
El Correcto

god is dead
Interesting but that sounds like a personal attack for someone who’s so concerned about the TOS you seem to have no trouble violating them yourself.
If you’re so mistreated you’re under no obligation to return. None of us are. hopefully you do not run afoul of the rules again and get to post something other than what you’ve been posting recently. It’s up to you I’m sure.
That’s not a personal attack at all.
That is a blatant lie that he refuses to offer any proof on. It’s a mental cope he uses to show he isn’t a bigot when he is in fact a hateful maroon indoctrinated into a cult of homophobia.


Well-Known Member
That’s not a personal attack at all.
That is a blatant lie that he refuses to offer any proof on. It’s a mental cope he uses to show he isn’t a bigot when he is in fact a hateful maroon indoctrinated into a cult of homophobia.
Could be, but I don’t know what proof he could offer. 🤷‍♂️


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
All Christians have is lies. That’s what your book is full of and what you are full of.

Just like Tommy who can’t man up about him running his mouth about cheating on his wife on here. That conversation was also deleted just like ours was. You people are very hateful but never punished the same way I am, because you have a theist mod on your side. The only way Christianity lasted as long as it did was censorship and oppression.
I'll try to help your memory one last time. Man up. lol...Sure thing..

You were making the argument that people were born gay. I think it was about 5 years ago.
I countered and said if you could use that reasoning then why couldn't I say I was a "natural born adulterer" IF I cheated on my wife? If you are "born that way" you would be guiltless, you would not have choice.
I used the same reasoning with a murderer . If he uses the defense of "he was born that way" a natural born murderer, that would take choice out of it.
You laughed at the comparison and ridiculed me. As time past and you became more and more hateful, it must have went in your brain that I cheated and you forgot what I said because it burnt you so bad.

As for Tommy. He is a real person. I did attend his gay wedding. I remember telling you his story. I was best man in his first wedding, married a baby doll, had two boys, life was fine, no one seen the gay choice coming, and he made the CHOICE to go gay. I told you the story about Tommy to prove that homosexuality is a choice. Regardless of the difficulty in the choice, it's still a choice...They have divorced and he is somewhere in Florida last I heard.
You want his number? I could probably hook you up. Do homos like blind dates?


Engorged Member
Many balanced thinking people have expressed the same thing about Christians for believing that God is bound by what man has written about Him in a book.

I do love the book. It is my favorite but
the Bible is not the basis for my belief in God it is my belief in God that is the basis for me to seek to learn from written religious literature, such as the Bible. I firmly believe that God is not bound by any religion found in the Bible. I could and would never limit the God of the Universe in this way.

Peace be with you friend.

Can you provide me an answer as to why there are so many contradictions in The Bible? For example, Adam and Eve. The inescapable conclusion is that incest was required to perpetuate the human race. In fact, Bible scholars (I do check) say that incest was OK in this instance. How about Lot and his daughters? By this point, the human race was well established. And what about all of the violence and mayhem? Murder, the elimination of entire cities, prostitution, God asking for foreskins, going to Hades for eating shellfish etc. The list is very long. God gets a lot of "passes", but then again, he's God, right?

Based on the violence and sexuality alone The Bible should be banned in Florida, Texas, and a number of other Red states. I think you see where I'm going. Believe it or not, I absolutely respect your right to worship and believe as you please. My "gripe" is that Christians get to largely have things their way, in spite of claims or persecution. Iran...yes. The

But, I digress. Why does a book that many Christians believe is accurate word for word (literalists) have so many obvious falsehoods, yet still be depended upon as a source book for your faith? When I ask a literalist about one of them, I get gibberish, not answers.

Enlighten me.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Can you provide me an answer as to why there are so many contradictions in The Bible? For example, Adam and Eve. The inescapable conclusion is that incest was required to perpetuate the human race. In fact, Bible scholars (I do check) say that incest was OK in this instance. How about Lot and his daughters? By this point, the human race was well established. And what about all of the violence and mayhem? Murder, the elimination of entire cities, prostitution, God asking for foreskins, going to Hades for eating shellfish etc. The list is very long. God gets a lot of "passes", but then again, he's God, right?

Based on the violence and sexuality alone The Bible should be banned in Florida, Texas, and a number of other Red states. I think you see where I'm going. Believe it or not, I absolutely respect your right to worship and believe as you please. My "gripe" is that Christians get to largely have things their way, in spite of claims or persecution. Iran...yes. The

But, I digress. Why does a book that many Christians believe is accurate word for word (literalists) have so many obvious falsehoods, yet still be depended upon as a source book for your faith? When I ask a literalist about one of them, I get gibberish, not answers.

Enlighten me.

You might as well forget it. By the time someone says they believe the Bible is a book from God they are so brainwashed there is almost no way to make logical sense to them. There are churches that say the Bible is infallible. Which revision? Christians would laugh at a person from another religion that followed a book with as many contradictions as the Bible while saying it was from their god, yet they can’t understand why people don’t just accept it when talking about the Bible.
I posted this before but for anyone that has had the brainwashing to say there are no contradictions in the Bible please take time to study this. If there was just a 10th of these contradictions it would make the Bible a book of contradiction.



Well-Known Member
You might as well forget it. By the time someone says they believe the Bible is a book from God they are so brainwashed there is almost no way to make logical sense to them. There are churches that say the Bible is infallible. Which revision? Christians would laugh at a person from another religion that followed a book with as many contradictions as the Bible while saying it was from their god, yet they can’t understand why people don’t just accept it when talking about the Bible.
I posted this before but for anyone that has had the brainwashing to say there are no contradictions in the Bible please take time to study this. If there was just a 10th of these contradictions it would make the Bible a book of contradiction.

