

Well-Known Member
In my experience and observations over the years I have found many believers in Jesus Christ who do not believe the Bible is to be read from a completely literal perspective. I am of this belief and opinion.

In my experience and observations over the years I have found many believers in Jesus Christ who believe the Bible is to be taken from a completely literal perspective.

Which of these beliefs and or opinions do you ascribe?
You also have told us that homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, obscenity are all subjective and up to each individual as to what they accept. There are moral absolutes given in the Bible that you reject and must reject in order to justify accepting those behaviors. This is why you don't take a completely literal approach. The Bible says Jesus's tongue is like a two edged sword. Was it literally? Jesus said he is the door. Is he a literal door? Saying we take everything literally is just a rationalization of your own refusal to accept God's word as given to us through the Bible.


Well-Known Member
I read the entirety of Roman 6. It doesn’t say that and Paul says much the opposite of that about Grace. You’d have to misunderstand grace to arrive at the conclusion you did from those passages.

No longer under God’s laws, but under Grace.
We're told that all our righteousness is as filthy rags to God. As sinful beings we are never good enough to deserve the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Thus it's God's grace that covers us. But as Paul pointed out we shouldn't sin that grace may abound. We are in a saved state when we are baptized but can lose that state if we continue to sin. Again, read all the New Testament, all of Jesus's teachings and Paul's writings in particular but absolutely all of it.

El Correcto

god is dead
You also have told us that homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, obscenity are all subjective and up to each individual as to what they accept. There are moral absolutes given in the Bible that you reject and must reject in order to justify accepting those behaviors. This is why you don't take a completely literal approach. The Bible says Jesus's tongue is like a two edged sword. Was it literally? Jesus said he is the door. Is he a literal door? Saying we take everything literally is just a rationalization of your own refusal to accept God's word as given to us through the Bible.
Yes and you reject them too.
Like homosexuals deserve to be killed. That is a moral absolute given by the Bible, by the creator.


Well-Known Member
Yes and you reject them too.
Like homosexuals deserve to be killed. That is a moral absolute given by the Bible, by the creator.
No, that was done away with. We are now under the New Testament. What we reject is the sin. We all sin. How we choose to handle our sin is how we'll be judged.

El Correcto

god is dead
We're told that all our righteousness is as filthy rags to God. As sinful beings we are never good enough to deserve the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Thus it's God's grace that covers us. But as Paul pointed out we shouldn't sin that grace may abound. We are in a saved state when we are baptized but can lose that state if we continue to sin. Again, read all the New Testament, all of Jesus's teachings and Paul's writings in particular but absolutely all of it.
So according to you you need to be pious to get into heaven, yet you aren’t under laws you are under grace and at the same time that Grace acts like laws.

You make 0 sense. Baptism is literally not required at all as laid out by Paul in Roman 6 which you have claimed to read.


Binge Poster
Thanks for your thorough reply.
They believe there is right and wrong outside of human understanding because a creator exist
I believe this as well.
and lays this out through the Bible.
But not because this.
Objective morality, morality that doesn’t come from human beings. It’s very silly stuff.
I understand. I have pursued this line of thought in the past, even partly believed it. My thoughts have changed on this and today I personally think it is more silly to think that objective truth doesn’t exist outside of human understanding.

IMO religions have been attempting to understand objective truth through their traditions, written and oral, and their practices for a long time. I find many of these beneficial to my understanding of God.
I’ve never learned much about the bible, because it’s a very inaccurate book. I never saw the need to dive into something that is so irreversibly wrong on the first page and is sold as the word of the creator.
You seem to know much about it.
But these people want to play games, so I’ll play along.
So this is your reason for using the Bible and Bible verses.
It’s not a problem at all to me. But it is the argument between you and the fundamentalists.
IMO I would not be viewed a fundamentalist by many.
These are the Adam and Eve types who are science deniers and find the need to parrot the Bible 24/7 because they think they know some divine truth.
Are they not entitled to their religious freedom, their opinions, and religious beliefs? As you are?
These are people that attack provable truths with their unprovable nonsense. Take evolution vs creationist debate.
IMO both are theories. Both are provable by the basis that the assumptions that support the presented theory is made.
I don’t have to believe to say any of that. That is how it is laid out by early Christians. That’s the reason even gentiles were allowed to be Christians in the first churches. That’s what the hypocrite Christians like to point to when it comes to their own sin.
Not sure what you are saying here.
I’m just pointing out they don’t get their morality from God’s word or the Bible.
How you you deny their right to believe that?

