Can you provide me an answer as to why there are so many contradictions in The Bible? For example, Adam and Eve. The inescapable conclusion is that incest was required to perpetuate the human race. In fact, Bible scholars (I do check) say that incest was OK in this instance. How about Lot and his daughters? By this point, the human race was well established. And what about all of the violence and mayhem? Murder, the elimination of entire cities, prostitution, God asking for foreskins, going to Hades for eating shellfish etc. The list is very long. God gets a lot of "passes", but then again, he's God, right?
Based on the violence and sexuality alone The Bible should be banned in Florida, Texas, and a number of other Red states. I think you see where I'm going. Believe it or not, I absolutely respect your right to worship and believe as you please. My "gripe" is that Christians get to largely have things their way, in spite of claims or persecution. Iran...yes. The
But, I digress. Why does a book that many Christians believe is accurate word for word (literalists) have so many obvious falsehoods, yet still be depended upon as a source book for your faith? When I ask a literalist about one of them, I get gibberish, not answers.
Enlighten me.