Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

I do not support the racist neoMarxist critical race theory ideology, or the Democrats that push it in our educational system and governmental agencies.

Ttku child.
Joe Biden is pushing a program
That you just used as evidence to support your claim
That liberals control the education system.
Am I caught up?


Inordinately Right
Please provide evidence that racism is taught by the left in our education system.
Critical race training is highly controversial, and for good reason; it’s a wack alt right organization championed by TRUMP
Even sleepy Joe knew that CRT was dogsh**. That’s why he got rid of it on his first day
Did you really not know what critical race theory is?



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
That stuff belongs in a museum not your basement bro
If someone wants to own it because they're a WWII aficionado or something then what's the harm? You really think the ideas they originally represented go away because possession of the item is illegal?

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
If someone wants to own it because they're a WWII aficionado or something then what's the harm? You really think the ideas they originally represented go away because possession of the item is illegal?

I’m a ww2 aficionado I own no nazi stuff. lol.

like I said it belongs in a museum. That just my opinion.