Frankie's Friend
FACT!Geezus that's so obtuse and without any critical thinking that it's pathetic.
All parties involved friend-ing know, understand and acknowledge that people are buying all their chit online and in turn forcing all delivery service companies to now run a six day operation with a 24 hour / 7 day a week operation for FedEx, ups and the post office being just around the corner.
Again , we all know that this in turn means that UPS will have to have SOMEONE working on the weekend to deliver the packages. No friend-ing chit Sherlock.
And yes; hardly any rpcd wants to work on the weekend...
So you think this means that the only solution is to hire a "combo" driver who will...
---work weekends,
---have absurd and/or SHIFTING work times during the week,
---NOT have 9.5 protection
---could actually be fired anytime for technology once he's making enough money in progression.
( all they would have to do is put him in the hub preloading or sorting and ding him on misloads or missed scans and hes gone because guess what; he's not actually driving at that moment , is he? So the discipline through technology could stick ).
And for all this cow manure he/she has to put up with he gets
Rewarded , I said friend-ING R-E-W-A-R-D-E-D with at e very least, a $6.00 an hour decrease in pay ! I mean that's just flipping brilliant.
Here's a quick thought off the top of my head:
How about the company just hires more regular friggain package car drivers and pays them equal pay to the existing package car drivers. You see, everything here at UPS goes by seniority if you weren't aware. Soooooo, stay with me here Gomer. The newest and less senior drivers in my scenario have to drive on the weekends. It's that friggain simple.
Oh , you say " but they don't want to work on weekends because they are RPCD". And in turn I say " too bad" ; every single driver that's come up through this company has had to work a sub-optimal condition when first starting out. They've either had to be a cover driver or work a weekend day or " wait by the phone" hoping there's enough work for them this week etc. etc. etc.
Why should is situation be any different. If you're a low seniority driver you may have to accept a bid that involved a Saturday or Sunday or both , until you earn enough seniority to bid a mon-Friday route !
It's not that hard to figure out. You act like an RPCD who's extremely low on the totem pole would be allowed to just say
" I don't want to work the weekend so I won't ! "
They don't have that choice. Seniority rules. They get forced to work it but they get the absolute same pay. If our leadership and the company had any morals they would actually maybe even pay them a small premium for working chitty weekends. But NOOOooo; they actually want to CUT their pay . Unbelievable!
Of course, this is the fix from the ibt nma negotiators.
And ol @Tony Q supports this.
But was this a trade off issue to enhance pensions?
We're seeing this from the bottom so as a stand alone issue it sucks but if it was a trade off to better other issues it may make more sense.
We dont have that info and if transparency was prevalent the outrage maybe would abate somewhat...
Just my opinion.