
Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You asked 3 questions as an answer to my one.

You said:

I said in response:

Please show me the love of God, through Christ specifically in your quote?

I want to understand.

I will respond to you 3 questions after that.
The love is coming from informing the poster that instead of supporting trans rights, they need to support the person by getting them the help that they need. They may not be trans, they may be something else, but it just feels to me that these kids are being pushed into trans when they may just be men with some feminine tendencies. That doesn’t mean they need to be put on puberty blockers in the third grade.


Binge Poster
Do you believe god is perfect or not?
I believe God is so perfect that mankind is not even able to start scratching the surface of understanding perfection and perfect love such as God.

Definitely not through any religion and or religious traditions past on written or non written.

I love religion, religious things, and spiritual things written and non written but not any are even close to the love that I for the God, the Father of the universe, through His Son Jesus who still lives today, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

My faith and belief is there is no greater and perfect love than the love of God.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I do not want to speak for him, but I believe he’s referring to this philosophy……

Hebrews 12:11​

New International Version​

11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Yes. And the fact that you don’t sit back and watch someone you care about destroy themselves.


Bad Moon Risen'
You don't think they aren't calling the school? Not telling their kids not to look at this stuff? They are doing something. They're going to school board meetings and expressing their concerns. But you don't think they should do that. For the millionth time, THE GRAPHIC SEXUAL MATERIAL SHOULDN'T BE IN THE LIBRARY.
What difference does it make? It's on their phones.


Well-Known Member
What difference does it make? It's on their phones.
So where do you draw the line? And kids shouldn't have access to their phones at school either. What they do after school should be a parental issue but school should be totally free of that garbage. Anyone who says otherwise either wants to sexualize children or they lack a moral compass.


Well-Known Member
So where do you draw the line? And kids shouldn't have access to their phones at school either. What they do after school should be a parental issue but school should be totally free of that garbage. Anyone who says otherwise either wants to sexualize children or they lack a moral compass.
Funny, he didn’t know you can put restrictions on the phone. 🤷‍♂️

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
The first born of all Egyptians, everyone but Noah in the great flood, etc.
That was one of ten plagues he brought on Egypt in response to pharaoh slaughtering every new born baby of Israel because pharaoh thought Israel was growing too fast, the people of egypt did not like the Israelites. The flood was to kill all that was evil in the world. Sodom and Gomorrah because they weee doing unspeakable things in their society. None of it was without reason. We may not understand it all, but it is not for us to decide so..


Well-Known Member

Religion of peace.
Well when you consider that engaging in homosexual acts will damn you for eternity if the threat of hell doesn’t scare them then I don’t think the death penalty will either. That’s the main reason I oppose government being involved in this and many other things like drug use… it’s a spiritual issue


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with that
Uh yeah there’s a lot wrong with it dude. It’s disgusting. And it’s not something you need to act on even if you have that proclivity. It cracks me up to hear the gay lobby oh love is love! You’re not talking about love you’re talking about sex. I love my friends and my family I’m not trying to engage in sodomy with them