Frankie's Friend
The story about the rich young man didnt tell me anything about not being perfect like Jesus.
Within the first 5 minutes he misquotes scripture twice, while failing to give chapter and verse. This entire sermon is simply about having a better life through positive speaking, which has no scriptural basis. He has a spinning golden globe behind him, (no cross to be seen anywhere) which is a clear symbol about what he really stands for. Twice more he misquotes scripture between minutes 10 and 20. Right around minute 24 he takes a page from Stuart Smalley with positive affirmation.
His quote about being snared by your words comes from Proverbs 6. It is about making a foolish promise, and how to deliver yourself from it. It's not about tripping yourself up with negative words. This is only one sermon, most of what else I've seen is merely self-help non-sense masquerading as biblical teaching. He cherry picks pieces of verses to lend credence to his teaching, but he utterly misses the point of the scriptures he references.
By the way, the book of Job was written in the style of fictional literature of the time. But you keep trying to make it sound like I'm saying something I am not, i.e. a straw man argument. I am not saying it is bad or sinful to be rich. The rich man who was blameless asked Jesus what else he was missing. Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and follow him. The rich man walked away, saddened by the response. Jesus did that to illustrate that none of us are perfect, like him, and that our salvation is only possible with God, not with man. Don't know how much more clearly I can spell it out.
It spoke to me about loving riches more than loving Jesus. The dude was rich. He didnt own riches. The material things of this world owned him and Jesus knew it.
The rich young man asked what else he had to do to be justified in God's sight and Jesus exposed that he coveted material things over spiritual things...the temporary things of this world trumped obeying God.
Jesus was more interested in personal relationships than just preaching to crowds. Why did tough, worldly men give up every material possession to follow (have a relationship) with Jesus?
Because their hearts were right even though they werent perfect in actions.
The Bible states "let not many of you be teachers" because those that teach will be held more accountable.
I'll watch your clip later today but regardless of anyone else's opinion Joel will be judged for what his motives were in his position. We can do a lot of dumb things with a right heart.
If you see your brother sin you are supposed to go to him and address the situation in a spirit of humility. Have you written Joel or tried to contact him in any way to speak your convictions?
If not, these postings are just reduced to the level of slander and that isnt good for anyone called by the Name of Christ.
Biting and devouring each other is just playing into Satan's plan to discredit the power of God.