Combo jobs


Well-Known Member
I think this is poor management. If they are letting their combo people be like little gods to get away with that type of crap, then its their fault. Management needs to do their jobs and MANAGE.

1)Don't show up for both shifts? Find out why then take the proper steps

2)Continuously show up late? They rag the part timers on my shift for being like 5 minutes late at times because they are having to work two jobs to support themselves and their families and would be thrilled to get a 22.3 job at UPS, but now..seemingly never will. Management needs to again, MANAGE and keep tabs on their 22.3 guys. If they're late all the time like he says, start the discipline process.

3)Do a crummy job? Thats subjective - as long as they are following the UPS methods they've been instructed too, sadly management and their co-workers will have to make the best of the situation.

Management here does keep tabs of the 22.3's on my shift but I will admit - they skirt the rules on almost everything whereas a Driver or part timer would get nailed to the wall. I don't know why management treats the combo people so special and looks the other way. I'm not saying its this way everywhere, just in my hub.

It is just my opinion here, and this is generalized, but to be honest many 22.3 jobs just aren't very important. Yes there are some preload 22.3s, air-drivers, but alot of them are car washing too , working the customer counter, etc...and mangement doesn't really bother checking into what they're doing ; no news is good news. To be honest; if I were management, I'd be more concerned with drivers and pre-load productivity than some of the 22.3s.

Of course, this isn't applicable all the time. I am a 22.3 inside, btw.


I've heard (on here, from friends/family in other hubs) of many combo jobs that have been eliminated. The people that held those jobs were still guaranteed 8 hours but had to work two regular part-time shifts at their original part-time pay. In many cases they were having to work shifts with huge gaps in between. Such as preload and then locoal sort at night. It may or may not be the right thing but I've heard of it happening. If it's wrong then I hope arbitrators (assuming anyone affected fights it) will fix the problem.

I don't see it happening without the eliminated job being recreated in another operation. we are required to maintain a list of all combo jobs so the union can account for them.


Well-Known Member
As a 22.3 combo employee I do my best to fight the "lazy" label given to most combo workers by not being lazy myself. When it comes to leaving early, in my building that used to be a regular practice among combo workers, but a few years ago one particular combo worker abused it and was fired. He got his job back, but that was the end of combo workers leaving after their 1st shift. If that is truly a problem at some buildings all it takes is management to do what they have every right to do to end that practice. I work my full eight hours everyday, and I have only been asked if I wanted to go home early once.


Well-Known Member
I've heard (on here, from friends/family in other hubs) of many combo jobs that have been eliminated. The people that held those jobs were still guaranteed 8 hours but had to work two regular part-time shifts at their original part-time pay. In many cases they were having to work shifts with huge gaps in between. Such as preload and then locoal sort at night. It may or may not be the right thing but I've heard of it happening. If it's wrong then I hope arbitrators (assuming anyone affected fights it) will fix the problem.

Jobs can be moved. Though the senior employee would have the option to follow the work.

If I was pushed to a lower paying full-time job due to not enough work for my current position - I'd be filing unemployment for the loss of wages.


Strength through joy
Never heard of this stuff.
I always considered that a combo job meant that you had to work 8 hours daily. And that is what I have been doing since '99 { first year combo } .

happy harry

Well-Known Member
I think this is poor management. If they are letting their combo people be like little gods to get away with that type of crap, then its their fault. Management needs to do their jobs and MANAGE.

I think this is smart management. If I was a supervisor and i had a friend/t combo employee willing to go home I sure as hell would let him go. Lets say for the sake of argument i am the supervisor on the preload and receiving this friend/t worker for the second half of his shift. I am given the opportunity to let him/her go home it is in my best interest to do so. This allows me to use fewer guarenteed hours and allow myself the option of using 1 or more part timers who are only guaranteed 3.5 hours instead of the 4.0 i have to use the friend/t employee for.

1)Don't show up for both shifts? Find out why then take the proper steps

2)Continuously show up late? They rag the part timers on my shift for being like 5 minutes late at times because they are having to work two jobs to support themselves and their families and would be thrilled to get a 22.3 job at UPS, but now..seemingly never will. Management needs to again, MANAGE and keep tabs on their 22.3 guys. If they're late all the time like he says, start the discipline process.

Well first they should talk to the employee about being late. Afford him/her that courtesy. If they countinue to abuse it,then they should start the discipline process. If you as a supervisor are going to discipline a p/t employee then its only fair to do the same with the friend/t. Firm but fair.

3)Do a crummy job? Thats subjective - as long as they are following the UPS methods they've been instructed too, sadly management and their co-workers will have to make the best of the situation.

I agree. I am a major advocate for following the UPS methods. Leave it up to management to make management descisions.

Management here does keep tabs of the 22.3's on my shift but I will admit - they skirt the rules on almost everything whereas a Driver or part timer would get nailed to the wall. I don't know why management treats the combo people so special and looks the other way. I'm not saying its this way everywhere, just in my hub.



Well-Known Member
I am coming late to this argument, but as a supe I have had 22.3s who were thefirst half of their day and some which werethe second half of their jobs. My problem is that as the Wise Man said, nobody can serve two masters. Lord help the parttime supe who is trying to run a belt and his 22.3 are cover drivers or drivers running half days. That4 hour day becomes 5 or 6 (with lunch). And by then the 22.3 have shot their wad for the day and have virtually no energy for the second half of their days. The 22.3 soon have an attitude that only the first part of their day is the "real" job.
And for a truly neurotic experience, give a supe a 22.3 when your shift is not Monday through Friday. Many hubs have a Sunday through Thursday noonday shift and on that Sunday your shift is already behind the eightball in manpower and expertise.To the newbie hourly, the fact that a 22.3 can waltz in halfway through a Monday afternoon and start his hub workweek after the newbie has put in a day and a half makes the 22.3 look lazy.
I like the 22.3 idea. You keep quality people and they are given two shifts in which one shift should give their tired bodies and minds a rest. But some of these combinations are insane.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised, but then again... They need to understand most of those people who got the combo jobs are probably burned out by UPS. If they had gotten a combo job sooner they might not be so lazy. :smart: