Christmas trees


Retired 23 years
I used to have one and have no idea what happened to it.
When my Dad passed away we found the family tree that he and Mom bought and had used for years. It was an artificial one about 6 foot high made out of aluminum foil and had a light you put in front of it that had 4 different colored lenses that rotated to make the tree constantly change colors. Us kids thought it was really neat. I wish I would have saved that one too.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
What tree? Christmas is a "four letter word" in this house. Mama absolutely hates it, I dislike it as it has become to commercialized, not like it was 40 years ago when I was a youngin.
That's where I was headed if I stayed at UPS.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Had to go to flipping Home Depot to get a tree because all of the tree farms were closed. Sad day in our house.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member

I broke down and finally bought an artificial tree this year. It's prelit and can change from white to colored lights. I also hung lights on my yard tree which is the neighborhood theme this year.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I've had my little artificial one since I was 11. For some reason I had this obsession with evergreen trees for a while and insisted on having my own in my room.