Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

You posted a picture of segregated facilities.
Where is that allowed?
Or do you feel stupid having to answer nowhere?

Why is this “not allowed” anymore DIDO?
America just decided to start being nice out of the blue?
How did we get rid of this?

Netsua 3:16

So it's not allowed.
Because White people passed laws against it.

So your proof of systemic racism is segregation that White people banned, and black people are trying to reinstitute.

Okay then, carry on nutso.
Then how did we get rid of it DIDO?
How did we get rid of systemic racism? How did we WIN that battle?
Time for you to actually talk
Not just attack me
You gotta sprinkle it in with some coherent thought
Stick and move


I'm a star
It’s quite possible that CRT can accomplish racist education without “grouping all white people together”
As a matter of fact, throughout the evolution of black culture in America there have been white voices behind them, and along side them in their journey. In fact, without white people sticking up for them, slavery would still exist.
I’m not sure where the “grouping all white people together” thing comes from. Like, at all

I'm glad you feel you won the "cultural lottery" but it is a delusion, and highly racist, to think simply being born a white man makes life a stroll in the park, even by comparison.
Being white doesn’t make life a stroll in the park, brother. Being white in America, in relation to being black in America, comes with certain advantages. You cannot deny this.
improvements have been, and continue to be made in this department.

Im not making any claims for you
I’m simply trying to understand EXACTLY what you are claiming with these well thought out, well written, highly anecdotal diatribes.
For example: Do you feel, that LIBERALS specifically are more detrimental shall we say than CONSERVATIVES?
And if so, what led you to that conclusion?
Why, and how is it “the liberals” specifically and not “everybody?”
You aren’t trusting of everything you read. Me either. We have that in common. You are obviously a critical thinker.
I find myself rebelling against conservative ideals, and you vehemently chastise the perceived “left.”
Show me how critical thinking led you to crusade against cancel culture and what you perceive to be liberal idealism?

Your questions are very leading. Am I on a crusade against cancel culture and liberal idealism? Is writing my opinions about the matter on an internet forum a "crusade"?

To try to answer the most important questions, and I have stated this before:

I believe in balance. Liberalism, whatever that is, and conservatism, whatever that is, are both important, and must balance out. I understand that no one is completely liberal or conservative.

Where I see the real problems are in statism vs individualism. When people who lean conservative or liberal also lean statist too far, it is a problem.

Common values within a society are important to help individuals understand each other and interact in a peaceful manner. This is why a paradigm that factionalizes and groups people along any arbitrary lines is bad for maintaining a peaceful society. It doesn't matter to me who is behind the factionalization, the entire idea of political parity is divisive. Those who seem to lean liberal these days also generally tend to lean statist which is actually a reversal of the liberal values that this country was founded on. Conservatives, generally, tend to lean towards individual liberty, which is my leaning, so clearly I don't have a reason to rail against the things I agree with. I'll call out conservatives who lean the other way. A good chunk of the Republican party are statist, and probably not all that conservative. That's mostly why I had to start voting third party.

Netsua 3:16

Your questions are very leading. Am I on a crusade against cancel culture and liberal idealism? Is writing my opinions about the matter on an internet forum a "crusade"?

To try to answer the most important questions, and I have stated this before:

I believe in balance. Liberalism, whatever that is, and conservatism, whatever that is, are both important, and must balance out. I understand that no one is completely liberal or conservative.

Where I see the real problems are in statism vs individualism. When people who lean conservative or liberal also lean statist too far, it is a problem.

Common values within a society are important to help individuals understand each other and interact in a peaceful manner. This is why a paradigm that factionalizes and groups people along any arbitrary lines is bad for maintaining a peaceful society. It doesn't matter to me who is behind the factionalization, the entire idea of political parity is divisive. Those who seem to lean liberal these days also generally tend to lean statist which is actually a reversal of the liberal values that this country was founded on. Conservatives, generally, tend to lean towards individual liberty, which is my leaning, so clearly I don't have a reason to rail against the things I agree with. I'll call out conservatives who lean the other way. A good chunk of the Republican party are statist, and probably not all that conservative. That's mostly why I had to start voting third party.
Great stuff 👍
I agree with everything you just said
Though, I mean, we can get into historical “liberal values” and that would be a whole different conversation. The evolution of the parties and the way the lines in the sand have changed and evolved over time.
No problem with you whatsoever; you just gotta recognize that there’s people out there who disagree with you; and that’s not because I’m “brainwashed” or incapable of free thinking. Those qualities, while admirable and the stuff I look for in the people I surround myself with; those qualities do not make you “correct”

