Complete Trump phone call, transcript included


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing against Trump, but it wasn't bright to be cajoling the secretary of state of the very state that is having an incredibly important runoff election tomorrow. No matter how you look at it, if found out, and it was, it's not helping his case to remain president. Especially when he got impeached over a phone call(bogus of course but Dems believed it true with a passion). I know we have a train wreck around the corner with Biden, we Trump supporters believe Trump can run the country better. But at this point so many are against him that last minute dramatics like pushing for $2000 or this phone call only remind people of why they voted against him.
You're buying into the spin. if you read the entire transcript it's an attempt by Trump and his attorneys to review their concerns with the state's findings and to be able to compare notes. but the state is refusing to compare notes or to even look at many of the issues that Trump and his lawyers are bringing up .in fact if you read through the transcript there's quite a few points that Trump and his lawyers are asking about that the state is admitting that they never looked into it and that they have no desire to look into it .That's not how an election is verified That's just totally wrong.
The integrity of the election can only be maintained by having total transparency. Instead the state of Georgia is covering up their incompetence by disallowing transparency.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I can’t speak for Trump either but I hear something completely different. I hear a man desperate and damn near terrified. And my opinion of him is that I would be desperate and terrified if I were him as well.
Why would he be?
He can pardon himself and Scotland doesn't extradite political prosecutions.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s amazing the video, audio, and signed affidavits proving voter fraud and the media is silent, nothing to see here, don’t believe your lying eyes.
But Trump is “caught and recorded “ breaking the law in a telephone conversation.


Staff member
Keep in mind one fact that might weigh heavily on matters going forward. Biden has yet to submit his nominee for Attorney General. Who that person is and what that person does with Trump is something for which we'll just have to wait and see.
Can he really do anything to Trump? Prosecute him, and he alienates half the country.


Staff member
Honestly, if Trump doesn't pardon himself, I think Biden will pardon him.
He'll say he's doing it to "start the healing process", or "to bring together a divided country".


Staff member
I agree completely.
But this is politics. Does Joe alienate half the country?
Slowly. I imagine we’ll see things “leak out” and become “declassified” and certain financial interests of the former president become somehow entangled in “ongoing audits” that tie up liquidity.


Staff member
Honestly, if Trump doesn't pardon himself, I think Biden will pardon him.
He'll say he's doing it to "start the healing process", or "to bring together a divided country".
No. Trump is going to twist in the wind between elected official and failed businessman.


Staff member