

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Symbolic like destroying the church and it is rebuilt in 3 days.
Not sure what you're thinking here but the church has never been destroyed. It is a kingdom that will last forever. Mt. 16:18
I think you might be talking about Jesus when he was referring to his resurrection 3 days after he would be killed.


Well-Known Member
I said...

The harp you found was symbolic and was not being used in the worship of the church.
Word Says he is coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle. That is us without the building, so the gift of music is us being expressive with sound waves and thought patterns touching together to create something that is a pure manifestation of expression.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Word Says he is coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle. That is us without the building,
His bride is to be spotless and without wrinkle. The church is a spiritual kingdom. Nothing physical, the world will be torched when he returns.
so the gift of music is us being expressive with sound waves and thought patterns touching together to create something that is a pure manifestation of expression.
Songs, hymns, and spiritual songs do some things that God designed them to do.
Praise and glorify Him and teach and edify and build us up.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
(God did not authorize instrumental music in worship in the New Testament . He authorized singing.
Only two kinds of music that I know of, instrumental and cappella.
Find instrumental music offered to God in worship in the New Testament and I'll be glad to add it.
Sing. Not play.)

Harps are stringed instruments..

Why would Christians require explicit authorization from God for instruments to be used during worship?

El Correcto

god is dead
How many did you skip, Homo?
God’s just judgement, will be based on an individual’s opportunity, ability, and time given with such.
Where and who the righteous judge grants clemency (mercy) and rewards or condemns is His call.
What level the “ mentally challenged “ is, only He knows what one had the ability to do and respond to.
Indigenous people? The command from Jesus is to go into all the world and preach the gospel “ He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.” Mark 16:16
It looks like if people were better off not hearing the gospel, the Lord wouldn’t have commanded such. And the church could use the Lord’s money in a lot of other areas besides missionaries.
It appears people are lost without obeying the gospel.
That’s a very long winded way of saying straight to hell with the handicapped and people who never heard of Jesus or lack the capacity to believe in him.

What a silly belief system you have, straight up evil.

El Correcto

god is dead
We don't hold the mentally unfit accountable either. As to whether those who never heard the Gospel that's up to God to judge them. I never claimed to know how everything will be determined.
If you base your reasoning off of what is written in the Bible then you do know.
But I do know if you've given your life over to sin then your soul is in danger of being lost.
Just like you think you know this.


Binge Poster
(God did not authorize instrumental music in worship in the New Testament . He authorized singing.
Only two kinds of music that I know of, instrumental and cappella.
Find instrumental music offered to God in worship in the New Testament and I'll be glad to add it.
Sing. Not play.)

Harps are stringed instruments..
Pickin and choosin, like all of us.


Good didn’t authorize cell the internet in the New Testament yet you use it.

What is your denomination Church of Christ?


Binge Poster
On the outset, Revelation is written in figurative/symbolic language. It's a study that requires one to begin at the beginning.
To drop a verse in the middle of the letter and say here is worship with instruments in the church is to say more than 14:2 says.
In the book of Revelation, you find heavenly, not earthly, creatures worshipping God.
The twenty-four elders are not only pictured as having harps, but also wearing crowns (4:10) and offering incense (5:8). We also find the use of a censer (8:5), tabernacle (15:5) and the sea of glass (15:2).
To be consistent that this is literal harps and for this to justify the use of mechanical instruments of music in worship, you would have to insist these other items are literal. In fact, if the harps are authorized, then all are, then we have not the right to omit any of them from our worship.
At least two other times in Revelation, John makes mention of hearing the sound of musical instruments in the heavenly regions (Rev. 5:8, 9; 15:2, 3).
If God will, in fact, choose to allow the use of instruments in Heaven, that does not change what he has authorized us to use in worship today. Second, this line of reasoning ignores the highly symbolic nature of the Revelation. John states that Jesus signified the message of Revelation to him (Rev. 1:1). Again, this means that the Lord conveyed the prophecy by means of signs and symbols.
John also mentions seeing horses in Heaven (Rev. 6:2). Does this mean that Heaven will contain literal horses? Does this mean that we should use horses in the worship of the church today?
The spiritual abode of heaven will have nothing physical. Streets of gold? Literal harps? Nah. It's the only way John could describe how awesome it is so we could half way get the picture.
Didn’t read.


Binge Poster
Only God is omniscient. That's what I know.
You may know the Bible intellectually, but do you even know God, many fundamentalists know the Bible but haven’t tasted and seen the living God.

He’s real you know, He’s alive you know, He’s here you know, and He still speaks.

God love you with and everlasting love my friend!


Binge Poster
Why would Christians require explicit authorization from God for instruments to be used during worship?
As a Christian I personally don’t hold to this school of thought if I thought that then I would have to believe that I would need direct biblical authorization to utilize the internet. Therefore I would not be posting on the BC without direct biblical call authorization.

Go figure.

That denomination came about in the
1800’s, it seems to me spiritual pride is what was the basis for its formation.


Binge Poster
That’s a very long winded way of saying straight to hell with the handicapped and people who never heard of Jesus or lack the capacity to believe in him.

What a silly belief system you have, straight up evil.
He clearly picks and chooses what he is going to believe in the Bible to support his and his denomination’s doctrine.

Pretty much all denominations and independents do it to support the doctrine that they espouse.

It seems we all have to find our way in life and decide the faith by which we live. IMO it is very personal experience, as life is.