

Bad Moon Risen'
The reason a lot of us resent this caravan and others is simple. Our grandparents came over LEGALLY and paid to get here by boat. Then when they came here they learned the language and volunteered to fight in World War I. They did not ask for any handouts and raised their kids to be upstanding citizens. They all got jobs. Caravan people are trying to SNEAK IN like they have done several times before. If you want to gain access STOP SNEAKING IN. Personally I feel that the borders should be closed to Mexico for a period of one year. We need to change some of these old laws.
All Europeans came here illegally. Now they're all butt hurt that some others are trying top do the same.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a clue as to how they could win?

Borrow some balls from the Republicans?

Commit suicide?


LOL, etc., but Dems are friend'd either way.

Call out Trump on his lying, his fear-mongering, his absolute disregard for truth and facts, that'll get NOWHERE.

Trump lies, the crowds eat it up and they 'FEED THE DEMS TO THE LIONS!'

Talk about facts, that gets NOWHERE.

Talk about your platform...

Oh wait, what was the Dem's platform again?

Point being Dems can't just be anti-Trump, they have to be pro-something.

Trump has all you rubes convinced that the Dems want 'open borders' and an MS-13 gang member on every corner to enforce the Dem Socialist-Fascist wave that will 'steal your husband, steal your wife, steal your kids...'

Dear 6lb precious diapered baby Jesus, when will you Trumpatistas stop getting pwned?