The big package
Well-Known Member
And the reason I left the Democratic party along with many others , is because the democratic party always blames others for their screw ups and don't own their own sh--. Their Hippocrates like pro choice abortion even late term ( and wanting taxpayer to pay for it) yet they have concerns for kids at border , or upset about Russia interference in election but no problem with mail in ballots , or rich liberals that never open their wallet's and give big money to the needy or tax people to death and give the money to other countries , or call people on the right racist but refuse to acknowledge their terrible history etc!!!I don't care about the "democratic party" per se. I tend to agree with Democratic voters though in terms of their outlooks on what's wrong with this nation and what needs to improve.
So to me the issue isn't the republican party. it is what republican voters desire that's the big problem. Imo, republican voter's desire to screw over the groups of Americans they hate and fear is in conflict and much greater than their expressed desire to help regular Americans and thus it causes them to support an utterly plutocratic party who doesn't want to do anything to help most Americans.
It is this fact of American political life that is crippling us, if the republican party had any interest in helping regular voters, there could be compromise on policy, but they don't give damn, and republican voters will still support them.
Republicans don't discuss policy any longer. Seriously listen to republican senators, the president, republicans in the house, its all conspiracy theory nonsense about covid, the media, hollywood, big tech, and the universities being against republicans. It is pathetic and dangerous.