

Well-Known Member
That is actually from you book.
I merely typed a page then copy and pasted.

Forgot the source though.

The Bible is a pretty rambling book.
You are aware that it's a collection of letters by different authors written to the various congregations and copied and passed around to other congregations? That there was no assembled collection being massed produced for many centuries?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I’m good with that, but like I said, the Covid cult actually affect you and everyone even force people to do things. You were free to leave Christianity as you said, so yourself, which is just fine your choice.

As an adult I could choose to walk away. As a child I couldn’t but there are a lot of things a child has to do because of their parents. Luckily even as a child I had questions and wondered why out of all the religions how did I get lucky enough to fall into parents that was lucky enough to pick the right religion that we was all going to enjoy paradise while other kids that wasn’t so lucky was born to parents that wasn’t so lucky and because of it they would suffer the worst imaginable consequences for eternity. On top of that I never liked church it seemed as a punishment to go. Even as a child I didn’t like Easter (never thought how strange that was till later) When I went into a Christ centered store it felt strange. Felt like money changers in the temple making money off of Christ. The people in the store would be googling and ga ga over the merchandise and there was nothing in there I would want. I would just be in there because I was with someone else and was happy to leave. Looking back on these things I just never fell for any part of it. As I look back on my life the worst times in my life was when my wife and I went through drug addiction and then after we got cleaned up people convinced us we needed to go back to church. Those next 20 years was some of the worst years. I only stayed 20 years because my wife was so brainwashed. Luckily small things I would say to her made her question and then as she started to see how she was treated for not falling in line she finally woke up and we left. It was like leaving a cult. All those loving people all of a sudden said the devil got ahold of us and all the “friends” left us.
Anyway I have been on both side and it would take a visit from God himself to get me to go back.


Well-Known Member
Grace is heavily supported by scripture.
That whole Pharisee rant is pointing out none of those people will make it to heaven if they do not accept Jesus as lord no matter how much works they do or how much laws they obey.

Christianity really is a radical ideology when it comes to equality and socialism.
Of course it is. And faith without works is dead.

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s great but I’m not sure why. Like I said, you just can’t stop talking about it. It’s curious and a little unsettling. You don’t seem well-adjusted for someone who says they have a firm grasp on what they believe.
I’m just informing you about what your book says and how it views Pharisees.
How Jesus and his apostles stood against them basically every step of the way and took action to end jewish Christians converts from succumbing to Pharisees practices when dealing with the gentiles.

So I’ll ask again why put the Ten Commandments in any school? Why teach like the Pharisees did?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
It must be an unbearable weight seeing through all the scams of life with such clarity. I think I'll go with what Jerry Falwell once said. That if at the end of his life he found there was no God, no Jesus, his life was still immeasurably better because of Christianity.

If the world manages to extinguish Christianity I would hate to see what kind of world we'd have.

I don’t see through all scams. I have fell for a few but that is what makes me not just follow something that doesn’t add up.
I have atheist friends that I can count on and trust more than the ones I went to church with. At least the atheist believe in Karma so they are scared they might get some punishment for doing bad while the church people I use to hang with would just ask for forgiveness and move on.


Well-Known Member
I’m just informing you about what your book says and how it views Pharisees.
How Jesus and his apostles stood against them basically every step of the way and took action to end jewish Christians converts from succumbing to Pharisees practices when dealing with the gentiles.

So I’ll ask again why put the Ten Commandments in any school? Why teach like the Pharisees did?
You assume I’m reading all of this ramblings? I hold your opinion, and as much esteem as you hold mine.

Although if you would notice you’re disrespectful, arrogant and rude about what you think I believe, and my lifestyle, and I said nothing about what you believe Nor your lifestyle.

Your character is on full display.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
It must be an unbearable weight seeing through all the scams of life with such clarity. I think I'll go with what Jerry Falwell once said. That if at the end of his life he found there was no God, no Jesus, his life was still immeasurably better because of Christianity.

If the world manages to extinguish Christianity I would hate to see what kind of world we'd have.

The exact answer any member of any cult would say or else they wouldn’t be in that cult.


Well-Known Member
I’m just informing you about what your book says and how it views Pharisees.
How Jesus and his apostles stood against them basically every step of the way and took action to end jewish Christians converts from succumbing to Pharisees practices when dealing with the gentiles.

So I’ll ask again why put the Ten Commandments in any school? Why teach like the Pharisees did?
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15: 4

Pretty much everything needed from the Old Testament is covered in the New Testament, but the Old Testament still has instructive value. However if we go by the New Testament alone we have all that's required.


Well-Known Member
I don’t see through all scams. I have fell for a few but that is what makes me not just follow something that doesn’t add up.
I have atheist friends that I can count on and trust more than the ones I went to church with. At least the atheist believe in Karma so they are scared they might get some punishment for doing bad while the church people I use to hang with would just ask for forgiveness and move on.
I can certainly say I’ve met many church people who say they’re Christians who are just the worst people I’ve ever met personally.

El Correcto

god is dead
Of course it is. And faith without works is dead.

“5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit”

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast.”



Well-Known Member
I don’t see through all scams. I have fell for a few but that is what makes me not just follow something that doesn’t add up.
I have atheist friends that I can count on and trust more than the ones I went to church with. At least the atheist believe in Karma so they are scared they might get some punishment for doing bad while the church people I use to hang with would just ask for forgiveness and move on.
How are they atheists if the ascribe to Karma? That's just another belief from another religion.

Faithful Christians try very hard not to sin but no one is perfect. That's where the sincerity of asking for forgiveness comes in. Those who aren't sincere tend to go back to the sin they gave into.

El Correcto

god is dead
You assume I’m reading all of this ramblings? I hold your opinion, and as much esteem as you hold mine.

Although if you would notice you’re disrespectful, arrogant and rude about what you think I believe, and my lifestyle, and I said nothing about what you believe Nor your lifestyle.

Your character is on full display.
Oh you’ve said plenty about my lifestyle and comparing it to yours friend. You put on your character by constantly resorting to trying to make this personal instead of addressing points. That’s why you don’t bother to open your eyes, but still feel the need to hit reply.


Binge Poster
And who do you think inspired the Bible?
I actually believe God is ultimately the inspiration behind all literature and the arts. That includes religious literature and religious art and all religious traditions for that matter.
I'm not fortunate enough to receive direct dispensation so I have to rely on God's word.
To know if you have a spirit or soul?

That is peculiar to me but ok.

Do you believe in your intelligence?
Considering the things you support I suspect the voice you're hearing is a different God than the one of the Bible.
IMO your exclusive reliance on the Bible for your relationship with the living God seems impersonal and limiting to me. I will not place limits on the living God.


Well-Known Member

“5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit”

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast.”

And if you have faith you comply with the requirements to enter the Church and once baptized you are in a saved state. Up to you to maintain it. It's remarkable that you accuse others of being like Pharisees when you cherry pick certain passages to support your argument but refuse to accept the Gospel in its totality. What you posted is all a very necessary part of being a Christian. But it's not all of it. But I believe you're more interested in disproving Christianity than upholding it.


Binge Poster
Grace is heavily supported by scripture.
That whole Pharisee rant is pointing out none of those people will make it to heaven if they do not accept Jesus as lord no matter how much works they do or how much laws they obey.

Christianity really is a radical ideology when it comes to equality and socialism.
IMO Jesus’s teaching is a radical teaching of compassion, mercy, and love. Amazing love.