

Well-Known Member
No you didn't.
Yes, I did. 6 years on the Border working with and talking to Hispanics. Also Hispanic cousins I grew up with. They can be extraordinarily kind people but many are as obnoxiously racist, openly, as anyone you'll ever meet. And many years on Mexico expat forums where countless others related similar experiences. But hey, it's your duty as a card carrying liberal to protect all minorities from the ever oppressive White man.


Inordinately Right
Yes, I did.
No you didn't.
6 years on the Border working with and talking to Hispanics. Also Hispanic cousins I grew up with. They can be extraordinarily kind people but many are as obnoxiously racist, openly, as anyone you'll ever meet. And many years on Mexico expat forums where countless others related similar experiences.
Ok, sure thing my guy.
But hey, it's your duty as a card carrying liberal to protect all minorities from the ever oppressive White man.
You're a liberal.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I did. 6 years on the Border working with and talking to Hispanics. Also Hispanic cousins I grew up with. They can be extraordinarily kind people but many are as obnoxiously racist, openly, as anyone you'll ever meet. And many years on Mexico expat forums where countless others related similar experiences. But hey, it's your duty as a card carrying liberal to protect all minorities from the ever oppressive White man.

persons of color are allowed and even encouraged to be racists.


Strength through joy
There is simple solution to the mess at Mexico's border.
Have the drug cartels do a couple of mass murders of the unwelcome people.
Once the word is out , many will see the offers from the government of Mexico are a better choice.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Latest news is that the caravan Invaders are getting into fights with local citizens of Tijuana, Mexico.

Tijuana government says they do not have the means to deal with the 5,000 caravan invaders.

My bet is that the citizens of Tijuana are sympathetic to the caravan but are overwhelmed.

Most likely, it is the well-off Mexicans that are protesting the most about these invaders.
Oh well ... it appears the Mexicans are racists.
They "want a President like Trump that will protect their borders."
I really didn't expect that response but it is what it is.

El Correcto

god is dead

SAGA movement, soon they won’t have to flee they’ll actually have jobs and a life at home.


Inordinately Right
Mexico needs to join in the right wing movement. That country desperately needs their own Presidente Jair Bolsonaro to start slaughtering the cartels.
That's what they've had for decades, a militarized drug war. It doesn't work.

They've got a new president, and they're about to try something different. Marijuana legalization, taking the military off the streets, prison reform for nonviolent offenders, and increased education and social programs so the poor don't have to go into the drug industry.

El Correcto

god is dead
That's what they've had for decades, a militarized drug war. It doesn't work.

They've got a new president, and they're about to try something different. Marijuana legalization, taking the military off the streets, prison reform for nonviolent offenders, and increased education and social programs so the poor don't have to go into the drug industry.
Ending prohibition is only thing I agree with in that. Rest is crap and won’t do crap.

You aren’t just going to magic away your criminals with ending prohibition even if it was complete legalization of all drugs. That’s not their only revenue source and if you can’t tell by our wonderful education and social spending eutopia of economic equality there will still be those who choose crime.

Sure you can do “prison reform” whatever that details....? Not sure can’t critique without more details.

Taking military off the streets, is asinine when you are dealing with international cartels that are loaded up like military billions of revenue.

Mexico’s right wing party has been pretty bad, but can’t be worse than the nonsense you just tried to say like it was a solution.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Ending prohibition is only thing I agree with in that. Rest is crap and won’t do crap.

You aren’t just going to magic away your criminals with ending prohibition even if it was complete legalization of all drugs. That’s not their only revenue source and if you can’t tell by our wonderful education and social spending eutopia of economic equality there will still be those who choose crime.

Sure you can do “prison reform” whatever that details....? Not sure can’t critique without more details.

Taking military off the streets, is asinine when you are dealing with international cartels that are loaded up like military billions of revenue.

Mexico’s right wing party has been pretty bad, but can’t be worse than the nonsense you just tried to say like it was a solution.
You think the cartels would maintain billions of dollars in revenue if drugs were legalized? Nothing else they do comes close to generating that much money.

El Correcto

god is dead
You think the cartels would maintain billions of dollars in revenue if drugs were legalized? Nothing else they do comes close to generating that much money.

If everyone ended prohibition, maybe not. It also depends on what price they can sell it at and what the taxes on legal drugs are like. If cocaine cost 100/gram because of taxes I’m sure you’re not cutting the cartel out too much with their 40/g product.

Black Market Flourishes Under New York’s High Tobacco Taxes


Strength through joy
Picture of UPS Caravan, early 2000's. I had a stop one day at a Chrysler Dealership and all the salesmen were stumped, they had never seen the small cargo version before.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
So weird, the election is over, but the caravan isn't dominating FOX NEWS and Trump's tweets even though it's closer than ever.


In Tijuana, a city of migrants turns on Central American caravan that's reached the border

This city of migrants has turned on the caravan of thousands of Central American migrants that has roiled the border town.

“This is an invasion!” shouted Luis Alexis Mendoza, 30, a bespectacled carpenter who was among scores of protesting Tijuana residents staging an anti-caravan demonstration Sunday that culminated in a standoff with riot police on the street where more than 2,000 Central Americans were being housed in a sports facility. “We demand respect! We demand that our laws be followed.”

Just trying to help you see the light through the caravan...:wink-very:


Well-Known Member

In Tijuana, a city of migrants turns on Central American caravan that's reached the border

This city of migrants has turned on the caravan of thousands of Central American migrants that has roiled the border town.

“This is an invasion!” shouted Luis Alexis Mendoza, 30, a bespectacled carpenter who was among scores of protesting Tijuana residents staging an anti-caravan demonstration Sunday that culminated in a standoff with riot police on the street where more than 2,000 Central Americans were being housed in a sports facility. “We demand respect! We demand that our laws be followed.”

Just trying to help you see the light through the caravan...:wink-very:

Ok, I was talking about FOX News and Trump, and you’re taking about Tijuana residents.


Well-Known Member

"In blow to Trump’s immigration agenda, federal judge blocks asylum ban for migrants who enter illegally from Mexico"

Tijuana officials said late Monday they had arrested 34 caravan members for drug possession, public intoxication, disturbing the peace and resisting police, and they would be deported to their home countries.

I've been to parties which ended with more arrests than this...