
El Correcto

god is dead
So help me out with this.

You can belittle a poster, and his strongly held beliefs, by calling him a Pharisee. Said poster has not (as far as I could follow) called you names based on any of your defining beliefs or characteristics during this exchange.

Can you justify that for me?
You just got out of a week off. I'm really tempted to give you another.
Justify allowing people to call others mentally ill, while not allowing me to do the same.
Justify criticizing Christianity as attacking a pillar of their identity while not doing the same for lgbt people.

He is being a Pharisee as laid out in the Bible, someone obsessed with works and laws instead of grace of Christ. Point out where works are required for salvation, when the Bible repeatedly states it is done by grace and grace does not require works. That is more akin to the Jewish converts of Christianity than the gentile ones, the ones raised with the laws of Moses. Strict observance of written law strict observance of tradition. It’s an accurate summary of their beliefs yet they want to take offense to it?
There was a Pharisee present in the council of Jerusalem stating works were required to gain salvation or be a Christian. Acts 15 in the New Testament.

How about calling my religion a religion of mass murder? How about calling lgbt people mentally ill? How about following me around harassing everything I say, trying to turn every conversation into one about personal lives?
You give them a pass I say it is fair to give me one, if not see you next Sunday/Monday if a 7 day is what you are demanding.

El Correcto

god is dead
They sit here belittling @Integrity and never hear a word out of you. Yet I’m now guilty of doing the same of them?

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
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Staff member
Justify allowing people to call others mentally ill, while not allowing me to do the same.
Justify criticizing Christianity as attacking a pillar of their identity while not doing the same for lgbt people.

He is being a Pharisee as laid out in the Bible, someone obsessed with works and laws instead of grace of Christ. Point out where works are required for salvation, when the Bible repeatedly states it is done by grace and grace does not require works. That is more akin to the Jewish converts of Christianity than the gentile ones, the ones raised with the laws of Moses. Strict observance of written law strict observance of tradition. It’s an accurate summary of their beliefs yet they want to take offense to it?
There was a Pharisee present in the council of Jerusalem stating works were required to gain salvation or be a Christian. Acts 15 in the New Testament.
View attachment 424964

How about calling my religion a religion of mass murder? How about calling lgbt people mentally ill? How about following me around harassing everything I say, trying to turn every conversation into one about personal lives?
You give them a pass I say it is fair to give me one, if not see you next Sunday/Monday if a 7 day is what you are demanding.
You started this thread from the first post to attack Christianity. To mock one of the most important pillars of many of our posters lives.

No one made you go after Christians except you decided that you wanted to. The first mud was thrown with the first post.
I'm not playing this game with you. Stop antagonizing, and stop attacking the other posters.

You want everyone to play nicely with you, after all of the vitriolic hatred that you've posted over the last however long you've been here?

Not going to happen, until you lead by example, and start treating others as you would be treated. Until then, I fully intend to ignore all of the hypocritical complaints you make about how unfair this is to you.

Look back at the first post in this thread. This all exists because you decided you wanted to start a fight.

El Correcto

god is dead
You started this thread from the first post to attack Christianity. To mock one of the most important pillars of many of our posters lives.

No one made you go after Christians except you decided that you wanted to. The first mud was thrown with the first post.
I'm not playing this game with you. Stop antagonizing, and stop attacking the other posters.

You want everyone to play nicely with you, after all of the vitriolic hatred that you've posted over the last however long you've been here?

Not going to happen, until you lead by example, and start treating others as you would be treated. Until then, I fully intend to ignore all of the hypocritical complaints you make about how unfair this is to you.

Look back at the first post in this thread. This all exists because you decided you wanted to start a fight.
Oh so the gay man started it by pointing out Christians in Africa are wanting to execute people for their homosexuality.

Explain that logic to me again how gays started this.


Staff member
Oh so the gay man started it by pointing out Christians in Africa are wanting to execute people for their homosexuality.

Explain that logic to me again how gays started this.
The thread title wasn't about Uganda.
It wasn't about Africa.

Look at the thread title, and what you implied.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
They sit here belittling @Integrity and never hear a word out of you. Yet I’m now guilty of doing the same of them?

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
What is included in this grace?
What is included in this faith?

El Correcto

god is dead
I don’t care if these people want to play nicely with me. They never have and never will. They are driven by some view that their faith requires you to not be a homosexual and quote the Bible like it is the scientific authority on the matter, constantly slinging mud towards lgbt as mentally ill.
Go look at the lgbt thread, that was started by a Christian wanting to critique acceptance of them.


Staff member
I don’t care if these people want to play nicely with me. They never have and never will. They are driven by some view that their faith requires you to not be a homosexual and quote the Bible like it is the scientific authority on the matter, constantly slinging mud towards lgbt as mentally ill.
Go look at the lgbt thread, that was started by a Christian wanting to critique acceptance of them.

I could care less if someone is gay, but all this pandering to a tiny fraction of the population (less than 2%) is mind-numbing.
How on earth do you get hateful out of her post? RIP Moreluck.


Staff member
Yes it’s about the belief system spurring the execution of gay men. Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-32

So Christianity is about murdering gay men.
Therefore, the Christians on this site are horrible monsters.

I'm not doing this. If you believe you can't play nicely with the other posters, then I'm going to remove you from the other posters.
So maybe try to find a way to all get along, ok?

