Well-Known Member
We do not stand a chance of getting a good contract, until we get a new group in the IBT. Plain and simple. "Keep doing what you've always done, and you'll keep getting what you've always got".Why not? International brother hood!!!! Brother!!! We should be under the same ups contract right.... o wait, they have diff health care and pension systems.... thus proving my point.
You guys must have each others phone numbers and group chat all day about browncafe... would be nice if you guys would put all this energy into a contract with no concessions instead!!!
If you voted the present IBT officers in, then nothing is going to change. Why would it?When is the last time, you ever sensed an actual fight between UPS and the IBT? Not a deal to continue business as usual, BUT AN ACTUAL FIGHT between the two?
UPS will tell the IBT what they are willing to do. The IBT will get it passed.
Smoke in mirrors, concessions, or just lying to the members. Fighting is not an option.