

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes according to scripture if you bothered to read. James was spreading the word to Jews. He had to win them over.
Paul was spreading the gospel to gentiles, he had to win them over.

James was worried about gentiles offending Jews and Paul was worried about gentiles being rejected by Jews.
James laid out behavior for gentiles in synagogue and Paul laid out admonishments for Jews who looked down on gentiles.
Grace alone saves?
Hitler is in heaven. If not, why not?


Binge Poster
You also have told us that homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, obscenity are all subjective and up to each individual as to what they accept. There are moral absolutes given in the Bible that you reject and must reject in order to justify accepting those behaviors. This is why you don't take a completely literal approach. The Bible says Jesus's tongue is like a two edged sword. Was it literally? Jesus said he is the door. Is he a literal door? Saying we take everything literally is just a rationalization of your own refusal to accept God's word as given to us through the Bible.
Do believe you have a spirit/soul?


Binge Poster
Doesn’t matter what I believe. That is what the apostate Paul believed as laid out in the Bible when he admonished fellow circumcised Christians for turning their backs on gentiles.

A lot of the early church was trying to mend the two groups, a lot of their “recorded” speeches need to be taken into account who they are speaking to.
It does to me.

What is your belief about what you quoted?

El Correcto

god is dead
It does to me.

What is your belief about what you quoted?
I believe Christianity was a niche Jewish cult that spread to gentiles. I think Jesus’s crucifixion was a Madonna effect and only empowered the cult further. I think the Bible is mostly just Jewish cult lore and make believe. But it’s really not as bad as its followers make it seem when they practice the jew aspects of the religion. Christianity represents freedom from evil Judaism and the laws Moses. It brings morality back into the subjective by freeing us from punishment for the “objective” morality laid out by a creator.

It’s kind of a neat belief system, but at the same time people need to get away from certain aspects of it like thinking they can arrive at an objective morality for all human beings. It was very progressive for it’s day and some of it is still progressive in this day, but it’s also full of nonsense that people get caught up on in fear of their own divine punishment or death.


Well-Known Member
I believe Christianity was a niche Jewish cult that spread to gentiles. I think Jesus’s crucifixion was a Madonna effect and only empowered the cult further. I think the Bible is mostly just Jewish cult lore and make believe. But it’s really not as bad as its followers make it seem when they practice the jew aspects of the religion. Christianity represents freedom from evil Judaism and the laws Moses. It brings morality back into the subjective by freeing us from punishment for the “objective” morality laid out by a creator.

It’s kind of a neat belief system, but at the same time people need to get away from certain aspects of it like thinking they can arrive at an objective morality for all human beings. It was very progressive for it’s day and some of it is still progressive in this day, but it’s also full of nonsense that people get caught up on in fear of their own divine punishment or death.
ellll correctoooooo


Well-Known Member
if you not involved in the struggle for love truth and i forget the other thing, then you probably doing christianity wrong

its common sense

El Correcto

god is dead
Why are you now resorting to asking about other sinners to reaffirm your hatred of your fellow Christians?
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”