"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
In this sentence is my only hope for salvation.
But as to the basis of this thread, "are there any faith based Christians here", Jones answered that statement perfectly with his question.
"faith based" reminds me of the terminology that people who profess to be "born again" use. It is the same group who would define Roman Catholics as not being true to Christianity when in fact, as Hoaxster has stated, any Christian sect who derives their theology from the early universal (i.e. "catholic") church have at their core that Jesus died for our sins and that the belief in said act is the key to salvation.
From there they all deviate based on each sects individual interpretation of what is Christianity. Who is the most "faith based" is usually, to the "born again", the sect that most adheres to their interpretation of the bible. And the bible is the only authority that is recognized. The concept of Apostolic Succession is completely rejected by the "born again". The problem is, as it is always with matters of faith, who is right or wrong? I will leave that, as we should all, to the individual.
As for me, I am an ex-Catholic, converted to Methodism, who now describes myself as a Christian agnostic, however strange that may sound.
P.S. I have nothing against born agains, but I find anyone who is overly zealous about their faith a little unnerving.