Contract Change proposals. "On Topic Only Please"


Well-Known Member
When I started driving in 1991, the dispatch was set at 8.75 hours a day. Good times.
And a true 8.75.... they would make cuts of 10-15 packages to hit that number and I felt they were serious about it... now a driver has a stop county that can be over by 40-50 and nobody blinks an eye and if said driver can’t get it done then everybody is on their ass including the drivers who have to go bail him out....pathetic

The Real Jack RyanMI6

Well-Known Member
No 22.4s not needed
A driver is a driver same job same pay
1. Monday-Friday
2. Wednesday-Sunday
3. All M-friend have option to switch to W-S if desired for90 days after ratification of contract.
4. Upon retire or trsnsfter, or need for growth in ctr. Any M-friend can be filled by W-S


LeBrown Shames
The whole Bay Area is crazy...places like Oakland where it was once considered “affordable “ is now blowing up....let’s not even talk about Orange County or San Diego area.....
Some on here claim that we should live below our means. That's just it, I do and it's getting harder and harder. I thank God I'm no where near S.friend. but it's getting there.


Well-Known Member
No 22.4s not needed
A driver is a driver same job same pay
1. Monday-Friday
2. Wednesday-Sunday
3. All M-friend have option to switch to W-S if desired for90 days after ratification of contract.
4. Upon retire or trsnsfter, or need for growth in ctr. Any M-friend can be filled by W-S

You're exactly right which is why the 22.4's need to have a set amount of hours in the building and then protection when on road


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know. That’s why the contract states that they will move all of these drivers back to M-friend schedules within 2 years while replacing the weekend routes with 22.4 drivers. What’s so hard to understand about this? RPCD driver s have unanimously stated that they don’t want to work weekends. YOU CANT SAY THE COMPANY SHOULD HIRE MORE RCPDS WHILE SAYING YOU DONT WANT TO WORK WEEKENDS AS A RPCD. YOU CAN NOT HIRE MORE PEOPLE TO WORK WEEKEND SHIFTS WHEN A DEPENDENT STIPULATION IS THAT THEY DONT WORK WEEKEND SHIFTS.

Geezus that's so obtuse and without any critical thinking that it's pathetic.

All parties involved friend-ing know, understand and acknowledge that people are buying all their chit online and in turn forcing all delivery service companies to now run a six day operation with a 24 hour / 7 day a week operation for FedEx, ups and the post office being just around the corner.

Again , we all know that this in turn means that UPS will have to have SOMEONE working on the weekend to deliver the packages. No friend-ing chit Sherlock.

And yes; hardly any rpcd wants to work on the weekend...
So you think this means that the only solution is to hire a "combo" driver who will...

---work weekends,
---have absurd and/or SHIFTING work times during the week,
---NOT have 9.5 protection
---could actually be fired anytime for technology once he's making enough money in progression.
( all they would have to do is put him in the hub preloading or sorting and ding him on misloads or missed scans and hes gone because guess what; he's not actually driving at that moment , is he? So the discipline through technology could stick ).

And for all this cow manure he/she has to put up with he gets
Rewarded , I said friend-ING R-E-W-A-R-D-E-D with at e very least, a $6.00 an hour decrease in pay ! I mean that's just flipping brilliant.

Here's a quick thought off the top of my head:

How about the company just hires more regular friggain package car drivers and pays them equal pay to the existing package car drivers. You see, everything here at UPS goes by seniority if you weren't aware. Soooooo, stay with me here Gomer. The newest and less senior drivers in my scenario have to drive on the weekends. It's that friggain simple.

Oh , you say " but they don't want to work on weekends because they are RPCD". And in turn I say " too bad" ; every single driver that's come up through this company has had to work a sub-optimal condition when first starting out. They've either had to be a cover driver or work a weekend day or " wait by the phone" hoping there's enough work for them this week etc. etc. etc.

