
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don't recall that.

If that actually happened, and Obama sent the National Guard to assist with an actual emergency, or some legitimate catastrophe that occurred somewhere within and inside our border, that would be appropriate.

Refresh my memory, which of the many things Obama did that led me to orgasm are you speaking of?
You can google
2nd set of the Pigeons is starting.
Check ya later.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If that actually happened, and Obama sent the National Guard to assist with an actual emergency, or some legitimate catastrophe that occurred somewhere within and inside our border, that would be appropriate.

Obama would have been crucified by conservatives had he sent thousands of troops to sit on their asses for three weeks and wait for a few thousand mostly desperate and unarmed people to show up at the border fence as an act of political theater.


Well-Known Member

(If you're not concerned at all that any random President is instructing the US Military to work within the US borders without Congressional approval, you do you).

Sleep tight.
The President has the right to send troops into what he considers an emergency without getting Congressional approval first.


Well-Known Member
The President has the right to send troops into what he considers an emergency without getting Congressional approval first.

I bet you love RED DAWN.

Are we being invaded?

All snarkiness aside, think about it.

You’re endorsing a President who wants to put the military on US soil, this time...

You’re OK with it, this time.

In fact, you’re ENTHUSIASTIC about it, because it’s what you want.

What about next time?

You like the 2nd Amendment, right?

What if a President decided to make an executive order about an amendment...oops



Well-Known Member
I bet you love RED DAWN.

Are we being invaded?

All snarkiness aside, think about it.

You’re endorsing a President who wants to put the military on US soil, this time...

You’re OK with it, this time.

In fact, you’re ENTHUSIASTIC about it, because it’s what you want.

What about next time?

You like the 2nd Amendment, right?

What if a President decided to make an executive order about an amendment...oops

Case by case basis. No president is going to try to take out the 2nd or any other amendment. Trump's actions per the 14th amendment is just interpreting it because there's some leeway for interpretation. If he's wrong the court will correct it. The 2nd amendment is pretty much set in stone.


Well-Known Member
Case by case basis. No president is going to try to take out the 2nd or any other amendment. Trump's actions per the 14th amendment is just interpreting it because there's some leeway for interpretation. If he's wrong the court will correct it. The 2nd amendment is pretty much set in stone.

Give me a break, if you don't like the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, I could drive a truck through the current ideation of the 2nd Amendment, if you want to talk about 'interpretation'.

By the way, the SC has validated the 2nd Amendment, several times.

By the way, the SC has validated the 14th Amendment, several times +.

Would you like to talk about nuances of interpretations?

Guy, come on.

Both Amendments are settled law, backed up by multiple SC decisions.

You refuse quibbling on the 2nd, but you quibble on the 14th?



Well-Known Member
Give me a break, if you don't like the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, I could drive a truck through the current ideation of the 2nd Amendment, if you want to talk about 'interpretation'.

By the way, the SC has validated the 2nd Amendment, several times.

By the way, the SC has validated the 14th Amendment, several times +.

Would you like to talk about nuances of interpretations?

Guy, come on.

Both Amendments are settled law, backed up by multiple SC decisions.

You refuse quibbling on the 2nd, but you quibble on the 14th?

The intent of the writers of the 14th amendment was to insure the citizenship of freed slaves, not to give citizenship to the babies of foreigners born here. They clearly stated that in debates in Congress. If anything giving citizenship to babies of illegal aliens is incorrect.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Obama would have been crucified by conservatives had he sent thousands of troops to sit on their asses for three weeks and wait for a few thousand mostly desperate and unarmed people to show up at the border fence as an act of political theater.

"Desperate and unarmed", that's it, and how many are there in the world?

I listened to a podcast explaining the net positive of "trickle down" immigration. The fact that after the initial costs it actually grows the economy. While this might be true it's not the point. If your First Act of becoming a citizen is an illegal act what kind of message are you sending to the host country. Secondly why are not the countries of origin being held to the same kind of scrutiny as the United States in regards to the misery of their Countryman.


Well-Known Member
Smh ... this is the most stupid thing I have ever seen...... not really but close.... personally if they put one foot in this country finger on a trigger would never come off
So you're for gunning down unarmed women and children. Nice........