Netsua 3:16

Your questions are very leading. Am I on a crusade against cancel culture and liberal idealism? Is writing my opinions about the matter on an internet forum a "crusade"?

To try to answer the most important questions, and I have stated this before:

I believe in balance. Liberalism, whatever that is, and conservatism, whatever that is, are both important, and must balance out. I understand that no one is completely liberal or conservative.

Where I see the real problems are in statism vs individualism. When people who lean conservative or liberal also lean statist too far, it is a problem.

Common values within a society are important to help individuals understand each other and interact in a peaceful manner. This is why a paradigm that factionalizes and groups people along any arbitrary lines is bad for maintaining a peaceful society. It doesn't matter to me who is behind the factionalization, the entire idea of political parity is divisive. Those who seem to lean liberal these days also generally tend to lean statist which is actually a reversal of the liberal values that this country was founded on. Conservatives, generally, tend to lean towards individual liberty, which is my leaning, so clearly I don't have a reason to rail against the things I agree with. I'll call out conservatives who lean the other way. A good chunk of the Republican party are statist, and probably not all that conservative. That's mostly why I had to start voting third party. questions are very leading probably because I went to school to be a journalist, and, while I enjoy reading your articulate posts, there’s a lot of “well, this is a BROAD subject and I don’t have time for all of that” 😎
I like to cut the sh** and get straight to the point

Netsua 3:16

Do you have any evidence of systemic racism in modern day America or not kiddo?
It’s much harder to see these days isn’t it? Especially since we aren’t black. That’s because we’ve made a ton of progress. And, quite frankly, a bunch of the old racist guard has died off 😎
That will continue. Owing our actions as a country and admitting our mistakes will help


Inordinately Right
It’s much harder to see these days isn’t it? Especially since we aren’t black. That’s because we’ve made a ton of progress. And, quite frankly, a bunch of the old racist guard has died off 😎
That will continue. Owing our actions as a country and admitting our mistakes will help
So you don't have any evidence of systemic racism in modern day America.


Inordinately Right
Where I see the real problems are in statism vs individualism. When people who lean conservative or liberal also lean statist too far, it is a problem.

Common values within a society are important to help individuals understand each other and interact in a peaceful manner. This is why a paradigm that factionalizes and groups people along any arbitrary lines is bad for maintaining a peaceful society.
Individualism is incompatible with critical race theory, and marxism for that matter.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member


Netsua 3:16

Individualism is incompatible with critical race theory
You gotta ruin everything with a stupid a** statement like this
Slavery is not right. It’s not ok to treat human beings like that. We (America) did it, it worked out for us, and as time passed and we EVOLVED into more HUMANE and responsible beings, we now have this monster that WHITES CREATED.

It’s called taking responsibility for your actions

And, this board and your behavior specifically is a GREAT example of why it’s necessary; because you guys seem to be so vehemently against it; to the point where you focus on the Marxist ASPECT of the program and zero in there, pitchforks in hand

Netsua 3:16


You can’t post articles here
In here, every article has been filtered through the “liberal agenda”
Unless, of course, a non liberal posts a source and cites it as the truth. Then it’s ok


Inordinately Right
You gotta ruin everything with a stupid a** statement like this
Slavery is not right. It’s not ok to treat human beings like that. We (America) did it, it worked out for us, and as time passed and we EVOLVED into more HUMANE and responsible beings, we now have this monster that WHITES CREATED.

It’s called taking responsibility for your actions

And, this board and your behavior specifically is a GREAT example of why it’s necessary; because you guys seem to be so vehemently against it; to the point where you focus on the Marxist ASPECT of the program and zero in your focus there
That has nothing to do with my post.