Why should is situation be any different. If you're a low seniority driver you may have to accept a bid that involved a Saturday or Sunday or both , until you earn enough seniority to bid a mon-Friday route !

It's not that hard to figure out. You act like an RPCD who's extremely low on the totem pole would be allowed to just say
" I don't want to work the weekend so I won't ! "

They don't have that choice. Seniority rules. They get forced to work it but they get the absolute same pay. If our leadership and the company had any morals they would actually maybe even pay them a small premium for working chitty weekends. But NOOOooo; they actually want to CUT their pay . Unbelievable!


Well-Known Member
Obviously a lot of discontented viewpoints regarding the TA.

I suggest that instead of just saying it is garbage and voting no, that you actually come of with some alternatives to the language that might work in further negotiations.

You may actually have the opportunity to present ideas to language change.

Caution, use the language that is already on the table because remember there is a handshake agreement across the table and the language is eventually going to be close to this. Stay close to the language or you will just be viewed as a malcontent.

Are you just a malcontent?

If you are, my suggestion for the overall good is you just remain silent.

Malcontents make people who believe in the Union process look bad. That is one of the reasons unions don't garner the support in this country as they once did.

Example of TA language changes suggestion: the TA reads

Article 22.4(b)
  1. All 22.4 combination drivers shall be guaranteed eight (8) consecutive hours of straight time pay per day, if reporting as scheduled. All 22.4 combination drivers shall work a five (5) consecutive day schedule of Tuesday through Saturday or Wednesday through Sunday. This paragraph shall supersede any Supplement, Rider, or Addendum on the same subject.

    I believe this should be changed to this:(change in bold)

    Article 22.4(b)

    5. All 22.4 combination drivers shall be guaranteed eight (8) consecutive hours of straight time pay per day, if reporting as scheduled. All 22.4 combination drivers shall work a five (5) consecutive day schedule of Tuesday through Saturday or Sunday through Thursday This paragraph shall supersede any Supplement, Rider, or Addendum on the same subject.

All 22.4 should be paid driver rate when driving and inside rate when working inside. If drive all day for 30 days straight new bid should be created for full time package car. 22.4 should have the right to get on 9.5 list.
Oh... and if 22.4 drives while regular drivers are on layoff then center manager should be subject to termination.


Well-Known Member
Geezus that's so obtuse and without any critical thinking that it's pathetic.

All parties involved friend-ing know, understand and acknowledge that people are buying all their chit online and in turn forcing all delivery service companies to now run a six day operation with a 24 hour / 7 day a week operation for FedEx, ups and the post office being just around the corner.

Again , we all know that this in turn means that UPS will have to have SOMEONE working on the weekend to deliver the packages. No friend-ing chit Sherlock.

And yes; hardly any rpcd wants to work on the weekend...
So you think this means that the only solution is to hire a "combo" driver who will...

---work weekends,
---have absurd and/or SHIFTING work times during the week,
---NOT have 9.5 protection
---could actually be fired anytime for technology once he's making enough money in progression.
( all they would have to do is put him in the hub preloading or sorting and ding him on misloads or missed scans and hes gone because guess what; he's not actually driving at that moment , is he? So the discipline through technology could stick ).

And for all this cow manure he/she has to put up with he gets
Rewarded , I said friend-ING R-E-W-A-R-D-E-D with at e very least, a $6.00 an hour decrease in pay ! I mean that's just flipping brilliant.

Here's a quick thought off the top of my head:

How about the company just hires more regular friggain package car drivers and pays them equal pay to the existing package car drivers. You see, everything here at UPS goes by seniority if you weren't aware. Soooooo, stay with me here Gomer. The newest and less senior drivers in my scenario have to drive on the weekends. It's that friggain simple.

Oh , you say " but they don't want to work on weekends because they are RPCD". And in turn I say " too bad" ; every single driver that's come up through this company has had to work a sub-optimal condition when first starting out. They've either had to be a cover driver or work a weekend day or " wait by the phone" hoping there's enough work for them this week etc. etc. etc.

