

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This is your opinion. How could you possibly know?
This passage is enough. No use to give you more. Not to mention your "personal revelations" lies are polar opposites of what inspired apostles wrote.
Try being honest with yourself. It's people like you that say the things you do (lies) are "from God" that make a balanced thinking person think Christians are idiots.
You refuse to believe the Bible as God's authoritative word, much less His final word. (That's written down, too.)
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Binge Poster
This passage is enough. No use to give you more. Not to mention your "personal revelations" lies are polar opposites of what inspired apostles wrote.
Try being honest with yourself. It's people like you that say the things you do (lies) are "from God" that make a balanced thinking person think Christians are idiots.
You refuse to believe the Bible as God's authoritative word, much less His final word. (That's written down, too.)
Many balanced thinking people have expressed the same thing about Christians for believing that God is bound by what man has written about Him in a book.

I do love the book. It is my favorite but
the Bible is not the basis for my belief in God it is my belief in God that is the basis for me to seek to learn from written religious literature, such as the Bible. I firmly believe that God is not bound by any religion found in the Bible. I could and would never limit the God of the Universe in this way.

Peace be with you friend.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Many balanced thinking people have expressed the same thing about Christians for believing that God is bound by what man has written about Him in a book.

I do love the book. It is my favorite but
the Bible is not the basis for my belief in God it is my belief in God that is the basis for me to seek to learn from written religious literature, such as the Bible. I firmly believe that God is not bound by any religion found in the Bible. I could and would never limit the God of the Universe in this way.

Peace be with you friend.


Firmly believe whatever you want. I don't care what you would or wouldn't limit God to. He limited Himself. And revealed why He did. That's written down also in the book that is not your basis for belief.

God does not give you personal, literal revelations. Stop lying.


Binge Poster
Blow. Integrity: Feelings mutual my friend.

Firmly believe whatever you want. Integrity: Thank You.I don't care what you would or wouldn't limit God to. Integrity: I care.He limited Himself.Integrity: I do not believe in your opinion about this. And revealed why He did.Integrity: That is not what He tells me in my spirit.That's written down also in the book that is not your basis for belief. Integrity: I guess that might explain our difference of opinion/belief.

God does not give you personal, literal revelations. Integrity: I believe God speaks to me and all creation directly and indirectly through and by the Holy Spirit of the living Gods. Stop lying. Integrity: IMO you bear false witness against me by stating this in public discussion.

My experience and faith is all about my personal relationship with the living God.

IMO and observation your experience and faith seems to be all about a religious document, the Bible.

It seems to me that I place the living God first place in my life while you place the Bible first place in yours.

It appears to me that while I idolize God Himself, you seem to idolize a book, the Bible.

I love the Bible, I think it is a wonderful religious text, very useful when one is seeking a religious/spiritual life and a personal relationship with God.

But while you claim God is limited and limits Himself, I think the Bible is limited. IMO and belief while God is not limited, the Bible is limited, it is limited to the personal and direct illumination and revelation of God the Holy Spirit to each according to His will and specific plan and purpose for each person.

IMO and belief the Holy Spirit has revealed to me that if you look you will see that while God doesn’t limit Himself in the Bible, the Bible actually limits itself.

May God bless you and give you his peace my friend.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

My experience and faith is all about my personal relationship with the living God.

IMO and observation your experience and faith seems to be all about a religious document, the Bible.

It seems to me that I place the living God first place in my life while you place the Bible first place in yours.

It appears to me that while I idolize God Himself, you seem to idolize a book, the Bible.

I love the Bible, I think it is a wonderful religious text, very useful when one is seeking a religious/spiritual life and a personal relationship with God.

But while you claim God is limited and limits Himself, I think the Bible is limited. IMO and belief while God is not limited, the Bible is limited, it is limited to the personal and direct illumination and revelation of God the Holy Spirit to each according to His will and specific plan and purpose for each person.

IMO and belief the Holy Spirit has revealed to me that if you look you will see that while God doesn’t limit Himself in the Bible, the Bible actually limits itself.

May God bless you and give you his peace my friend.

:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:lies and blow.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:lies and blow:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

El Correcto

god is dead
Have you reported posts that you find in violation of the BC Terms and Rules in that thread?
I already made my argument.
You saw he reacted to it. Appealing to emotions, deflecting, excuses, etc.

He is not a good moderator who cares about the TOS, he has now turned any attack on Christianity, a belief, into a personal attack. Which has never been that way on this site.


Well-Known Member
I already made my argument.
You saw he reacted to it. Appealing to emotions, deflecting, excuses, etc.

He is not a good moderator who cares about the TOS, he has now turned any attack on Christianity, a belief, into a personal attack. Which has never been that way on this site.
Careful now, discussing moderators actions can get you a banaroo. We don’t want that. We’re just glad you’re back.


Binge Poster
I already made my argument.
You saw he reacted to it. Appealing to emotions, deflecting, excuses, etc.

He is not a good moderator who cares about the TOS, he has now turned any attack on Christianity, a belief, into a personal attack. Which has never been that way on this site.
Not sure what you are referring to question:

Have you reported posts that you find in violation of the BC Terms and Rules in that thread?

I am not clear if this reply was a yes or no.



