Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone


Well-Known Member

pioneered for the red scare to bust radicals and unions, and used by the shock troops (fbi) it is used by the corrupt liberal class now who are too weak and morally bankrupt to go after the corporations and govt in power. the israeli lobby also uses it to defend israel's apartheid state.


Inordinately Right

pioneered for the red scare to bust radicals and unions, and used by the shock troops (fbi) it is used by the corrupt liberal class now who are too weak and morally bankrupt to go after the corporations and govt in power. the israeli lobby also uses it to defend israel's apartheid state.
You're an anti semitic bigot.


Well-Known Member

if I were a Disney engineer with technical prowess I would sneak in at night and fix it so that the handsome prince steps forward and licks her face from chin to forehead just to see the reaction. :)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

They tried to cancel President Trump. Can’t keep him down long. Lol.


Well-Known Member
golden globes getting cancelled next year. apparently its all white. sexism too.

on the other hand electing hillary clinton or kamala is in no way the cure to america's problems. its the matrix itself.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I guess apparently Snow White has to be removed because the kissing scene where she’s asleep isn’t consensual lmfao. Where does it end with these people 😂


Inordinately Right
You either get:
A racist meme
There are no other possible responses
And yet you keep coming back for more....