Why should is situation be any different. If you're a low seniority driver you may have to accept a bid that involved a Saturday or Sunday or both , until you earn enough seniority to bid a mon-Friday route !

It's not that hard to figure out. You act like an RPCD who's extremely low on the totem pole would be allowed to just say
" I don't want to work the weekend so I won't ! "

They don't have that choice. Seniority rules. They get forced to work it but they get the absolute same pay. If our leadership and the company had any morals they would actually maybe even pay them a small premium for working chitty weekends. But NOOOooo; they actually want to CUT their pay . Unbelievable!

Dollar Chasing

Well-Known Member
Geezus that's so obtuse and without any critical thinking that it's pathetic.

All parties involved friend-ing know, understand and acknowledge that people are buying all their chit online and in turn forcing all delivery service companies to now run a six day operation with a 24 hour / 7 day a week operation for FedEx, ups and the post office being just around the corner.

Again , we all know that this in turn means that UPS will have to have SOMEONE working on the weekend to deliver the packages. No friend-ing chit Sherlock.

And yes; hardly any rpcd wants to work on the weekend...
So you think this means that the only solution is to hire a "combo" driver who will...

---work weekends,
---have absurd and/or SHIFTING work times during the week,
---NOT have 9.5 protection
---could actually be fired anytime for technology once he's making enough money in progression.
( all they would have to do is put him in the hub preloading or sorting and ding him on misloads or missed scans and hes gone because guess what; he's not actually driving at that moment , is he? So the discipline through technology could stick ).

And for all this cow manure he/she has to put up with he gets
Rewarded , I said friend-ING R-E-W-A-R-D-E-D with at e very least, a $6.00 an hour decrease in pay ! I mean that's just flipping brilliant.

Here's a quick thought off the top of my head:

How about the company just hires more regular friggain package car drivers and pays them equal pay to the existing package car drivers. You see, everything here at UPS goes by seniority if you weren't aware. Soooooo, stay with me here Gomer. The newest and less senior drivers in my scenario have to drive on the weekends. It's that friggain simple.

Oh , you say " but they don't want to work on weekends because they are RPCD". And in turn I say " too bad" ; every single driver that's come up through this company has had to work a sub-optimal condition when first starting out. They've either had to be a cover driver or work a weekend day or " wait by the phone" hoping there's enough work for them this week etc. etc. etc.

Why should is situation be any different. If you're a low seniority driver you may have to accept a bid that involved a Saturday or Sunday or both , until you earn enough seniority to bid a mon-Friday route !

It's not that hard to figure out. You act like an RPCD who's extremely low on the totem pole would be allowed to just say
" I don't want to work the weekend so I won't ! "

They don't have that choice. Seniority rules. They get forced to work it but they get the absolute same pay. If our leadership and the company had any morals they would actually maybe even pay them a small premium for working chitty weekends. But NOOOooo; they actually want to CUT their pay . Unbelievable!

All this talk about looking out for your future brothers and sisters, and yet you want to make low-seniority drivers do the crappy shifts you don’t want to do, and justify it with overtime pay? Those drivers get paid less than top pay because they’re still in progression, and when they get out of progression, they’ll move into M-friend shifts ASAP, which will force more low-seniority drivers into those spots. You’re not fixing any problems with this solution, since 22.4s will get top rate for them soon enough, and overtime over 8, so they’ll make the same amount if not more (or posssibly SLIGHTLY less) than a RPCD would working that shift, while also getting to work inside some doing easier-than-RPCD work. Obtuse? No critical thinking? I don’t think so. 22.4 makes sense, and it makes sense the way it is.


Got the T-Shirt
When I started driving in 1991, the dispatch was set at 8.75 hours a day. Good times.

Ha !

Those were the days, if you went over 9.5 they had you in the office the next morning

wanting to know what happened. Back then they did physical time studies and the time

allowances were fair.... and 90% of the drivers would run scratch.