If scientists can determine that human activity is warming the climate with dire consequences, and are working towards feasible solutions then great. But if climate change is used as a way to take away sovereignty and install worldwide socialism, no dice. And a recent example of this was the Biden administration's Green New Deal that was nothing but a liberal wishlist that was all about spending huge sums on socialistic programs but did very little to address climate change problems it was supposed to address.
I get it. You FEEL very strongly about doing the right thing. You believe that the Democratic Party is full of individuals who FEEL strongly also about doing the right thing, whatever that may be. What you don't seem to grasp is the Democratic Party has devolved from the party of Truman and Kennedy into a bunch of grifters grabbing everything not nailed down. They play on your sense of moral outrage to get your vote so that they can continue to grift. And the leadership of special interest groups, whether that's teacher unions or various racial or social minorities, are in on the grift. What you have is a party promising to fight poverty or racism or whatever cause celebre' that's current but never deliver. You can choose to continue to spit in the wind for all the good it'll do you or you can choose to join a populist movement determined to straighten the country out and undo the damage already done before it's too late. Up to you.