

Engorged Member
Religion is like the vax supporters. No amount of sense will wake them up. It is a lost cause. Cult mentality.
Yep. It's a cult and they love making fun of "cults" like The Mormons, Adventists, Moonies, Scientologists, Krishnas etc. Anyone who doesn't believe what they do is a "cult member".

El Correcto

god is dead
I don't know why you've very recently decided to start defending the LGBTQ cult.

You know, you can be a gay dude without defending the radical extremist gender ideology that pushes this pedophilia.
There’s a big difference between healthcare for kids and raping a child.
I don’t think all transgender people are correct or in agreement about exactly how to help kids struggling with it. I’m much more sympathetic and in agreement to them than I am to actual cult extremists that chuckle at laws that lead to the execution of gays as being a “little harsh” and calling for the eradication of transgender ideology all together.

Christians will never have good in their heart for something that causes them to feel bad. Something that shows maybe the god in their fairytale is bad and wrong.


Well-Known Member
There’s a big difference between healthcare for kids and raping a child.
I don’t think all transgender people are correct or in agreement about exactly how to help kids struggling with it. I’m much more sympathetic and in agreement to them than I am to actual cult extremists that chuckle at laws that lead to the execution of gays as being a “little harsh” and calling for the eradication of transgender ideology all together.

Christians will never have good in their heart for something that causes them to feel bad. Something that shows maybe the god in their fairytale is bad and wrong.
Where are gays being executed in Christendom?

El Correcto

god is dead
Where are gays being executed in Christendom?
Currently Uganda, historically basically everywhere.
There's a big difference between healthcare and cutting off the breasts of a teenage girl with mental illness.

You're defending the cult that equates those two very different things.
What would you rather be done to a trans person or the “mentally ill” person as you like to refer to them? You know what I see as mental illness is strong religious beliefs about how human beings should be.

El Correcto

god is dead
How old do you have to be to decide you don’t want tits? Why does that bother you so much that a woman would rather cut off her tits and live as a man?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Currently Uganda, historically basically everywhere.

What would you rather be done to a trans person or the “mentally ill” person as you like to refer to them? You know what I see as mental illness is strong religious beliefs about how human beings should be.

I see religious and trans people both as mentally ill. They are both mentally ill from the brainwashing they received in their cult. Prove me wrong!
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Well-Known Member
Currently Uganda, historically basically everywhere.

What would you rather be done to a trans person or the “mentally ill” person as you like to refer to them? You know what I see as mental illness is strong religious beliefs about how human beings should be.
For one I don't think small children should be encouraged to think of themselves as another gender by teachers or eager to virtue signal parents. Removing breasts or genatalia is permanent. Interesting to me that y'all don't want parents input on inappropriate books or teaching schools but do like parents willing to alter the life of a small child. Keep it until the child is an adult and can make such decisions for themselves. Is that asking too much?

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
OK. Translate for us heathens. I appears to me that The Bible gives conflicting passages regarding judgment. God says He's the judge, but John 7:24 appears to condone righteous judgment. Which is it, or do we have another Bible Catch-22?
Why am I going to waste my time throwing pearls before swine. Seems to me your mind is already made up and you’re just looking for a gotcha moment.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
So they would give them back.
Obedience, following instruction. Basic stuff.
A little foreskin is nothing compared to what many would be asked to do.
Not only that, but it’s talking about the circumcision of the heart. Christ is the son of David and David was a musician/poet. Christ spoke in parables. You cannot study scripture for scripture is all revelation for the Bible evokes, it doesn’t de-scribe. But I’m getting ahead of myself here, lol.

Galatians 4:24-26 KJVS
Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. [25] For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. [26] But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

John 6:63 KJVS
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.