Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

Um, Joe Biden did not get rid of critical race theory. Stop drinking kiddo, you're losing it.
You know what I’m saying DIDO. Just FYI, I don’t drink and I’m a driver. I make as much as you do. I also don’t have kids and save all my money. Life is good 😎
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
We’re your parent conservative conspiracy theorists too? Or is this something you picked up watching Mark Dice and Alex Jones?

Poop Head

Judge me.
nobody tricked me dude. It’s human decency not to be racist. You treat people with respect regardless of race, sex, religion etc etc

this isn’t a hard concept to grasp lol
Stereotypes exist for good reason.

I once caught an asain dude, sneak on my property, grab my cat, put it in his jacket, and then try to sneak away.
Where are you from?
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Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Dude, it’s called advertising. They are observing the political and social environment and marketing based off of that.
Who determines this “approved ideology” you speak of? Specifically? A political party? Democrats only?
And the advertising industry is the most cancerous of all. Sell the product. Nobody cares about Burger King's daily dose of woke. And stop playing dumb. You know the "approved ideology" is anything and everything left wing. It's what the advertising, news, and social industry pedals and anything in opposition to it is shut down.

Poop Head

Judge me.
most racism is taught. Some of it could be an event that happen in your life as well, but a lot of its learned from at early age.
My parents were both very racist, and anti semetic. I grew up in a mostly asain neighborhood. My mom flipped :censored2: on me as a kid when i would try to bring any asain friends over to play. Also, wed play football in a lot down the street. Always asain vs american. My mom hated it. Had black friends too. They hated that even more.

Netsua 3:16

And the advertising industry is the most cancerous of all. Sell the product. Nobody cares about Burger King's daily dose of woke. And stop playing dumb. You know the "approved ideology" is anything and everything left wing. It's what the advertising, news, and social industry pedals and anything in opposition to it is shut down.
How, and why did “the right” allow “the left” to gain control of advertising, news, and social media?

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
My parents were both very racist, and anti semetic. I grew up in a mostly asain neighborhood. My mom flipped * on me as a kid when i would try to bring any asain friends over to play. Also, wed play football in a lot down the street. Always asain vs american. My mom hated it. Had black friends too. They hated that even more.

brain washing at its finest. It’s unfortunate children have to experience that.