What's the alternative? What are you offering that's better? Seek pleasure? Do you have a moral code? If you do, why?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
What's the alternative? What are you offering that's better? Seek pleasure? Do you have a moral code? If you do, why?

The alternative is any religion you want to follow if you want to follow one. Neither one is any more believable than the other. If you want or need to seek the Bible for a moral code then go for it but don’t act like God wrote it or inspired men to write it. Almost all religions offers morals to follow. If you need a religion of rewards and punishment to make you moral then you should ask yourself just how moral are you? I try to do the right thing and follow the law because that is who I am. I don’t need a book to tell me how to treat people and live in this world while thinking of others.
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Well-Known Member
The alternative is any religion you want to follow if you want to follow one. Neither one is any more believable than the other. If you want or need to seek the Bible for a moral code then go for it but don’t act like God wrote it or inspired men to write it. Almost all religions offers morals to follow. If you need a religion of rewards and punishment to make you moral then you should ask yourself just how moral are you? I try to do the right thing and follow the law because that is who I am. I don’t need a book to tell me how to treat people and live in this world thinking of others.
No but you do seem to have a deep need to attack others for believing in the Bible. Seems to get under your skin.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
No but you do seem to have a deep need to attack others for believing in the Bible. Seems to get under your skin.

Other things get under my skin also. Have you seen any of my comments on Biden or my thoughts about UPS? Why do people think it is strange that others have something to say about the subject of religion. One side says why they believe it with their life while the other side says why they don’t believe it at all. That’s how things work. Religion doesn’t get a pass of being called out.


Well-Known Member
Other things get under my skin also. Have you seen any of my comments on Biden or my thoughts about UPS? Why do people think it is strange that others have something to say about the subject of religion. One side says why they believe it with their life while the other side says why they don’t believe it at all. That’s how things work. Religion doesn’t get a pass of being called out.
Fair enough. Guess I'll keep on believing and you'll keep calling me deluded for believing.


Engorged Member
Other things get under my skin also. Have you seen any of my comments on Biden or my thoughts about UPS? Why do people think it is strange that others have something to say about the subject of religion. One side says why they believe it with their life while the other side says why they don’t believe it at all. That’s how things work. Religion doesn’t get a pass of being called out.
The evidence points to all religions being nonsense. Christianity is no better or worse than the rest of them. All faith and no facts.


Well-Known Member
The exact answer any member of any cult would say or else they wouldn’t be in that cult.
EVERYTHING is a cult. Atheism is a cult, agnosticism is a cult, your favorite sports team is a cult, your favorite TV programming is a cult.
Whatever a person devotes his mind & thinking towards is a cult.
Some cults grow larger than others and are attacked by other cults. Every person is programmed to be devoted to something & to be an adversary to something else.


Engorged Member
EVERYTHING is a cult. Atheism is a cult, agnosticism is a cult, your favorite sports team is a cult, your favorite TV programming is a cult.
Whatever a person devotes his mind & thinking towards is a cult.
Some cults grow larger than others and are attacked by other cults. Every person is programmed to be devoted to something & to be an adversary to something else.
Nope. Good try.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Good try.
Yep, he’s exactly right, you’re in a cult your denial proves it.



Binge Poster
Can you provide me an answer as to why there are so many contradictions in The Bible?
I can only give you my opinion based upon what I believe.

I believe that however wonderful a religious book the Bible is, it is my belief it is a simply a religious document and subject to all the imperfections of any other type of religious practice and or tradition, written or oral.

I believe that it takes the living God to illuminate any part of it to those who may read, study, or just want to understand God and know God better.
For example, Adam and Eve. The inescapable conclusion is that incest was required to perpetuate the human race. In fact, Bible scholars (I do check) say that incest was OK in this instance. How about Lot and his daughters? By this point, the human race was well established. And what about all of the violence and mayhem? Murder, the elimination of entire cities, prostitution, God asking for foreskins, going to Hades for eating shellfish etc. The list is very long. God gets a lot of "passes", but then again, he's God, right?

Based on the violence and sexuality alone The Bible should be banned in Florida, Texas, and a number of other Red states. I think you see where I'm going. Believe it or not, I absolutely respect your right to worship and believe as you please. My "gripe" is that Christians get to largely have things their way, in spite of claims or persecution. Iran...yes. The

But, I digress. Why does a book that many Christians believe is accurate word for word (literalists) have so many obvious falsehoods, yet still be depended upon as a source book for your faith? When I ask a literalist about one of them, I get gibberish, not answers.

Enlighten me.
I don’t ascribe to the literal translation theory and I also do not ascribe to the concept of Sola Scriptura.

Do you believe you have a spirit?


Engorged Member
I can only give you my opinion based upon what I believe.

I believe that however wonderful a religious book the Bible is, it is my belief it is a simply a religious document and subject to all the imperfections of any other type of religious practice and or tradition, written or oral.

I believe that it takes the living God to illuminate any part of it to those who may read, study, or just want to understand God and know God better.

I don’t ascribe to the literal translation theory and I also do not ascribe to the concept of Sola Scriptura.

Do you believe you have a spirit?
Thank you for answering. I'm not familiar with Sola Scriptura, but I'm assuming that means "One Scripture", as in One Bible. I know that science says that energy never disappears completely, as in only changing form(s). For example, as in when you die, the heat energy in your body dissipates/transfers. I would like to think we have a "soul" or that our life energy lives-on. Many people who have had near-death experiences or death and resuscitation claim to see light/spirit forms etc. A lot of them are highly credible individuals. What I don't buy is the standard explanations for Heaven and Hell, neither of which make any sense.