

Binge Poster
Yes… speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where the Bible is silent is such a danger
Peter said it best …. If any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God..
That is what happens when you diefy the Bible and not the person wrote about in it.

You pick and choose where God is silent and He only speaks as you say He does, everyone else is wrong, and false teachers.

Why don’t you allow musical instruments to accompany singing in church?


Well-Known Member
That is what happens when you diefy the Bible and not the person wrote about in it.

You pick and choose where God is silent and He only speaks as you say He does, everyone else is wrong, and false teachers.

Why don’t you allow musical instruments to accompany singing in church?
Because in 1st Century Church writings they only sang. Ephesians 5:9


Well-Known Member
That is what happens when you diefy the Bible and not the person wrote about in it.

You pick and choose where God is silent and He only speaks as you say He does, everyone else is wrong, and false teachers.

Why don’t you allow musical instruments to accompany singing in church?
You believe you would still be a Christian if we have no Bible, correct? How would you have heard about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus without the Bible?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That is what happens when you diefy the Bible and not the person wrote about in it.
You pick and choose where God is silent
You pick and choose anything you want from the Bible and I will be more than happy to discuss what the Bible says.
and he only speaks as you say He does
He only speaks as His Word says He does. Not me.
everyone else is wrong, and false teachers.
Correct. If you teach or speak something that is contrary to scripture, you are wrong and a false teacher.
Why don’t you allow musical instruments to accompany singing in church?
God did not authorize instrumental music in worship in the New Testament . He authorized singing.
Only two kinds of music that I know of, instrumental and cappella.
Find instrumental music offered to God in worship in the New Testament and I'll be glad to add it.
Sing. Not play.
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