El Correcto

god is dead
Not sure what you are referring to question:

Have you reported posts that you find in violation of the BC Terms and Rules in that thread?

I am not clear if this reply was a yes or no.


Only to show them their hypocrisy on the idea that attacking Christianity is on par with a personal attack. He uses the excuse that I provoke them by not agreeing with Christianity or by attacking religious beliefs.

So yea I’ve hit the button to show him he isn’t a fair or objective judge, nothing gets done just as I thought would happen, so why bother continuing to do so?

Christians are not held to the same standard as gays on here. People can post vile nonsense and compare gays to pedophiles @Thebrownblob all day everyday and if I insult them or their ideas I’m thrown under the tos bus.

El Correcto

god is dead
Careful now, discussing moderators actions can get you a banaroo. We don’t want that. We’re just glad you’re back.
I was asked a question about moderator actions that’s wasn’t removed. Just like many tos breaking convos I didn’t start this one, but I’m sure you are right about me being the only one held to the standard in these conversations.


Well-Known Member
Only to show them their hypocrisy on the idea that attacking Christianity is on par with a personal attack. He uses the excuse that I provoke them by not agreeing with Christianity or by attacking religious beliefs.

So yea I’ve hit the button to show him he isn’t a fair or objective judge, nothing gets done just as I thought would happen, so why bother continuing to do so?

Christians are not held to the same standard as gays on here. People can post vile nonsense and compare gays to pedophiles @Thebrownblob all day everyday and if I insult them or their ideas I’m thrown under the tos bus.
Sorry, but I’ve never done that and it drives you crazy because in your fantasy world where everyone hates you because of your lifestyle choice. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s just not true. You’re gonna have to look even deeper to find out why people may or may not like you and it’s going to be very difficult for you. It’s funny you think you’re the only one who’s been banned. You are forever complaining about being persecuted. I got news for you. All of us have been lol. And all of us were innocent according to us L O L. Well, maybe not @Integrity. I don’t think he’s been banned, Good for him.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sorry, but I’ve never done that and it drives you crazy because in your fantasy world where everyone hates you because of your lifestyle choice. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s just not true. You’re gonna have to look even deeper to find out why people may or may not like you and it’s going to be very difficult for you. It’s funny you think you’re the only one who’s been banned. You are forever complaining about being persecuted. I got news for you. All of us have been lol. Well, maybe not @Integrity. I don’t think he’s been banned, Good for him.
All Christians have is lies. That’s what your book is full of and what you are full of.

Just like Tommy who can’t man up about him running his mouth about cheating on his wife on here. That conversation was also deleted just like ours was. You people are very hateful but never punished the same way I am, because you have a theist mod on your side. The only way Christianity lasted as long as it did was censorship and oppression.


Well-Known Member
All Christians have is lies. That’s what your book is full of and what you are full of.

Just like Tommy who can’t man up about him running his mouth about cheating on his wife on here. That conversation was also deleted just like ours was. You people are very hateful but never punished the same way I am, because you have a theist mod on your side. The only way Christianity lasted as long as it did was censorship and oppression.
I don’t know who tommy is but OK😂, I forgot that you were the pillar of decency and honor and truthfulness around here LOL and I must’ve gotten banned a different way than you did. The half a dozen times I had it happen.😆🤷‍♂️

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t know who tommy is but OK😂, I forgot that you were the pillar of decency and honor and truthfulness around here LOL and I must’ve gotten banned a different way than you did. The half a dozen times I had it happen.😆🤷‍♂️
You don’t know about Tommy?
Tommy is the name of @BrownFlush imaginary gay friend whose gay wedding he attended. He just lies and lies and lies, just like you do.


Well-Known Member
You don’t know about Tommy?
Tommy is the name of @BrownFlush imaginary gay friend whose gay wedding he attended. He just lies and lies and lies, just like you do.
Interesting but that sounds like a personal attack for someone who’s so concerned about the TOS you seem to have no trouble violating them yourself.
If you’re so mistreated you’re under no obligation to return. None of us are. hopefully you do not run afoul of the rules again and get to post something other than what you’ve been posting recently. It’s up to you I’m sure.

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t know who tommy is but OK😂, I forgot that you were the pillar of decency and honor and truthfulness around here LOL and I must’ve gotten banned a different way than you did. The half a dozen times I had it happen.😆🤷‍♂️
Truthfulness, I actually try to be.
I’ve been called a liar on here when talking about people I grew up with and actually reached out on Instagram to one of them, was called a liar when I showed the dms straight off Instagram confirmed what I said. That was when talking to makaveli about his little fake gangster persona he puts on here and excusing gangster behavior.

I grew up around drug dealing losers, it’s overly glamorized for what it really is.


Well-Known Member
Truthfulness, I actually try to be.
I’ve been called a liar on here when talking about people I grew up with and actually reached out on Instagram to one of them. That was when talking to makaveli about his little fake gangster persona he puts on here and excusing gangster behavior.

I grew up around drug dealing losers, it’s overly glamorized for what it really is.
Well, I don’t think I called you a liar, I don’t personally know you, so I can’t really say you do seem to have a chip on your shoulder. As well as a lot of miss placed anger. When you’re not going off on christianity, I’ve seen you post some very interesting and thought-provoking post.