Comey Testimony


Inordinately Right
remember comey saying clinton was under investigation again, three days before the election. Did you say he was crediable then to
When did I say he was credible?
This whole freaking thing is a joke. Comey's a joke, Trump's a freaking joke, everyone who is entertained by this circus is a freaking joke.

The whole office of the presidency is a joke, it has been for a long time, and Trump and his band of fools is taking it to a whole new level.


Nine Lives
Was she the one who was shaking like she had Parkinson's?
I found this post on a Yahoo board:
Does Sen. Susan Collins of Maine have Parkinson's or Alzheimers?

"I live in her senate district in Maine. It's a well know fact here she suffers from a psych-neurological condition causing head tremors and broken speech. It's not Parkinson as some claim. It's believed to go back to an . Some psychologists here claim it's caused by unresolved anger from an early childhood psychological trauma still untreated."

I've heard her on Pundit Shows lately and she seems pretty smart and sharp.


Inordinately Right
I found this post on a Yahoo board:
Does Sen. Susan Collins of Maine have Parkinson's or Alzheimers?

"I live in her senate district in Maine. It's a well know fact here she suffers from a psych-neurological condition causing head tremors and broken speech. It's not Parkinson as some claim. It's believed to go back to an . Some psychologists here claim it's caused by unresolved anger from an early childhood psychological trauma still untreated."
That checks out lol. Bye felicia.


Nine Lives
So you are saying Comey is credible.
It's all relative but as far as people in the Washington circus, he is above average in credibility ... even after his testimony in the Senate hearing.

His testimony was credible overall but there are some serious road bumps that upset the totally credible angle. Some of his testimony was hard to believe.


was listening to the ralph nader radio hour and theres a grass roots movement to get trump impeached (not sure if they were joking) but anyways theres a ton of stuff they could get him on plus parts of the establishment might not like him as well.