Contract news?


Well-Known Member
What did the central states pension do differently than the western conference pension? How did central states get in such dire straits?
I could be mistaken, but from what I've gathered from reading other threads on the issue, it has a lot to do with the disproportionate amount of retirees in the CS plan from companies other than UPS. Many of which no longer exist.


Senior Member
What did the central states pension do differently than the western conference pension? How did central states get in such dire straits?
Very bad investments. Played the bubble and lost.
Western took a prudent long term investment view and prevailed.


New Member
Where did you get this statement? I hope it wasnt tdu, dont believe everything on tdu!

I would be willing to walk a picket line before agreeing to any of those kickbacks. 4 years to progress, cutting of ptimers hours, helpers year round and air drivers doing grounds, hall will never agree to these!

in the UK if your face fits and kiss ass plus no nothing you can progress in 3 mouths I have team leaders at my centre who don't even no all the jobs there and just do the same thing day in day out I think if you can not do the job your self then you are not ready to move up here in the UK the turn over of staff is very high as a lot of the management have NO man management skills at all


Based on how this thread is meanering, I hate to bring it up, but I can tell you that as a 15 year supervisor, I made significantly less than a full wage driver. Including the stock at the end of the year (ignore the effect of the ex-wife). Now that I am at 20+, I may be equal but that is it. Stock is not the answer it used to be for management, but some of us will be here because of the 'golden handcuffs'. Can't really afford to stay, can't afford to leave. Keep that in mind as hourly wages are evaluated. Upper level salaries I can't speak too.


Senior Member
You are aware that ups also has trustees on the cs plan, right? What quarantee do we have the same wont happen? Ups (trustees) had to approve the investments.
You also are aware that the federal government mandated that the teamsters could no longer control the investments of CS due to mob influence. UPS has no say as to CS's investment stradegy(sp), which has been dismal.


Browncafe Steward
You also are aware that the federal government mandated that the teamsters could no longer control the investments of CS due to mob influence. UPS has no say as to CS's investment stradegy(sp), which has been dismal.
Satelite what year was that mandate? So you are admitting that its not all the teamsters fault? Not trying to spin your response but you are the first one to admit that the government has been handling the cs plan and hold some blame on this also.


Well-Known Member
It's the Teamsters fault that the Gov had to step in friend, as they were way out of control with our money!


Browncafe Steward
It's the Teamsters fault that the Gov had to step in friend, as they were way out of control with our money!
Cole your right, but how long ago was that? It did not happen recently, but everyone wants to blame the teamsters of today for that! Its like comparing what the president and the congress did 20 years ago and blaming it all on bush and congressman of today. Both (teamsters and bushs administration) have their flaws but we cant blame everything on them. See what i mean cole!


Senior Member
Satelite what year was that mandate? So you are admitting that its not all the teamsters fault? Not trying to spin your response but you are the first one to admit that the government has been handling the cs plan and hold some blame on this also.
Teamsters/Hoffa/ Mafia controlled the investments in CS until the govt took their hand out of the cookie jar, but not their influence over CS.
I would have to look up the date when that happened and it is too late tonight.
The government has never handled the CS plan. It only regulated who could not use it for a slush fund.
If CS continues going south with our pension, the the govt will step in and handle it.
Sweet Jesus, I hope that day never comes around.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean Red, but we cannot ignore what was done with the massive amounts of members money in those days, and it was Hoffa's Dad that was in office when it happened. If they had not allowed the crooks free rein with our money, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

It happened then when people were not paying attention, and we have to relflect on the how's and why's to keep it from ever happenning again, and it could happen no matter who our Union is, if people do not get involved and hold the union accountable.


Browncafe Steward
I know exactly what you mean Red, but we cannot ignore what was done with the massive amounts of members money in those days, and it was Hoffa's Dad that was in office when it happened. If they had not allowed the crooks free rein with our money, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

It happened then when people were not paying attention, and we have to relflect on the how's and why's to keep it from ever happenning again, and it could happen no matter who our Union is, if people do not get involved and hold the union accountable.
Hey im all for holding the union accountable, but i do take exception when i see people slam the union and attempt to divide and conquer. Especially when they had a hand in undermining the union, now they want to slam and bash the unions efforts when they themselves didnt give any effort in supporting of the union.


Well-Known Member
If I gave you $10,000 today to put onto the central states pension fund. How long would it take for it to disappear? Some people on here still think it's a good deal.


Browncafe Steward
If I gave you $10,000 today to put onto the central states pension fund. How long would it take for it to disappear? Some people on here still think it's a good deal.
I havent seen any where in this thread where any one thinks the cs pension is a good deal! But just because ups is considering buying out doesnt mean that ups's proposal will be better, just have to wait and see. If ups is willing to spend between $4 billion and $12 billion to do it you have to ask why? Whats the reason behind it!


Well-Known Member
Hey im all for holding the union accountable, but i do take exception when i see people slam the union and attempt to divide and conquer. Especially when they had a hand in undermining the union, now they want to slam and bash the unions efforts when they themselves didnt give any effort in supporting of the union.

Sentiments well understood, GREAT SIGNATURE!!


Senior Member
Hey im all for holding the union accountable, but i do take exception when i see people slam the union and attempt to divide and conquer. Especially when they had a hand in undermining the union, now they want to slam and bash the unions efforts when they themselves didnt give any effort in supporting of the union.


Browncafe Steward
Are you asking if you fit into that description? Are you feeling a little guilty for something?

Yes you are one of the people i was talking about. Obviously you made some bad decisions which undermined the teamsters, now you attempt to bash the teamsters for failures while at the same time you wouldnt stand next to us in a time of crisis(97 strike). When times got tough you tucked tail and ran, while the teamsters (of today) are attempting to fix the cs pension plan without causing more damage to it and still its not good enough for you. I understand that the plan is probably one big hit away from going belly up, but some of the investments over the last 2 or 3 years has helped grow slowly. Its no where near where we all would like to see it, and its not fair to all participants of that plan, but its also not fair to rip away at the structure of the teamster core because of what happened years ago. I am not a hoffa fan did not vote for the guy but he won an election that over 80% of us decided wasnt important enough to make a check mark and stick into 2 envelopes and drop into a mailbox, it doesnt get any easy then that!

My whole point here is the teamsters arent perfect, ups isnt perfect, alot of things in life arent perfect, and sometimes its easy to just complain about it. Then their are guys who will stand up for what the believe without bashing the efforts of those involved by having their voices heard and showing a support for their union without attempting to dismantle it.