

Well-Known Member
Speaking of evil, Hitler was a Christian, which is well documented. Forgiven? Third Reich rationalization for atrocities? Me thinketh not, but I'm not a believer, so someone who is saved needs to give me the answer.
Hitler and the Nazis had clergy imprisoned and executed who spoke out against him. If he was a practicing, faithful Christian he would have never done the things he did.


Engorged Member
Hitler and the Nazis had clergy imprisoned and executed who spoke out against him. If he was a practicing, faithful Christian he would have never done the things he did.
Hitler banned secular education, which kind of confirms his ideology. Kind of sounds like a Trumpian fantasy....taking out the Free Press and imprisoning or executing your critics. How about American Exceptionalism while we're at it. Where are the Bible passages that confirm the USA is "exceptional". Granted, we are excellent at mass shootings and incarceration, but we lag far behind many other developed countries in numerous areas, particularly quality of life issues. If we are the chosen nation as Limbaugh (and many other Righties) stated, why are we so far down the list, and don't blame Demoncrats because this has happened regardless of the party in control.
So, Hitler was a Christian. So please explain why someone that obviously believed and practiced (e.g. banning secular schools) is forgiven. Hitler disagreed with Catholic bishops over the Jews, but he wasn't taking them to the ovens. And, since we haven't seen or heard from Jesus in over 2,000 years, where in The Bible did He (for you, not me) say we were exceptional? Our "God-Given Rights" (Limbaugh, and many others) began after our revolution against England. Is there some 1776 Bible Special Passge I don't know about?
Enlighten me.


Well-Known Member
No but it does count Christians who view little girls as thirteen year old women.
It's a worldwide phenomenon that use to be normal in the U.S. Getting married at 13 is a bit extreme and probably applied mostly, when it happened, to girls who got pregnant by older boys. But used to be pretty common for 15-20 yr old girls to get married. 21 used to be the legal adult age. Do you see an 18 yr old as a little girl? I'm not advocating anything, just telling you what used to be. Some folks don't want to hear anything but their own beliefs about anything. So much so that when they hear others say something they disagree with they immediately condemn it without trying to understand. I've pondered your situation. I've come to the conclusion that it's a mental health issue. Any man who wants to get his penis slimed with feces probably needs counseling.


Engorged Member
It's a worldwide phenomenon that use to be normal in the U.S. Getting married at 13 is a bit extreme and probably applied mostly, when it happened, to girls who got pregnant by older boys. But used to be pretty common for 15-20 yr old girls to get married. 21 used to be the legal adult age. Do you see an 18 yr old as a little girl? I'm not advocating anything, just telling you what used to be. Some folks don't want to hear anything but their own beliefs about anything. So much so that when they hear others say something they disagree with they immediately condemn it without trying to understand. I've pondered your situation. I've come to the conclusion that it's a mental health issue. Any man who wants to get his penis slimed with feces probably needs counseling.
Isn't it special that God appointed so many of you to be his judges, in spite of the fact that "Only God Can Judge"? I've pondered your situation and I've come to the conclusion that it's a mental health issue. Your own words applied to you (see above), and not a personal attack.


Well-Known Member
Hitler banned secular education, which kind of confirms his ideology. Kind of sounds like a Trumpian fantasy....taking out the Free Press and imprisoning or executing your critics. How about American Exceptionalism while we're at it. Where are the Bible passages that confirm the USA is "exceptional". Granted, we are excellent at mass shootings and incarceration, but we lag far behind many other developed countries in numerous areas, particularly quality of life issues. If we are the chosen nation as Limbaugh (and many other Righties) stated, why are we so far down the list, and don't blame Demoncrats because this has happened regardless of the party in control.
So, Hitler was a Christian. So please explain why someone that obviously believed and practiced (e.g. banning secular schools) is forgiven. Hitler disagreed with Catholic bishops over the Jews, but he wasn't taking them to the ovens. And, since we haven't seen or heard from Jesus in over 2,000 years, where in The Bible did He (for you, not me) say we were exceptional? Our "God-Given Rights" (Limbaugh, and many others) began after our revolution against England. Is there some 1776 Bible Special Passge I don't know about?
Enlighten me.
Hitler imprisoned priests and ministers who refused to go along. Doesn't matter what I say, you want to use one horrible person to condemn an entire religion. Hater.


Engorged Member
Hitler imprisoned priests and ministers who refused to go along. Doesn't matter what I say, you want to use one horrible person to condemn an entire religion. Hater.
I didn't condemn the religion. I asked if Hitler was forgiven. I guess he must have been because he was a believer and practicing Christian.

El Correcto

god is dead
The left wing article equated sex between adults with sexualizing young children. The reason is that much of the left and most of their gender cult support pedophilia.

That's all.
Carry on.
I’d definitely say getting a 19 year drunk on hard liquor and screwing her when you’re her 45 year old boss is some sexual misconduct.

The Christian cult supports pedophilia everywhere they go. 13 year old women.

El Correcto

god is dead
Not to mention the nazi obsession with the occult and pagan mythology.
Hitler imprisoned priests and ministers who refused to go along. Doesn't matter what I say, you want to use one horrible person to condemn an entire religion. Hater.
Christians hated Jews long before Hitler, long before Germany and long before the Holocaust. Hitler grew up in a country with the blood libel and Judensau depicted on the churches. He grew up in a mostly Protestant society built upon by people like Martin Luther “On the Jews and Their Lies” which basically lays out the Holocaust.

So no it’s not using one terrible man to condemn an entire religion, it’s explaining what society influenced someone like Adolph Hitler and more importantly his base.

Today Germany is doing much better and it is majority non-religious.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's a worldwide phenomenon that use to be normal in the U.S. Getting married at 13 is a bit extreme and probably applied mostly, when it happened, to girls who got pregnant by older boys. But used to be pretty common for 15-20 yr old girls to get married. 21 used to be the legal adult age. Do you see an 18 yr old as a little girl? I'm not advocating anything, just telling you what used to be. Some folks don't want to hear anything but their own beliefs about anything. So much so that when they hear others say something they disagree with they immediately condemn it without trying to understand. I've pondered your situation. I've come to the conclusion that it's a mental health issue. Any man who wants to get his penis slimed with feces probably needs counseling.
Any man who sits around pondering young girls menstrual cycles doesn’t need counseling, he needs his teeth kicked in by an inmate that has nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
Christians hated Jews long before Hitler, long before Germany and long before the Holocaust. Hitler grew up in a country with the blood libel and Judensau depicted on the churches. He grew up in a mostly Protestant society built upon by people like Martin Luther “On the Jews and Their Lies” which basically lays out the Holocaust.

So no it’s not using one terrible man to condemn an entire religion, it’s explaining what society influenced someone like Adolph Hitler and more importantly his base.

Today Germany is doing much better and it is majority non-religious.
I agree.