My current center manager was a driver, my previous center manager only has his GED and in my building we have 3+ sups with no college
I hate to burst you bubble but your statement of "my previous center manager only has his GED and in my building we have 3+ sups with no college" should tell you something ain't right in Denmark. They are currently scrapping the bottom of the barrel to get any entry level management people.
Another telling story is that for the most part the higher seniority or active union members on this site are ignoring you and not pleading for you not to jump (just asking that question makes you a scab in their eyes)...You get the hint? They want you to jump.... The truth hurts but you are considering playing Russian roulette with your career plans at UPS...What happens when your socipathic bosses orders you to do something illegal or asks you to fire or harass a good driver just to teach a lesson, whether it sticks or not...What will you do?
Report him to his Boss who was the one who actually made the order ....It is one big pecking order with our current management work environment if anything goes wrong they will throw you under the bus in a second...You will not find any moral integrity it is all situational ethics and it will be getting worse as they start gutting their own...
"Go on Bud, just sign the papers" (and remember what I just told you)
Best of Luck on whatever you decide....