Explain please. Serious question. Keep in mind, I'm only 58.
What I consider: By average life span tables, I'll live maybe about 15 more years give or take. It's truly unknown. No man has lived past 72 in my family....ever. My wife has cancer....we really don't know where that's going.
Interestingly, my Bro in Law just retired from AT&T. He got a lump sum payout....in his hands. Now, will UPS be there 30 years from now or even a pension? Good question. Look at all the Central States folks left holding the bag. Just when they reach true retirement age and find employment difficult....they're down to nuthin. Sound good?
Now, I'm still working because I'll (probably) make another near million to add to whatever I have now...then the plan is to draw....keeping in mind my wife's situation and free insurance. SSI and Medicare will kick in about then.
Again my financial guy says "why retire at your peak earning potential?".
I'm belittled and smeared because I'm still working....but then these a wholes don't know me. The plan works for me. Always has....for 40 years. Interestingly, a lot of these a wholes have worked for 40 years also(give or take) but just at crappy jobs and bad decisions...
I've just had a good paying job, free insurance and all the rest for 40 good years. I think a ton of bitter jealousy drives most of it.
I don't pay ANY ex-wives or any of that crap. Daughters out of school and married with a good job and we don't have any of her school debt. Life is pretty good with a few nice toys to pass the weekends. Better than even some folks here on BC.
I say all this because as usual, I'm attacked for just not being like these a wholes(for whatever reason).
About that buyout.......only if the number is good enough. I wouldn't just take anything.
So FFS.....why rip me a new one for the above? BTW, I'm in great health...good knees and back.
BTW....I like what working affords me....a really nice home and plenty of pocket money and no worries about our health care.