Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
Cancel culture is a con. It’s a repeat of political correctness, which was probably a repeat of some earlier version of the same concept. American politics I find confusing but simple, when I talk to most regular people, there really isn’t that much difference between what they want the government to be doing. The divide as I see it is about who deserves help and who doesn’t. Lots of voters see a lot of other Americans as undeserving of all the things that they want the government to do. And instead of having that debate we get into proxy debates over cancel culture, which is transformed into how “the left” a meaningless term is silencing everyone. The cancel culture discussion isn’t about freedom of speech or being silenced by the all powerful left, it’s do people, who for most of American history didn’t get to shape political or societal discourse, now get to shape what’s acceptable in political or societal discourse or not. That’s it. It’s always about who in American politics. Who matters and who doesn’t matter politically.


Inordinately Right


Inordinately Right
You will be ok


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Once upon a time, religion was practiced by most. As that number has dropped considerably, so too have the morals and values of our society.
Once upon a time we had fake trials for witches and burned them at the stake.
Once upon a time we had the Spanish Inquisition where entire populations were tortured to help reinforce good old “Christian” values.
Once upon a time the Southern Baptist church used the Bible to justify slavery, racism and Jim Crow laws.
Once upon a time we performed frontal lobotomies, electroshock and conversion therapy on gay people.
Tell me more about how religion has promoted healthy values and morals in our society.


I'm a star
Once upon a time we had fake trials for witches and burned them at the stake.
Once upon a time we had the Spanish Inquisition where entire populations were tortured to help reinforce good old “Christian” values.
Once upon a time the Southern Baptist church used the Bible to justify slavery, racism and Jim Crow laws.
Once upon a time we performed frontal lobotomies, electroshock and conversion therapy on gay people.
Tell me more about how religion has promoted healthy values and morals in our society.

That had more to do with power than religion. True Christianity recognizes only one authority, and it ain't anyone on earth. You could more accurately say that the myth of earthly authority is responsible for all of the large scale atrocities in human history.

What, exactly, is the problem with conversion therapy for homosexuals? If someone is homosexual and doesn't want to be, shouldn't they be able to get the help they want?

Before you answer, replace "homosexual" with "man". How does that affect your answer?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Once upon a time we had fake trials for witches and burned them at the stake.
Once upon a time we had the Spanish Inquisition where entire populations were tortured to help reinforce good old “Christian” values.
Once upon a time the Southern Baptist church used the Bible to justify slavery, racism and Jim Crow laws.
Once upon a time we performed frontal lobotomies, electroshock and conversion therapy on gay people.
Tell me more about how religion has promoted healthy values and morals in our society.
We can start with the Ten Commandments, Bible, Quoron, or Talmud. You’re thinking too broadly. I’m talking about the day to day living with religion.


Inordinately Right
Once upon a time we had fake trials for witches and burned them at the stake.
Once upon a time we had the Spanish Inquisition where entire populations were tortured to help reinforce good old “Christian” values.
Once upon a time the Southern Baptist church used the Bible to justify slavery, racism and Jim Crow laws.
Once upon a time we performed frontal lobotomies, electroshock and conversion therapy on gay people.
Tell me more about how religion has promoted healthy values and morals in our society.
Yes if not for that dumb religion thing the world would be a great place and everyone would be nice to each other out of the kindness of their hearts. SMH.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
1.Once upon a time we had fake trials for witches and burned them at the stake.
2.Once upon a time we had the Spanish Inquisition where entire populations were tortured to help reinforce good old “Christian” values.
3.Once upon a time the Southern Baptist church used the Bible to justify slavery, racism and Jim Crow laws.
4.Once upon a time we performed frontal lobotomies, electroshock and conversion therapy on gay people.
Tell me more about how religion has promoted healthy values and morals in our society.
1. Fanaticism was more to blame than the Puritan religion. Even religion can be abused by fanatics.
2. Despite popular myth, the Church did not burn heretics. It was the secular authorities that held heresy to be a capital offense. The simple fact is that the medieval Inquisition saved uncounted thousands of innocent (and even not-so-innocent) people who would otherwise have been roasted by secular lords or mob rule.
3. Southern Baptists used the Bible against EVERYONE, so there’s that.
4. The American Psychiatric Association defined homosexuality as a mental disorder. Wasn’t aware the APA was religion based.


I'm a star

Call me when they dox the Chicks (or whatever they call themselves now), NFL players, and NASCAR executives, have angry mobs outside their homes, force stores to stop offering their merchandise, and force banks to stop handling their money. Also let me know when they start having elected officials try to pass laws designating leftist orthodoxy as hate crime (which would actually be more legitimate). Then left and right might be almost balanced. When you keep equating perfectly legal boycotting with extremely illegal cancel culture tactics, you downplay the level of extremism of cancel culture and you demonize boycotting. As if people owe commercial enterprises their patronage. Smh.