El Correcto

god is dead

So Christianity is about murdering gay men.
Therefore, the Christians on this site are horrible monsters.

I'm not doing this. If you believe you can't play nicely with the other posters, then I'm going to remove you from the other posters.
So maybe try to find a way to all get along, ok?
Christianity does promote an ideology that says gay men are naturally sinful and deserving of death, yes.
Moreluck made a post about how doctors were “pandering” to gays by showing acceptance.
I made a post calling out the murder of gay men.
Which one do you believe deserve its own thread or criticism more?


Staff member
Christianity does promote an ideology that says gay men are naturally sinful and deserving of death, yes.
Moreluck made a post about how doctors were “pandering” to gays by showing acceptance.
I made a post calling out the murder of gay men.
Which one do you believe deserve its own thread or criticism more?
Christianity believes that we are all deserving of death.

Get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
Christianity does promote an ideology that says gay men are naturally sinful and deserving of death, yes.
Moreluck made a post about how doctors were “pandering” to gays by showing acceptance.
I made a post calling out the murder of gay men.
Which one do you believe deserve its own thread or criticism more?

Well, that certainly interesting way to twist what you’ve been doing.
Christianity believes that we are all deserving of death.

Get over yourself.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’m not allowed to call Christians mentally ill for believing in debunked creationist myths, I’m not allow to criticize them as Pharisees as laid out in the Bible, I’m not allowed to point out them murdering gays, I’m not allowed to bring up terms of service hypocrisy, I’m not allowed to critique their beliefs or paint them in a bad light.

Meanwhile in the lgbt thread anything goes and they are allowed to personally attack me all they want. They are allowed to attack gays and everything else. Call me hateful homo, unnatural, disgusting, mentally ill, worshipping murder, etc.

I think I understand the rules of Christian cafe, thank you.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t care if these people want to play nicely with me. They never have and never will. They are driven by some view that their faith requires you to not be a homosexual and quote the Bible like it is the scientific authority on the matter, constantly slinging mud towards lgbt as mentally ill.
Go look at the lgbt thread, that was started by a Christian wanting to critique acceptance of them.

Christianity does promote an ideology that says gay men are naturally sinful and deserving of death, yes.
Moreluck made a post about how doctors were “pandering” to gays by showing acceptance.
I made a post calling out the murder of gay men.
Which one do you believe deserve its own thread or criticism more?

"Or do you not know that the unrighteousb will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Cor.6: 9-11

The Apostle Paul is pretty clear that homosexuals were in Corinth. When they became Christians , they became members of the church at Corinth. They "were" homosexuals. Homosexuality is a sin as well as other things noted in just this text.
After they were"washed"and "sanctified " they stopped being thieves, drunkards, and yes, practicing homosexuality. Why?
Paul says, if you do those things, you will not go to heaven. Also note, they never killed the homo. They let him live just like the drunk and the thief.


Well-Known Member
I’m not allowed to call Christians mentally ill for believing in debunked creationist myths, I’m not allow to criticize them as Pharisees as laid out in the Bible, I’m not allowed to point out them murdering gays, I’m not allowed to bring up terms of service hypocrisy, I’m not allowed to critique their beliefs or paint them in a bad light.

Meanwhile in the lgbt thread anything goes and they are allowed to personally attack me all they want. They are allowed to attack gays and everything else. Call me hateful homo, unnatural, disgusting, mentally ill, worshipping murder, etc.

I think I understand the rules of Christian cafe, thank you.
You do realize you've been pushing buttons on this forum on a variety of subjects since well before you became El Correcto? It's not enough to just have a heated discussion. You've got to belittle others all the time, especially if they disagree with you. It's ok to disagree, have at it. Be snarky. But try to keep it civil as much as possible. Most of us don't hate you for being gay. But we have just as much right to believe it's wrong as you do to believe it's right. If you can't accept that then you don't really want to discuss the subject. You want to attack everyone who feels differently than you do. If you find fault with my statements point it out. I certainly criticize others. But if I disagree with you I will point it out too. We don't rule by edict here. You state your position, and we'll state ours. And let the readers decide who is right.


Binge Poster
I’m not allowed to call Christians mentally ill for believing in debunked creationist myths, I’m not allow to criticize them as Pharisees as laid out in the Bible, I’m not allowed to point out them murdering gays, I’m not allowed to bring up terms of service hypocrisy, I’m not allowed to critique their beliefs or paint them in a bad light.
I firmly believe in the agreed upon Terms and Rules of the BC. I believe that we are all responsible to seek to follow them to the best of our ability and to accept correction from the team tasked with moderating these forums.
Meanwhile in the lgbt thread anything goes and they are allowed to personally attack me all they want. They are allowed to attack gays and everything else. Call me hateful homo, unnatural, disgusting, mentally ill, worshipping murder, etc.
I agree. There has been some very questionable content posted in that thread. I will have to admit though, I have not felt prompted to report any of it yet. I have reported things in the past but I have not felt the desire to report anything for a long time.

If you read this if and when you come back.

I am wondering;

Have you reported posts that you find in violation of the BC Terms and Rules in that thread?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I have contemplated this question.

I believe that this is a question you will have to take directly to God.

Peace be with you friend.

Already know.
He doesn't do for you or anyone else what you claim.
So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality," -Acts 10:34
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