

Inordinately Right
Oh... don’t look at the big picture? You can only believe ones actions, not their words.
The power of prosecutorial discretion is part of immigration law bro, if you want to get into the details that's cool, but he was talking about "open borders". No one is proposing open borders, it's a catch phrase for politicians to sell fear.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I've never heard anyone fight for open borders. I asked you if you knew of any and you didn't, so.....
I have never heard the left "not" fight for open borders. They will never say the words "open borders " because if they did it would be over.
Everything they say and do says they are fighting for open borders.
If it smells like's :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard the left "not" fight for open borders. They will never say the words "open borders " because if they did it would be over.
Everything they say and do says they are fighting for open borders.
If it smells like's :censored2:.

exactly . they fight any and all efforts to close the borders and evict law breakers but wont use those words.


Well-Known Member
Your "point" was to parrot idiotic rhetoric. No one has proposed open borders. You'll buy any crap the right talking heads are selling.
Who do you think started having illegals instead of crossing open country go to port of entry's and ask for asylum? Who pushes sanctuary cities and refuses to turn over even known felons to the Federal authorities? Who's calling for the abolishment of ICE? Sure not Republicans. And Hillary Clinton in a speech in 2013, if I remember right, did call for open borders.


Strength through joy
You all are aware of the 1,000/week border jumpers we currently have ? In El Paso there is now a housing shortage due to the influx. The US Government should be thinking of re-opening all those WWII internment camps. They held around 110,000. If the camps were good enough for our citizens they should also be great for this invasion.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No one has proposed open borders.
" We need to build bridges, not walls!" -- Hail Hillary
It would hurt my feelings if I walked a couple thousand miles and couldn't swim the Rio Grande.
" Build a bridge and have some clothes and a meal and a check waitin' on the other side of the river, will ya? You Americans owe it to me, and if you don't think so you're nuthin' but a racist and a xenophobe."