side of a conversation is allowed?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
That awards show hasn't been about real music for a long time.
I realized it was trash when I wasted two hours watching it one time to see who won Best Hard Rock Performance only to realize after it was over that they don't actually air every category.