Don’t you have a right to believe differently?
There is no objective morality.
I believe there is objective reality.
A morality outside of sentient living creatures.
I believe God took care of that through Jesus.
There is only subjective morality.
Where does your morality that there is only subjective reality come?

Do you believe you have a spirit or soul?

El Correcto

god is dead
I understand. I have pursued this line of thought in the past, even partly believed it. My thoughts have changed on this and today I personally think it is more silly to think that objective truth doesn’t exist outside of human understanding.
I didn’t say objective truth, I said objective morality. I believe in objective truths up until I’m proven wrong by evidence, then it is no longer truths. There is a big difference in saying the earth rotates around the sun and it is morally right to kill homosexuals. One is making a scientific claim the other is making a moral one.
IMO religions have been attempting to understand objective truth through their traditions, written and oral, and their practices for a long time. I find many of these beneficial to my understanding of God.
See previous post and no there are no objective scientific proofs in the Bible, only claims.
Are they not entitled to their religious freedom, their opinions, and religious beliefs? As you are?
Sure they are. But they are not entitled to their own facts and objective truths. Those are subjective.
IMO both are theories. Both are provable by the basis that the assumptions that support the presented theory is made.
They absolutely are not both theories. One is a scientific fact supported by actual evidence, the other is a fairy tale found in an old story.
Not sure what you are saying here.
Probably speaking about Grace under god. How it is literally just a cult like belief of believe in the leader and you are saved for the afterlife.

I believe there is objective reality.
Yes but not morality.
Where does your morality that there is only subjective reality come?
There isn’t just subjective reality, there is objective reality but only subjective morality.


Well-Known Member
So according to you you need to be pious to get into heaven, yet you aren’t under laws you are under grace and at the same time that Grace acts like laws.

You make 0 sense. Baptism is literally not required at all as laid out by Paul in Roman 6 which you have claimed to read.
If you read the entire New Testament including Paul's writing you'll see you must be baptized and you must sincerely attempt to live the Christian life. For example I use to argue a bit with a person who is no longer on the forum. He sincerely believed that after being saved there was nothing he could do that would cause him to lose his salvation. So he would talk about picking up women and getting a bit drunk. It was just a bit of fun for him, no harm done in his mind. That isn't what the Bible teaches. Some people don't seem to realize why we shouldn't engage in various behaviors we call sin. They either hurt us, hurt others, or hurt society in general. Often all the above if not always. Living the Christian life means being faithful to your wife, not physically harming her, not sexually abusing your children, not taking from others without their consent, not cheating others, and on and on. What a world we would have if we did the best we could to not sin, and sincerely ask for forgiveness from God and others when we do, and growing stronger in Christ the more we try. That's the utopia I want, not the world some would have giving in to all our base desires. That's a world where women and children are exploited, things are brutally taken by force, and people chemically alter their reality because their world is too harsh. My opinion may mean little to some, but I'd rather that be so than say everything is subjective, do what feels good to you, all is relative, there's no moral absolutes. That gets us that brutal world that we are spiraling into.

El Correcto

god is dead
If you read the entire New Testament including Paul's writing you'll see you must be baptized and you must sincerely attempt to live the Christian life. For example I use to argue a bit with a person who is no longer on the forum. He sincerely believed that after being saved there was nothing he could do that would cause him to lose his salvation. So he would talk about picking up women and getting a bit drunk. It was just a bit of fun for him, no harm done in his mind. That isn't what the Bible teaches. Some people don't seem to realize why we shouldn't engage in various behaviors we call sin. They either hurt us, hurt others, or hurt society in general. Often all the above if not always. Living the Christian life means being faithful to your wife, not physically harming her, not sexually abusing your children, not taking from others without their consent, not cheating others, and on and on. What a world we would have if we did the best we could to not sin, and sincerely ask for forgiveness from God and others when we do, and growing stronger in Christ the more we try. That's the utopia I want, not the world some would have giving in to all our base desires. That's a world where women and children are exploited, things are brutally taken by force, and people chemically alter their reality because their world is too harsh. My opinion may mean little to some, but I'd rather that be so than say everything is subjective, do what feels good to you, all is relative, there's no moral absolutes. That gets us that brutal world that we are spiraling into.
Try reading Roman 6 again and tell me baptism is required.

