Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

Your dad’s a teacher and he can’t even use the correct homonym? (apologies to el correcto)
If you see he corrected it with an asterisk right away in the next text. Pretty funny stuff, he’s written a couple published books, best writer I know but the poor guy can’t handle an iPhone keyboard

El Correcto

god is dead
I’d love to have you over for dinner at dads sometime
Is that like a euphemism for violence or something? There is nothing worth discussing here. You ignore the facts of critical race theory being racist and marxist. You pivot to but my daddy said like some water boy knock off and then reflect to the Republican Party.

You and your daddy are off in La la land, jerking each other off on how racist one of the least racists societies on this earth is.
Truly stupid people, I couldn’t eat while witnessing something so grotesque.

Netsua 3:16

Is that like a euphemism for violence or something? There is nothing worth discussing here. You ignore the facts of critical race theory being racist and marxist. You pivot to but my daddy said like some water boy knock off and then reflect to the Republican Party.

You and your daddy are off in La la land, jerking each other off on how racist one of the least racists societies on this earth is.
Truly stupid people, I couldn’t eat while witnessing something so grotesque.
No dude, I think it would be entertaining as hell.
You are quite hostile and clearly emotionally driven. Come on over, we’ll watch The Simpsons, drink wine and talk about life

Netsua 3:16

Is that like a euphemism for violence or something? There is nothing worth discussing here. You ignore the facts of critical race theory being racist and marxist. You pivot to but my daddy said like some water boy knock off and then reflect to the Republican Party.

You and your daddy are off in La la land, jerking each other off on how racist one of the least racists societies on this earth is.
Truly stupid people, I couldn’t eat while witnessing something so grotesque.


Inordinately Right
Other than that, DIDO, I know you want to believe that marxists control our schools; I know you want that so badly because it would gratify your time spent vehemently fighting against your perceived “liberal agenda”
But you’ll just never be able to prove it. Because it’s freaking crazy talk that only an alt right wing nut job would say
If you want to waste your time typing out posts arguing against things no one said, have at it child.

Just so you know though, the strawmen you keep holding up make you look like a fool.

Netsua 3:16

If you want to waste your time typing out posts arguing against things no one said, have at it child.

Just so you know though, the strawmen you keep holding up make you look like a fool.
You continue to focus on me rather than the conversation
You have zero evidence for you claim that the American education system is controlled by liberals
You are whack, bro. You got nothing!! Notta. Zilch. Take your ass back to 8chan and be with your people.


Inordinately Right
I’d expect nothing less big dawg. Give me some evidence and I’ll believe you
I mean I'll give him one thing, it looks like you asked him if critical race theory was marxist and his response was "it's a bit marxist".

That's about as much of an admission as you'll get from a brainwashed lifelong academic

Netsua 3:16

Keep holding up that strawman kiddo.
Anything else to add to the conversation? Any more of your theories you’d like to educate me on?
So far I’ve got
Systemic racism is a myth
Marxist liberals control my dads life
My dad (who’s a PhD and written 2 published books) is a brainwashed dummy
And a bunch of racist memes.
Did I miss anything? It’s been a fun day


Inordinately Right
Anything else to add to the conversation? Any more of your theories you’d like to educate me on?
So far I’ve got
Systemic racism is a myth
Marxist liberals control my dads life
My dad (who’s a PhD and written 2 published books) is a brainwashed dummy
And a bunch of racist memes.
Did I miss anything? It’s been a fun day
I'm just glad you've learned that critical race theory is marxist now that you called up your daddy and got him to explain it to you kiddo.
"I think that what Trump revealed is that there is a massive appetite for grievance politics, for attack politics, for the theatre of politics, for attacking the people you hate and seeing them attacked and brought low. That is the thrill of Trumpism, that is what he delivers. And once you’ve tasted that, I think for a lot of voters is hard to go back to tax cuts and judges and abortion."

Nicholas Confessore


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
"I think that what Trump revealed is that there is a massive appetite for grievance politics, for attack politics, for the theatre of politics, for attacking the people you hate and seeing them attacked and brought low. That is the thrill of Trumpism, that is what he delivers. And once you’ve tasted that, I think for a lot of voters is hard to go back to tax cuts and judges and abortion."

Nicholas Confessore
“All you have to do in life is go out with your friends, party hard, and look twice as good as the bitch standing next to you.”

Paris Hilton