

Well-Known Member
For it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. I believe I got that right but may be off a word or two. Since you take everything literally you're probably thinking Jesus is saying it's impossible for a rich man to go to heaven. But then you probably don't know what the eye of the needle is. Definitely not a tiny opening on a small, thin metal object. Cities back then had walls surrounding them. At night the merchants were required to move their camels outside the gates. A door, known as the eye of the needle, was in the gates that a man could easily pass through but was very difficult for a camel. Not impossible, but difficult. Thus the reference.

When the Church was established in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost after Jesus' death the Book of Acts said they held all things in common. In his writings the Apostle Paul talked of taking up a collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem.

Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. He never said that the government should be able to take a disproportionate amount of your income and then buy votes with what they take away from you. A system that would have been totally foreign to them back then. We are a big, rich country with the means to assist those in need. But we're also told if a man won't work he shouldn't eat. If you're able bodied you need to earn your way even if that means working at Walmart, McDonald's, or some such. Creating a dependent class to maintain your power through their votes isn't helping them and isn't Christian. Helping those in need is.
the rich people who impoversh their workers will have a hard time making it to heaven


Well-Known Member
After awhile I didn't take my experiences in the Church seriously either for the simple reason that I knew the kind of lives the people who ran these little country churches lived outside the churches. Do as I say, don't do as I do....plain and simple.

You see VT a person can take any passage of biblical scripture and use it to support any point of view and any style of living they want as long as it will reaffirm their self righteousness.
And you don't get that we believe we need Jesus because of our personal failings. No one is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Since you brought it up let me tell you....Me and Jesus was out drinking the other night and just before he passed out drunk under the table Jesus told me that my application for sainthood is currently under review.
Ricky's Mexican gardener may not be the best help for that.


Well-Known Member
yes ups paid $13/hr when i was there thats a rip off and pathetic
Just looked it up. The low income threshold in Canada for a single adult household is $25,252 a year. Half of Canada's single adults are living in deep poverty with an average income of $11,700. If you are working 40 hours and are making $13hr you're making over $27k a year. And since that was likely your starting pay as you don't stick with jobs too long you could've made more eventually.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
For it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. I believe I got that right but may be off a word or two. Since you take everything literally you're probably thinking Jesus is saying it's impossible for a rich man to go to heaven. But then you probably don't know what the eye of the needle is. Definitely not a tiny opening on a small, thin metal object. Cities back then had walls surrounding them. At night the merchants were required to move their camels outside the gates. A door, known as the eye of the needle, was in the gates that a man could easily pass through but was very difficult for a camel. Not impossible, but difficult. Thus the reference.

When the Church was established in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost after Jesus' death the Book of Acts said they held all things in common. In his writings the Apostle Paul talked of taking up a collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem.

Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. He never said that the government should be able to take a disproportionate amount of your income and then buy votes with what they take away from you. A system that would have been totally foreign to them back then. We are a big, rich country with the means to assist those in need. But we're also told if a man won't work he shouldn't eat. If you're able bodied you need to earn your way even if that means working at Walmart, McDonald's, or some such. Creating a dependent class to maintain your power through their votes isn't helping them and isn't Christian. Helping those in need is.
Interestingly, there is another possible explanation for the camel reference. It seems that darning yarn in the day had a tendency to snarl while being spun into thread, and that those snarls were known as 'camels'. Thus the difficulty of a 'camel' to pass through the eye of a needle.


Well-Known Member
Interestingly, there is another possible explanation for the camel reference. It seems that darning yarn in the day had a tendency to snarl while being spun into thread, and that those snarls were known as 'camels'. Thus the difficulty of a 'camel' to pass through the eye of a needle.
That's possible but since the door of the gate was known as the eye of the needle and was specifically designed to allow people to pass but not camels I'll go with that.


Well-Known Member
Just looked it up. The low income threshold in Canada for a single adult household is $25,252 a year. Half of Canada's single adults are living in deep poverty with an average income of $11,700. If you are working 40 hours and are making $13hr you're making over $27k a year. And since that was likely your starting pay as you don't stick with jobs too long you could've made more eventually.
13/hr back then would be poverty


Inordinately Right
When you have to sit there all morning wasting time listening to a sermon from a bible thumper shaming the congregation over the fact that he wasn't getting paid what he thought he was worth....that is an invitation to leave.
Sounds like you've been going to black churches.
Very common there.


Well-Known Member
"I knew Jesus before he was a superstar". For those who remember that song by Glen Campbell. One of the biggest womanizing drug hounds who ever lived writes and records a Christian song.....and low and behold as usual dumb people whip out their wallets and buy this song without ever questioning whether or not he was living what he was singing.
Please tell us your thoughts on king David as well. He was a pretty flawed person and yet one of God’s favorites , and used to do great things. His ways are not ours.