El Correcto

god is dead
"Grace alone" is nowhere in the bible.
The only time "alone" appears in the NT is James 2:24, where he says" faith alone" does not save, but works are involved.
Actually they did, as laid out by Paul.
The main reason for obeying the laws of Moses was to appease the circumcised(Jews). All things to all men, but at the same time he made it clear the old ways were dead and it is by grace alone. God plays no favoritism for the holier than thou folks. Baptism, circumcision, holy works, none of that is required by the gospels. Everyone is a sinner and everyone is viewed equally by the father and Christ. All you have to do is repent and accept this.

Perfect forgiveness of Christ and grace alone.
Freedom of the gentiles.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Actually they did, as laid out by Paul.
The main reason for obeying the laws of Moses was to appease the circumcised(Jews). All things to all men, but at the same time he made it clear the old ways were dead and it is by grace alone. God plays no favoritism for the holier than thou folks. Baptism, circumcision, holy works, none of that is required by the gospels. Everyone is a sinner and everyone is viewed equally by the father and Christ. All you have to do is repent and accept this.

Perfect forgiveness of Christ and grace alone.
Freedom of the gentiles.
Not according to scripture.

El Correcto

god is dead
Actually you are now misquoting and misunderstanding James 2.
Try reading the entire thing, it’s actually a pretty socialist communist passage. I’d say democrats are much better Christians than Republicans if you read that.


Binge Poster
I didn’t say objective truth, I said objective morality.
I meant to say morality and not truth.
I believe in objective truths up until I’m proven wrong by evidence, then it is no longer truths. There is a big difference in saying the earth rotates around the sun and it is morally right to kill homosexuals. One is making a scientific claim the other is making a moral one.

See previous post and no there are no objective scientific proofs in the Bible, only claims.

Sure they are. But they are not entitled to their own facts and objective truths. Those are subjective.
Diversity of thought. No problem.
They absolutely are not both theories. One is a scientific fact supported by actual evidence, the other is a fairy tale found in an old story.
Theory of Evolution is given the title theory. IMO Some fairy tales tell heroic inspiring stories.
Probably speaking about Grace under god. How it is literally just a cult like belief of believe in the leader and you are saved for the afterlife.
Do you believe you have a spirit or a soul?
Yes but not morality.
I meant to say I believe in an objective morality. My bad.
There isn’t just subjective reality, there is objective reality but only subjective morality.


Binge Poster
Actually they did, as laid out by Paul.
The main reason for obeying the laws of Moses was to appease the circumcised(Jews). All things to all men, but at the same time he made it clear the old ways were dead and it is by grace alone. God plays no favoritism for the holier than thou folks. Baptism, circumcision, holy works, none of that is required by the gospels. Everyone is a sinner and everyone is viewed equally by the father and Christ. All you have to do is repent and accept this.

Perfect forgiveness of Christ and grace alone.
Freedom of the gentiles.
Do you believe this?

El Correcto

god is dead
Do you believe this?
Doesn’t matter what I believe. That is what the apostate Paul believed as laid out in the Bible when he admonished fellow circumcised Christians for turning their backs on gentiles.

A lot of the early church was trying to mend the two groups, a lot of their “recorded” speeches need to be taken into account who they are speaking to.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Actually you are now misquoting and misunderstanding James 2.
Try reading the entire thing, it’s actually a pretty socialist communist passage. I’d say democrats are much better Christians than Republicans if you read that.
No misquote.

Grace alone saves?
Hitler is in heaven. If not, why not?

El Correcto

god is dead
Not according to scripture.
Yes according to scripture if you bothered to read. James was spreading the word to Jews. He had to win them over.
Paul was spreading the gospel to gentiles, he had to win them over.

James was worried about gentiles offending Jews and Paul was worried about gentiles being rejected by Jews.
James laid out behavior for gentiles in synagogue and Paul laid out admonishments for Jews who looked down on gentiles.

El Correcto

god is dead
“ 10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yokethat neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.”

Through grace, not through laws or rules.
The council of Jerusalem settled this matter. Paul was correct.

“It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. 21 For the law of Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.”

The Council’s Letter to Gentile Believers​

22 Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas (called Barsabbas) and Silas,men who were leaders among the believers. 23 With them they sent the following letter:
The apostles and elders, your brothers,
To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia:
24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. 25 So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul—26 men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. 28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements:29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

James making it clear these rules are to avoid the wrath of Jews, not god.
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