its global warming. what u said could be a contributing factor.You understand that the mega fires are due to horribly mismanaged forests, right?
its global warming. what u said could be a contributing factor.You understand that the mega fires are due to horribly mismanaged forests, right?
its global warming. what u said could be a contributing factor.
ok steve keen says otherwise.Wrong, dry warm summers have been around forever along the west coast. The biggest difference over the last 200 years is thicker forests. One - two degree difference wouldn't make a difference on this scale. Not to mention, this has been a relatively cool, wet year. Nope, it's the insane amount of fuel and the density of the forests.
ok steve keen says otherwise.
i could look up james hansen, michael mann, etc, but im not going to. even if im wrong and global warming has nothing to do with it, we still got a problem with global warming.
capitalism is a revolutionary force, it consumes everything until it consumes itself. thats karl marx.
u are the only one who said that its not related to the climate catastrophe. u probably dont even believe in it.You can chalk the wild fires up to brain dead, anti-capitalist environmentalists and their complete failure to understand cause and effect. When there is an economic incentive to manage forests properly, they are managed properly. When destructive Marxists get involved, you only end up with destruction.
u are the only one who said that its not related to the climate catastrophe. u probably dont even believe in it.
u know how externalities work right in regards to markets? maybe there should be economic incentive to manage capitalism properly because im not seeing it. all im seeing is extend and pretend, kick the can down the road.
o btw james hansen agrees with u in part that its a combination of both. in this article he talks about 40 million in corporate welfare for clear cutting!
HansonHansen.Rim Fire LATimes.pdf
im sure u are wrong just like im sure u are wrong about covid. wondering if theres any connection?Climate catastrophe is a fantasy. Climate changes. Humans are likely having an impact on climate, but the variables involved make it nearly impossible to determine what and how much, or what actions will have what impact. The alarmism is based entirely on models that have been proven false so many times that the fact any of it is taken seriously is an indictment of the Marxist propaganda machinery.
Climate scientists have been caught, over and over, faking data, but it is swept under the rug. Why do anti-capitalists hate truth so much? 'Cause it gets in the way of pushing their fantasy agenda.
im sure u are wrong just like im sure u are wrong about covid. wondering if theres any connection?
however i agree with u that we could be doing everything wrong, like doctors dont practice medicine the right way (not even close im sure), economists dont understand economics.
It is a thing to see people with a certain political ideology be wrong about every public policy issue for over 2 decades now. It is devastating for our nation, we can't address actual issues( education, healthcare, over incarceration, extreme poverty, lack of housing, police violence, climate change, wealth inequality/stagnant wages) because we have millions and millions of Americans who'd rather crush other Americans under their feet than solve sure u are wrong just like im sure u are wrong about covid. wondering if theres any connection?
however i agree with u that we could be doing everything wrong, like doctors dont practice medicine the right way (not even close im sure), economists dont understand economics.
cognitive dissonace or something similar is a prevalent feature of workers and capitalism. u identify with your captor. im skeptical of many journalists, govt actions and facts, economists, the system. my faith is with ordinary people who rebel like the mostly peaceful BLM protestors.I'm sure you are wrong about a lot of things too. Guess that makes us even. You do seem to put a lot of faith in the institutions you wish to tear down, though. I wonder if there's a connection between cognitive dissonance and marxism. The answer is yes.
empires eventually turn on themselves so maybe the calls for military violence against americans is the latest sign.It is a thing to see people with a certain political ideology be wrong about every public policy issue for over 2 decades now. It is devastating for our nation, we can't address actual issues( education, healthcare, over incarceration, extreme poverty, lack of housing, police violence, climate change, wealth inequality/stagnant wages) because we have millions and millions of Americans who'd rather crush other Americans under their feet than solve problems.
This is what trump represents, welfare/help for some Americans like them, and nothing for the Americans they hate. This is how trump governs. He says "Why should I help out New York they didn't vote for me?" You can't run an effective government in this manner, so it works for fewer and fewer people.
After many years seeing this behavior and thinking, that's all there is to it. I think they hate other Americans more than they want to save/improve this nation.
its been known for a long time sherlockIf you look at old clip's of Democrat politician's from the 50s to today , they've been using climate change for their campaign's for decades . They need things to run on and that's one of them !!!
cognitive dissonace or something similar is a prevalent feature of workers and capitalism. u identify with your captor. im skeptical of many journalists, govt actions and facts, economists, the system.
its been known for a long time sherlock
I don't care about the "democratic party" per se. I tend to agree with Democratic voters though in terms of their outlooks on what's wrong with this nation and what needs to improve.empires eventually turn on themselves so maybe the calls for military violence against americans is the latest sign.
democrats do alot of bad stuff too including some of what u listed, but republican party is especially demented for its climate catastrophe policy or lack of one.
trump has screwed over his own voters largely. he probably has more in common with corrupt democrats making the rich richer htan anything. thats what people dont understand. what all these parties have in common is the rich get richer, middle class gets smaller, and more poor people. america doesnt have 1 interest. its a country like all countries of competing interests.
i think billionaires gained almost 1 trillion in wealth since covid began.
Indeed. I plainly remember reading about the coming ice age in California school textbooks as late as the early '80s.Yeah, climate has been changing forever. Need to keep the people in a state of panic about it to get their votes. In the 50's they were very concerned about the cooling climate.
I don't care about the "democratic party" per se. I tend to agree with Democratic voters though in terms of their outlooks on what's wrong with this nation and what needs to improve.
So to me the issue isn't the republican party. it is what republican voters desire that's the big problem. Imo, republican voter's desire to screw over the groups of Americans they hate and fear is in conflict and much greater than their expressed desire to help regular Americans and thus it causes them to support an utterly plutocratic party who doesn't want to do anything to help most Americans.
It is this fact of American political life that is crippling us, if the republican party had any interest in helping regular voters, there could be compromise on policy, but they don't give damn, and republican voters will still support them.
Republicans don't discuss policy any longer. Seriously listen to republican senators, the president, republicans in the house, its all conspiracy theory nonsense about covid, the media, hollywood, big tech, and the universities being against republicans. It is pathetic and dangerous.
making themselves better doing what exactly?That perspective can be applied just as easily to Democratic voters and representatives. You think it only applies to your perceived opponents because you see yourself as a good person, and that causes you to believe all the problems must be the fault of the people who aren't like you. I freely acknowledge that people are pretty messed up, no matter their political affiliation. For most people, the best way they can help make the world a better place is to work on making themselves better.