

Well-Known Member
good luck Tim
tim tool man taylor.gif


Well-Known Member

The ‘caravan’, which is 900 miles away, comprised mostly of women and children who want to turn themselves into the custody of US Border Agents is an ‘invasion’?

Trump is playing a cynical political ploy.

We’re gonna put as many troops (who, by law cannot operate in the US) on the southern border as we have in Afghanistan?


Eat it up, rubes.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

The ‘caravan’, which is 900 miles away, comprised mostly of women and children who want to turn themselves into the custody of US Border Agents is an ‘invasion’?

Trump is playing a cynical political ploy.

We’re gonna put as many troops (who, by law cannot operate in the US) on the southern border as we have in Afghanistan?


Eat it up, rubes.
Trump thinks our troops are so incompetent they need a 3 to 1 advantage over a group of poor people after a 2000 mile hike. Sad.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

The ‘caravan’, which is 900 miles away, comprised mostly of women and children who want to turn themselves into the custody of US Border Agents is an ‘invasion’?

Trump is playing a cynical political ploy.

We’re gonna put as many troops (who, by law cannot operate in the US) on the southern border as we have in Afghanistan?


Eat it up, rubes.
You’re saying American troops can’t defend the USA borders?
I can’t buy that ... sorry! LOL


Strength through joy
Now Trump says that families will be housed together, and the libs are screaming mad. Please bring back Ellis Island. The immigrants who made it that far were the lucky ones. The country would only take in those that were fit for working, all that failed the medical exams were sent back, at the expense of the shipping companies.


Well-Known Member
Trump thinks our troops are so incompetent they need a 3 to 1 advantage over a group of poor people after a 2000 mile hike. Sad.
Using that logic, I assume you would approve of two Apache helicopters?
Go Army
or if you prefer to use Marines, the Cobra

Anytime you want to be a smartass, I can and enjoy raising you one.
Don't talk bad of my protectors, I enjoy protection from oppressors, foreign and domestic. Trump is trying to take care of the domestic oppressors.:thumbup::thumbup1::2guns:

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Using that logic, I assume you would approve of two Apache helicopters?
Go Army
or if you prefer to use Marines, the Cobra

Anytime you want to be a smartass, I can and enjoy raising you one.
Don't talk bad of my protectors, I enjoy protection from oppressors, foreign and domestic. Trump is trying to take care of the domestic oppressors.:thumbup::thumbup1::2guns:
You seem confused. Trump is the one that thinks the border patrol can’t do their job and he needs the military. He think so little of the military he believes he needs 5,000 troops to stop the couple hundred migrant farm workers that make it to the border. Take it up with him.


Well-Known Member

'...The extraordinary military operation comes a week before the Nov. 6 midterm elections as Trump has sought to transform fears about the caravan and immigration into electoral gains. On Tuesday, he stepped up his dire warnings, calling the band of migrants fleeing poverty and violence in Central America an “invasion.”

“Our Military is waiting for you!” he tweeted.

R. Gil Kerlikowske, Customs and Border Protection commissioner from 2014 to 2017, said the military cannot stop asylum seekers who show up at border crossings to seek protection, and that Border Patrol agents have had no trouble apprehending people who cross illegally.

“I see it as a political stunt and a waste of military resources and waste of tax dollars,” said Kerlikowske, who was at the helm during a major surge of Central Americans migrants in 2014. “To use active-duty military and put them in that role, I think is a huge mistake. I see it as nothing more than pandering to the midterm elections by the president.”...'


Well-Known Member
'...Migrants arriving at the border will now see a sizable U.S. military presence — more than double the 2,000 who are in Syria fighting the Islamic State group — even though their mission will be largely a support role.

That’s because the military is bound by the Posse Comitatus Act, a 19th- century federal law that restricts participation in law enforcement activities. Unless Congress specifically authorizes it, military personnel can’t have direct contact with civilians, including immigrants, said Scott R. Anderson of The Brookings Institution...'

This is going to go well, LOL


Well-Known Member
Trumpatistas cried about Obama subverting the Constitution...

Now they have a President who is actually subverting the Constitution, and they cheer!


The hypocrisy is galling.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
'...The extraordinary military operation comes a week before the Nov. 6 midterm elections as Trump has sought to transform fears about the caravan and immigration into electoral gains. On Tuesday, he stepped up his dire warnings, calling the band of migrants fleeing poverty and violence in Central America an “invasion.”

“Our Military is waiting for you!” he tweeted.

R. Gil Kerlikowske, Customs and Border Protection commissioner from 2014 to 2017, said the military cannot stop asylum seekers who show up at border crossings to seek protection, and that Border Patrol agents have had no trouble apprehending people who cross illegally.

“I see it as a political stunt and a waste of military resources and waste of tax dollars,” said Kerlikowske, who was at the helm during a major surge of Central Americans migrants in 2014. “To use active-duty military and put them in that role, I think is a huge mistake. I see it as nothing more than pandering to the midterm elections by the president.”...'
So a Dim Obama appointee doesn’t like what Trump is doing!
I’m amazed!


Well-Known Member
Just :poop: and giggles.

Obama sent the National Guard and you were having an orgasm it felt so good.

TDS - Get a grip


I don't recall that.

If that actually happened, and Obama sent the National Guard to assist with an actual emergency, or some legitimate catastrophe that occurred somewhere within and inside our border, that would be appropriate.

Refresh my memory, which of the many things Obama did that led me to orgasm are you speaking of?