Actually, the few facts that Stink,407 and real' have shared looses all credibility with all of their childish name calling post. Both sides made their points about 700 post ago, but enjoy running up their posting numbers and acting like they have something new to say. Personally, I respect the fact that some BC members are so adamate with their views for or against the proposed TA, but the least we can do is keep it a discussion.
We will ALL know in a few weeks the real outcome of this contract. Some will be satisfied and others will feel screwed with the results.
The contract proposal/supplimentals have been put out here on the internet in a couple of places. JUST GO READ IT and decide for yourself how you want to vote. JUST MAKE SURE YOU VOTE! I'm sure we can ALL accept with the results (for or against it) if 80+% of the Union employees at least VOTE. But if the out come of the contract is decided with a less than 50% voter turn out, this destructive internal union employee fued will just continue.