Contract passed!


Well-Known Member
Yes it is, however they shouldn’t be expressing their opinions at all. It’s supposed to be reports on actual happenings, unbiased to inform its citizens. I get mine through Breitbart. Who is biased, but less so.
People see their side news agencies less bias, because that is what they see as truth.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
People see their side news agencies less bias, because that is what they see as truth.
Well when I see a news agency criticizing both sides, I see that as less biased. And again, that is my point. There is only news. It should all be just truth. Truth isn’t debatable, or at least it shouldn’t be.


Well-Known Member
Funny part is didn’t really need to receive anything in the mail if you would’ve called your union hall. They could’ve sent you a text to your phone with a link and a code to vote as long as your dues were paid. Had a couple dozen people do it yesterday.
Correct. Never received a paper ballot. Called my local and 5 minutes later I had my vote submitted.


Well-Known Member
I want my $170k now! How long is it going to take to settle this dispute with the Cubans?

Jim Rockford

Well-Known Member
Ok, so who says I can’t vent my frustration? I’m allowed. I think this is still america?
They could have negotiated that all male drivers must wear a brown poodle skirt and wear a rainbow strap on and 90 percent would vote yes as long as it had an 8 dollar raise…and then tell you to quit if you object. Thats just the new reality.